Mitch McConnell Considers Killing Major Immigration Deal To Help Trump

There is no friggin "immigration deal". It is nothing more than the Democrat filth shoveling more money into the system to facilitate the Illegals.

The only question is how many RINOs are going to go along with it?

The job of the Border Patrol now is not to protect the border. It is to provide services for the Illegals. The Democrats need more money to do it and the lying bastards are calling it "immigration reform".
"It's the Republican's fault!!!"

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

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"It's the Republican's fault!"

All Democrats At Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage​

"It's the Republican's fault!!!"

Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked legislation to crack down on “sanctuary cities”

Title 42 wasn't ended until 2023 and asylees were not allowed. Try again.

Title 42 is the name of an emergency health authority. It was a holdover from President Donald Trump’s administration and began in March 2020. The authority allowed U.S. officials to turn away migrants who came to the U.S.-Mexico border on the grounds of preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Before that, migrants could cross illegally, ask for asylum and be allowed into the U.S. They were then screened and often released to wait out their immigration cases.

Under Title 42, migrants were returned over the border and denied the right to seek asylum. U.S. officials turned away migrants more than 2.8 million times. Families and children traveling alone were exempt.

How many diseased illegals are still coming in? Title 42 should still be enforced, but morons like you i guess want to get the plague.
I would love to see your eyes start to bleed and your mouth swell up. Then maybe you might understand the danger we have with open borders...dumbass.
like e-verify, increase penalties for getting caught illegally, and make it so not every tom dick and harry could claim asylum?
Yeah, thats draconian :lol:
Cherry picking the less draconian measures changes nothing.

Senate GOP pleads with Trump not to kill Ukraine-border security deal​

MAGAs want HR 2 which offers real border security not the superficial changes biden is offering
MAGAists want to kill any chance of giving Biden a win on immigration issues. Pay attention.
Yeah, all of us want to see our country continually flooded by Joe's third-world people.

Joe? Dummy, Trump is the one killing a deal to fix the border to help himself in an election.

Does indicted Trump give any shit that him winning in 2024 election is not a given?
Does give a shit that this is probbably the best shot Republicans have at favorable immigration reform terms?

NOPE! The only thing he gives a shit about is somehow eeking his way back into the White House so he could keep himself out of the big house.
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Why don't the two cults present their plans to the public? You cultists cannot defend your man can you?
Republicans have the biggest policy win on immigration in decades within their grasp, but Donald Trump is calling the shots now, so the deal is all but dead. In what’s been reported as a Senate Republican meeting Wednesday, leader Mitch McConnell told his colleagues he doesn’t “want to do anything to undermine” Trump.

So the Republicans have now guaranteed another year of uncontrolled immigration ( Their Words ), when a deal is in place right now to stop it.

The Great Republican Immigration Caravans

With the blessings of the orange cult messiah.
It’s a shit “deal.” The fact that you endorse it is proof positive.
MAGAists want to kill any chance of giving Biden a win on immigration issues. Pay attention.

A win? Lol!!
How would it be a "win" for Biden? He has purposely flooded the country with the third world!
Maybe had he not INVITED this goddamn flood in the FIRST PLACE, we wouldn't be in this crisis at all!
Instead, the day he went into office he sent the message out LOUD and CLEAR, that the third-world should "surge to the border"!!!

You bastards are so completely dishonest on this issue, I haven't a clue how you people can look in the mirror!!
Joe? Dummy, Trump is the one killing a deal to fix the border to help himself in an election.

Does indicted Trump give any shit that him winning in 2024 election is not a given?
Does give a shit that this is probbably the best shot Republicans have at favorable immigration reform terms?

NOPE! The only thing he gives a shit about is somehow eeking his way back into the White House so he could keep himself out of the big house.

Another fucking ignorant dumbass!
Cherry picking the less draconian measures changes nothing.

Senate GOP pleads with Trump not to kill Ukraine-border security deal​

Yeah, they want the Ukraine grift loot at all costs.

Fucking traitors.
A win? Lol!!
How would it be a "win" for Biden? He has purposely flooded the country with the third world!
Maybe had he not INVITED this goddamn flood in the FIRST PLACE, we wouldn't be in this crisis at all!
Instead, the day he went into office he sent the message out LOUD and CLEAR, that the third-world should "surge to the border"!!!

You bastards are so completely dishonest on this issue, I haven't a clue how you people can look in the mirror!!
He will get partial credit for passage of reform legislation which will end Republicans claim he isn't doing anything about the situation.

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