Mitch McConnel Bravely Tells The Corporate Elite To Stay Out Of Politics

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.
So let me get this straight.

Corporations are taking away our first amendment rights by censoring Conservatives on social media, and that is Ok.

But a Republican tells corporations they need to straighten up and he becomes the threatening fascist insurgent?


Corporate America have gone to war with the GOP, and with over 70 million Americans.

God forbid they get angry about it.

How does it feel to lick the arse of the top 1% as a Lefty?
Corporate America is the GOP. The Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of big business.
If that was remotely true then why are they coming out against this voter ID that makes Georgia’s voter laws just about the same as every other state?

All these big corporations are run by leftist morons that supported BLM and Biden.

How the hell would you know they are leftists? What'd the most high-powered job you have ever had?
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Oh, honey, I've had far more manly men try - and fail - to control me and order me around. Your sad little pimply self doesn't have a hope in Hell.

Don't "sshhh" your superiors, Junior. Learn to deal with an open forum, or get your snowflake ass outta here.
You're not my superior, whackjob.

Junior, I am superior to you in every way, including being perceptive enough to know how lame you actually are.

Once again I say, learn to deal with this being an open forum, or go cry somewhere else.
MLB, in an attempt to protest supposed racism, moves their Allstar game out of majority black Atlanta, and to Lilly white Denver......and a state with more restrictive voting laws.

What woke dumbasses.:laughing0301:
Let's play Remember When: Remember when Mitchy Boy held COVID stimulus for 6 months because he didn't want the peasants to be able to sue their corporate masters if they got COVID and died at work?

Remember when Democrats stalled Covid relief right before the election? No, of course you don't.
You said you were out and see us later, then posted 10 minutes later.

Ever hear of smartphones, kid?
Corporate America is the GOP. The Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of big business.
I have to tell you, we're not feeling like corporate America is the GOP right now. More like they're the Marxist Brothers.
If that was remotely true then why are they coming out against this voter ID that makes Georgia’s voter laws just about the same as every other state?

All these big corporations are run by leftist morons that supported BLM and Biden.

Apparently so! That was a surprise.

Boycotts needed.
If that was remotely true then why are they coming out against this voter ID that makes Georgia’s voter laws just about the same as every other state?

All these big corporations are run by leftist morons that supported BLM and Biden.

Apparently so! That was a surprise.

Boycotts needed.
I don't think so. I recall when Sen Trent Lott got in "hot water" for saying Ole Strom was right about laws forcing private companies to serve black people were unnecessary (and unconst). What was lost in the furor was his central tenet that KFC and Wal-Mart would have enforced blacks' purchasing simply to gain market share.

He was a sage when it came to public accomodations. (-:
I don't think so. I recall when Sen Trent Lott got in "hot water" for saying Ole Strom was right about laws forcing private companies to serve black people were unnecessary (and unconst). What was lost in the furor was his central tenet that KFC and Wal-Mart would have enforced blacks' purchasing simply to gain market share.

He was a sage when it came to public accomodations. (-:
I think the corporations believe America is turning black and so they want to look good for the new demographic. That's why everything is black, black, black in ads and so on these days. Most of it makes very little sense and isn't true to reality, such as pushing all the miscegenation on us that they do by constantly showing black/white couples. I notice since the violence against Orientals has started, they've been pushing those mixed race couples in ads now.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.
Is he saying republicans will stop taking campaign money from corporations if they don't stop criticizing voter suppression??...damn. I will have to see that with my own eyes.
Just how close did Trump come to taking down America's democracy and replacing it with his fascist regime.

As close as it was to Trump being able to steal the election by convincing his supporters that he was cheated out of the presidency.

Biden/Xiden must follow through with the gifts to the ordinary American people. They're not going to be content to be cheated out of their piece of the American pie again!

If Biden is prevented from delivering, the people are going to Trump again and in 'real' large enough numbers to allow Trump's fascism to win against America's democracy.

Can Biden possibly fail?

Yes, because far too many Americans are convinced that the 'American way' is more important than the decent standards demanded by the world's leading democracies.

When will be know the answer?

Just as soon as it's established that Biden has succeeded with his huge infrastructure bill!
Oh, honey, I've had far more manly men try - and fail - to control me and order me around. Your sad little pimply self doesn't have a hope in Hell.


She doesn't take you the least bit seriously.
Well I'm sure she's a fine feathered bird and all, but that's hardly an indictment of AFrench. LOL

Nope. French indicts himself and his credibility each time he posts.
Oh, honey, I've had far more manly men try - and fail - to control me and order me around. Your sad little pimply self doesn't have a hope in Hell.

Don't "sshhh" your superiors, Junior. Learn to deal with an open forum, or get your snowflake ass outta here.
You're not my superior, whackjob.

Yes, she is.

Awww, shucks. :9-21:

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