Mitch McConnell Considers Killing Major Immigration Deal To Help Trump

If McConnell is willing to assist Trump …


This deal blows.
Republicans have the biggest policy win on immigration in decades within their grasp, but Donald Trump is calling the shots now, so the deal is all but dead. In what’s been reported as a Senate Republican meeting Wednesday, leader Mitch McConnell told his colleagues he doesn’t “want to do anything to undermine” Trump.

So the Republicans have now guaranteed another year of uncontrolled immigration ( Their Words ), when a deal is in place right now to stop it.

The Great Republican Immigration Caravans

With the blessings of the orange cult messiah.
Do you find even a a little bit odd that they haven't released this "deal?"
God dammit, pull your head out of your ass and look for it.

Let me hit some highlights,

This section requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to resume all activities related to constructing a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border that were underway or planned prior to January 20, 2021.
Damn, that is a huuuge one. Trump wants to build a beautiful wall, a wall like the world has never seen. But t.hat is just it, Trump wants to build it. Otherwise, fawk it, let em come on in.

Sec. 111) This section establishes certain requirements for CBP Air and Marine Operations. For example, CBP must ensure that its Air and Marine Operations (1) carry out at least 110,000 flight hours each year, and (2) operate unmanned aircraft systems (drones) on the southern border 24 hours a day.
Well you heard it here first. Trump is against drone surveillance of the southern border 24 hours a day.

(Sec. 119) This section requires CBP to, within seven days of this bill's enactment, certify to Congress that CBP has real-time access to the criminal history databases of all countries of origin and transit for non-U.S. nationals encountered by CBP.

Holy shit, now Trump is opposed to the CBP having access to the criminal records of non-US nationals that cross the border. Are you flippin kidding me? WTF is going on here?

Look it you stupid shits. Trump don't give two shits about you, about this country, about anything, other than his own self-absorbed self. This is a good bill, a strong bill, but the nutless sacks of shit that currently represent the Republican party are t oo damn afraid of a fat orange idiot that they won't support it. FAWK HIM. He is a cancer that is on a one-way mission to destroy this nation just to prop up his own self-ego. And if you support him, then YOU are the damn problem. Wake the fawk up you dumbshits.

??? That's the REpub bill. It was buried as DOA by Schumer and Biden a year ago.
RINO Mitch ain't caving. He's just stalling so that Trump can get all the glory. That's loyalty. Regardless of how many illegals are coming here.
BREAKING: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell makes the shocking confession that Republicans are intentionally sabotaging the border to help Trump win the 2024 election.

It's astonishing that he would admit to plotting something so truly indefensible...

For months, Democrats and Republicans have been crafting bipartisan legislation that would tighten immigration restrictions and also provide much-needed aid to Ukraine.

Now, Republicans don't want to move forward with it after all of that work because they're afraid fixing our immigration problems would help Biden in the election. They'd rather let the problem worsen then let Biden get credit for anything.

During a closed-door meeting with Republicans this week, McConnell suggested splitting the immigration and Ukraine funding initiatives into different bills.

"When we started this, the border united us and Ukraine divided us," said McConnell, according to a source knowledgable about the remarks.

"The politics on this have changed," McConnell went on, explaining that a chaotic border situation is advantageous for Trump. The ex-president can't run on fixing immigration if immigration is already fixed.

"We don’t want to do anything to undermine him," said McConnell. "We’re in a quandary."

Clearly, despite all of their ranting and whining, Republicans don't actually care about the border situation. They care about exploiting it — and the suffering that flows from it — for cheap political points.

Republicans love power more than they love this country. It's that simple

“Someone running for president ought to try and get the problem solved as opposed to saying, ‘hey, save that problem, don’t solve it, let me take credit for solving it later,’” he added.
But that's a standard US political ploy, Shirley, from Nixon to Reagan to the LOTUS?
BREAKING: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell makes the shocking confession that Republicans are intentionally sabotaging the border to help Trump win the 2024 election.

It's astonishing that he would admit to plotting something so truly indefensible...

For months, Democrats and Republicans have been crafting bipartisan legislation that would tighten immigration restrictions and also provide much-needed aid to Ukraine.

Now, Republicans don't want to move forward with it after all of that work because they're afraid fixing our immigration problems would help Biden in the election. They'd rather let the problem worsen then let Biden get credit for anything.

During a closed-door meeting with Republicans this week, McConnell suggested splitting the immigration and Ukraine funding initiatives into different bills.

"When we started this, the border united us and Ukraine divided us," said McConnell, according to a source knowledgable about the remarks.

"The politics on this have changed," McConnell went on, explaining that a chaotic border situation is advantageous for Trump. The ex-president can't run on fixing immigration if immigration is already fixed.

"We don’t want to do anything to undermine him," said McConnell. "We’re in a quandary."

Clearly, despite all of their ranting and whining, Republicans don't actually care about the border situation. They care about exploiting it — and the suffering that flows from it — for cheap political points.

Republicans love power more than they love this country. It's that simple

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