Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

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Entitlements have to be addressed. Don’t touch the current beneficiaries but definitely impact future ones. Medicare is broken and retirement age needs to be increased to 72.
Why ? So we can fund millions of leeches coming here from the 3rd world, viewing us as the world's biggest flophouse ?
The older people who you talk about decided to sell their kids into wage slavery to pay for their retirement. The money they "paid in" was used to purchase them "free" government services. In other words, you didn't save jack shit and paid into a scam so stop whining.

It's time you acknowledge the truth and stop painting the picture to something it isn't. SS, medicaid, medicare... in debt to the tune of 150 trillion dollars.

What do you believe are your options? You think that 150 trillions will be paid by importing endless amounts of 3rd world people? I can assure you, they won't be giving a shit about your retirement bounty.
"importing endless amounts of 3rd world people" is the reason why Social Security and other programs are hurting.One of the solutions is to replace importing with DEporting. And lots of it.

As for as "saving" is concerned, that doesn't happen with wages under $10/hour (2018 dollars)
The older people who you talk about decided to sell their kids into wage slavery to pay for their retirement. The money they "paid in" was used to purchase them "free" government services. In other words, you didn't save jack shit and paid into a scam so stop whining.

It's time you acknowledge the truth and stop painting the picture to something it isn't. SS, medicaid, medicare... in debt to the tune of 150 trillion dollars.

What do you believe are your options? You think that 150 trillions will be paid by importing endless amounts of 3rd world people? I can assure you, they won't be giving a shit about your retirement bounty.
"importing endless amounts of 3rd world people" is the reason why Social Security and other programs are hurting.One of the solutions is to replace importing with DEporting. And lots of it.

As for as "saving" is concerned, that doesn't happen with wages under $10/hour (2018 dollars)

This in spades. I will support cutting entitlements but ONLY when taxpayers stop funding illegals. Because we ARE funding illegals.
Don't worry you already killed it by electing Trump.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

But when you give wealthy people tax cuts to stimulate an already good economy--sending inflation soaring-while-ballooning MILITARY spending what in the hell did you think they were going to do about Social Security & Medicare--:auiqs.jpg:
Are Trump's tax cuts backfiring on Wall Street?


Repuublicans have been bitching about these two programs for the last 15 years.

Democrats wouldn't have done that. Maybe you are in the wrong party. VOTE BLUE this midterm.
Why don't you try examining FACTS before you post. Inflation ROSE during the Obama years of 2015 to the end of his reign (Jan. 2017), from zero to 2.7%.

After Trump took over, it dropped sharply to 1.6%,and has now sunk again. Fell to 2.3 percent in September of 2018 from 2.7 percent in August and below market expectations of 2.4 percent. It is the lowest inflation rate in seven months.

As for the so-called "already good economy-" you credit to Obama, that's Obama's final tear 2016, GDP growth fell continuously down to 1.2% Trump has brought it back up to 4.2%.

As for what they were going to do about Social Security and Medicare, I suspect the plan was for the economy to improve (it is), for median income to rise (it's the highest ever), for unemployment to drop (it's the lowest in a half century), and then allow time for these improvements to fix our economics. > If the voters don't ruin it by electing Democrats in 208.
Why ? So we can fund millions of leeches coming here from the 3rd world, viewing us as the world's biggest flophouse ?

The thing is, we don't wait for those leeches to come here, we go to them and grease their ride in their sh*tholistan flophouses , which is why the world sees us as the 'easy touch liberal country'
Cut the military 10%, close 60 outta 600 bases, and we would have plenty of SS$$$ ...........a PAID entitelment Mitch thinks discressionary

Why is it that every time Republicans fuck up the economy - they want to cut Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid? The answer is simple - they want to destroy those federal programs. I expect they'll soon be talking again about "privatization".
But Republicans HAVE NOT fucked up the economy. They have improved it immensely. You don't know ?

And what Republicans are talking about (and doing something about) is DEPORTATION, and that is what improves the economy (cutting welfare & remittances$$$$)

Unfortunately, now they are also talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security, but I suspect that won't last long, as they are going to get a big roar of disapproval from a lot of retired Republicans.
China ?

methinks tariffs will keep the chinese in china better than our military would

But Republicans HAVE NOT fucked up the economy. They have improved it immensely. You don't know ?
they're riding a wave they did not create & taking credit for it

while YOU were off lamenting Stormy, they introduced a 2000 page bill to increase the deficit substaintially (not just a little to get by paying the interest)

they rammed it through Congress in less than 36 hrs, could YOU read 2000 pages in that time? It was literally a Pelosi 'pass it to read it; redux

the gist is deferring the cost(s) of the prosperity YOU are parroting to future generations

Further, claiming Congress fiscally responsible in any way shape or form , is laughable for those of us that can do SIMPLE math

In the past 100 years it has almost ever only increased. The less of our money the government has the more American we will be.

Making America great again, working as intended.

Step 2) cut spending.

The less of our money the government has the more future generations will be expected to pick up the tab. Less money coming in and never correlated to less spending.
Totally agree that the Debt is the biggest threat to national security. All China needs to do is bide their time until the Debt causes the US to collapse, then they are the only super-power left standing. Trump and the GOP need to fix the budget deficit before it wrecks the US.
Totally agree that the Debt is the biggest threat to national security. All China needs to do is bide their time until the Debt causes the US to collapse, then they are the only super-power left standing. Trump and the GOP need to fix the budget deficit before it wrecks the US.
And commit political suicide in the process...........

No one will tackle the debt because the unfunded liabilities would have to be addressed.........Snowballs chance in hell of stopping that from going off the cliff eventually..........

American's can't handle the truth..........don't want to see it.........and our current crop of bought off politicians know the real score. Mandatory spending get's hit and the public will be ready to burn the place down.


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