Mitch McConnell draws the line in the sand for TP

Mitch McConnell draws a line in the sand for the Tea Party « Hot Air

“The most important election yesterday wasn’t the governor of New Jersey and it wasn’t the governor of Virginia, it was the special election for Congress in South Alabama, where a candidate who said the shutdown was a great idea, the president was born in Kenya, and that he opposed Speaker Boehner came in second.” The victory of a more electable Republican, is significant, Mr. McConnell says. To govern, parties must win. To win, parties must “run candidates that don’t scare the general public, [and] convey the impression that we could actually be responsible for governing, you can trust us—we’re adults here, we’re grown-ups.”

Mitch finally is telling the TP leaders to SHUT UP! Now the TP will go after him with a vengeance. Yup, they will push another loon through the Primaries and the Dems will pick up another seat.

This script is playing out again and again.

Who cares? The republican party neo-cons need to be ousted. Flushed to the curb. If it takes the dems winning every election to get conservatives in the republican party then so be it. I will never vote for a socialist in either party.

The neo-cons are allied with the TPM, and we are going to crush them so that the mainstream GOP can compete with the Dems.

Who gives a flying flip for whom you vote, RKM?

You are meaningless, right there with Pauli007001.
Mitch McConnell draws a line in the sand for the Tea Party « Hot Air

Mitch finally is telling the TP leaders to SHUT UP! Now the TP will go after him with a vengeance. Yup, they will push another loon through the Primaries and the Dems will pick up another seat.

This script is playing out again and again.

Who cares? The republican party neo-cons need to be ousted. Flushed to the curb. If it takes the dems winning every election to get conservatives in the republican party then so be it. I will never vote for a socialist in either party.

The neo-cons are allied with the TPM, and we are going to crush them so that the mainstream GOP can compete with the Dems.

Who gives a flying flip for whom you vote, RKM?

You are meaningless, right there with Pauli007001.
You are retarded fakey.
"It's time the people in this country hold these asses to account" is an excellent summary of what needs to happen to the far right reactionary TeaPoCraps in Congress.

Back at you later.

If it wasn't for the "split the vote" with a Democrat backing this fake libertarian and the complete diss from the Republicans in power over $$$$$$$$$ Terry would not have won.

Third party baby. It's the only way to go. In the mean time, Mitch is going down. Something we can agree on.

I want him destroyed.

Before you go destroying Mitch McConnell, please visit ACU: McConnell is rated on the 100% list of Defenders of Liberty in his voting. It doesn't get better than that. He is a conservative's conservative, and if others were like him, we wouldn't have a $17 Trillion dollar National Debt, I guarantee you. Here's the proof: 2012 Ratings of the United States Congress

There are only 6 other Senators who have a 100% conservative voting record, and that takes guts and good people at home who are tired of being overtaxed and underappreciated by big government that has too many people there trying to get freebies for their states from other Americans. Seven Senators stand tall for America. Quite a few Republicans fall in the 80-99% category in their votes. We're fighting a giv-a-mint situation in which the average Democrat Senator is voting giveaways 94% + of the time.

Mitch isn't looking at personalities here. He's looking at whether or not the candidate will weaken and fall into the giveaway or the conservative vote.

McAuliffe is a bad boy. He's been trapped in every Clinton scandal among other issues he has been charged with.

If you want to destroy somebody, destroy the one whose voting record is always to give away money and never to look back, check, or account to anyone for what goes down with that money that is taken.

Preserve those who show mercy to the taxpayers by trying to alleviate the tax burden as much as possible. The Senate is a hardball place. Weaklings can't stand up to negative waves. Giving up and going with the flow is what got us a Seventeen trillion dollar national debt.

Republicans have fought that tooth and nail. Destroy conservatives, and if you think it's bad now, just wait till there are fewer conservatives.

But if your mind is made up, you will blow a deadly blow to American freedom. It's prosperity that keeps freedom, not poverty. Without showing more conservatism, we'll be ruined, one and all.
Mitch McConnell gave in to the TeaPs just as Harry Reid did to the far lefties.

Sorry, freedombecki, both have to go if America is to get healthy. Far right conservatism is just as harmful as far left liberalism.

Americans will go to neither extreme.
“The most important election yesterday wasn’t the governor of New Jersey and it wasn’t the governor of Virginia, it was the special election for Congress in South Alabama, where a candidate who said the shutdown was a great idea, the president was born in Kenya, and that he opposed Speaker Boehner came in second.” The victory of a more electable Republican, is significant, Mr. McConnell says. To govern, parties must win. To win, parties must “run candidates that don’t scare the general public, [and] convey the impression that we could actually be responsible for governing, you can trust us—we’re adults here, we’re grown-ups.”

That’s rare among republicans these days.

But it would be good to have sanity return to the GOP.
Kentucky remains a Border State and as such is neither red nor blue. It will be interesting if the radical TP is able to defeat McConnell and then lose the general election to a moderate - maybe a blue dog - Democrat.


Remember 2010? The worst ass-kicking in Congressional History? Remember who put that ass-kicking on dimocrap scum?

The Tea Party.

Know why the Tea Party was ineffective in 2012? The illegal and criminal use of the IRS to illegally and criminally harass them.

Big mistake. They'll be back stronger than ever next year.

Count on it.

Republicans take another 25 seats in the House and between 12 and 15 Senate Seats.

The end of obama's presidency.

dimocrap scum are shitting bricks everywhere.

All 15 dimocrap senators that are up for re-election made a deal with the scumbag in chief yesterday. They're scared shitless. The deal is that they can criticize obamacare but that they won't call for a delay. LOSERS!!

There are five (5) more dimocrap scum that are retiring and one (1) appointee position is up for grabs.

Twenty-One (21) dimocrap seats in all. dimocraps will EASILY lose between 12 and 15 of those spots.

In 2010, the Teaparty lost the Senate for the Republicans
O'Donnell, Angle and company gave sure Republican seats to the Dems

Republicans would have won the House without the TeaTards

:lol: :rolleyes:
here's a thought this last election, this November, where everybody was bragging about new Jersey, out of 15 major cities the Mayer's who were elected only one was a republican ... now if that's not bad enough for you republicans on how the people are feeling toward the republican party and the Tea baggers, out of 30 major cities only three republicans Mayer's were elected... what do you Republicans thinks going to happen next year when your senator or congressmen or governors aren't elected to push you its my way agenda ???? can you say single payer ??? can you say a huge stimulus ??? can you say immigration reform ???? can you say finally we can get things done with out the fear of republican filibustering ???? sure we can .... you remember "yes we can ... finally with out and obstruction coming from the right ... nothing but a bunch of whining coming from all you right wing nut jobs
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Mitch McConnell draws a line in the sand for the Tea Party « Hot Air

“The most important election yesterday wasn’t the governor of New Jersey and it wasn’t the governor of Virginia, it was the special election for Congress in South Alabama, where a candidate who said the shutdown was a great idea, the president was born in Kenya, and that he opposed Speaker Boehner came in second.” The victory of a more electable Republican, is significant, Mr. McConnell says. To govern, parties must win. To win, parties must “run candidates that don’t scare the general public, [and] convey the impression that we could actually be responsible for governing, you can trust us—we’re adults here, we’re grown-ups.”

Mitch finally is telling the TP leaders to SHUT UP! Now the TP will go after him with a vengeance. Yup, they will push another loon through the Primaries and the Dems will pick up another seat.

This script is playing out again and again.

McConnell is a fool. He should be sent out of town on a rail. He says so, so it is done?

Don't think so

Kentucky remains a Border State and as such is neither red nor blue. It will be interesting if the radical TP is able to defeat McConnell and then lose the general election to a moderate - maybe a blue dog - Democrat.

Agreed...It seems the TP is determined to make the GOP another "also ran" party. Maybe Mitch will begin a movement to stop this seemingly never ending story.

Act 1- TP dislikes GOP person because is not not conservative enough

Act 2- TP pushes and gets nominated a far right TP candidate in primaries

Act 3- The Dem, who wouldhave lost to a moderate Repub beats the TP loon in the General.

I mean, you don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to figure this one out. Look at Virginia. The moderate Lt Governor Bolling could have won, but the TP pushed the Cooooch through the primary.....:cuckoo:

Plus, the weak pub party did nothing to help in Virginia. They conceded to a Dem win over the fear of the TP considering they were already in bed with Obama.

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Looks who's talking, Jake. You're just as out of touch with reality as he is. Just like you were wrong about 2010 you are wrong about 2014 and you're pushing the same mantra now you were then.

The Republicans will easily hold the House and will likely pick up a few Senate seats. Whether or not they take a majority in the Senate remains to be seen.

That's no way to speak to Comrade Fakey, People's Hero!!!

Let's put your white entitlement minority TeaPoCrap opinion in context.

Quoted above: Taz, you are a loony hoot, you know. :lol: I was right about 2010 (changed my opinion three to four weeks before the election), I was right the Senate would stay blue in 2010 and 2012 because of the TeaPoCraps, and I was wrong about Romney, just as you were.

We are going to have to work hard to keep the House, Taz.

Kaz and his folks are in the small reactionary minority that threatens all Americans.

It's sad that after all this time of playing the fake conservative, you still have absolutley no idea what the Tea Party is. Rock on Comrade, rock on.
When you use the word we, the correct sentence in your case would be: we are going to have a hard enough time hanging on to the senate.

When people write like the above, you can tell they are plants for the far left.

We are going to have a hard time next year keeping the House much less challenging for the Senate if we don't accept the cultural and demographic change in America.

The minority 1950s white entitlement syndrome reeks of willful understanding and hatred.

That's rich coming from Comrade JakeFakey! :lmao:
well, all your post just reek of condescending go on about white entitlement blah blah blah

Telling the truth of your minority white 1950s entitlement syndrome is honest and to the point.

Of course you don't like it.

How many shades of white are there JS?

And who but for many shades of white elected Obama?

That is the point that Stephanie can't understand. The hate from the far right and to a lesser extent the libertarians (which can be matched by the left) does not serve America.
Telling the truth of your minority white 1950s entitlement syndrome is honest and to the point.

Of course you don't like it.

How many shades of white are there JS?

And who but for many shades of white elected Obama?

That is the point that Stephanie can't understand. The hate from the far right and to a lesser extent the libertarians (which can be matched by the left) does not serve America.

I would like to see the size and scope of government reduced in all areas.
McConnell has shown little interest or effectiveness along these lines.
As the TP shows signs of shifting from economic conservatism toward radical social authoritarianism, I personally could care less which emerges victorious. Either way the country loses.

Ken Burns' "The Republican Civil War"

Coming soon from the acclaimed filmmaker: The story of a conflict that would have seared men's souls... if anybody involved had them.

Ken Burns' Republican Civil War | Jeff Kreisler
Remember 2010?


That year TPM candidates helped democrats keep control of the Senate, and helped democrats win governor races in New York and California.

The TPM has been a blight on both the GOP and Nation as a whole for years.
The answer is yes because the GOP victory in 2010 has meant nothing.

ACA is here to stay, and the TeaPs will go away.

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