Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

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Here’s an example of the ignorance, hate, bigotry, and stupidity common to most on the right.

Those determined to be in the country illegally aren’t eligible for ‘entitlements’; and only LPRAs are eligible for benefits after being in the country for at least five years.

Those undocumented aren’t ‘entitled’ to any ongoing benefits; refugees receiving assistance through programs such as RAP constitute a miniscule percentage of the overall Federal budget.

Yes, most conservatives are truly the hateful and stupid.
HA HA HA. Liberals never fail to show us how IGNORANT they are. They are the most INFORMATION-DEPRIVED airheads this country has ever seen. And why wouldn't they be ? When their OMISSION media (CNN, MSNBC PBS, NYT, WP, etc) constantly OMITS mountains of information, and they are fully programmed to avoid watching Fox News or reading books by conservative authors from which they could get all that missing information.

EARTH TO CCJ et al LIBERAL KNOW-NOTHINGS - illegal aliens routinely suck up welfare benefits$$$ BIGTIME, by means of the anchor baby racket (misinterpretation & sabatoge of the 14th amendment) + the use of false documentation (an industry unto itself) + simply the lack of scrutiny by liberal welfare workers, who just choose to ignore eligibility criterea.

Anyone who thinks illegals aren't consuming big benefits$$ has a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for them. :rolleyes:

And stopping excess immigration isn't "hate". It is PROTECTION of the American people,(which liberals irresponsibly ignore)
I just can't imagine how the country survived 145 years without it. The GD commies took your taxes, spent your money, gave you IOU's and are now borrowing money, in your name, to make those IOU's good. So you've been screwed twice, how's it feel?

When we finally implode............everything of real value will be on little pieces of paper...........the ones who did it will then own all the deeds to the real property as the whole world is a disaster..............

Then they will set up soup kitchens for the people and tents saying we are here to save you...............

They won't get mine, I don't owe a dime on it.

Great Depression...........ordered gold to be seized................and big dogs took land for failure to pay their taxes..............

I had some land and lived in the sticks...still that same area is an old farm..........Was owned by a old man who refused to give up the land after other bought it for taxes...........way back when............He pulled out the gun and refused to go..........they eventually burned the place to the ground in the end and he left.....................true story

Well in TX I'm exempt form property taxes and the only gold I own, except one $5.00 gold piece, is in jewelry.

Well that's a great law then............

I'm only giving a historical perspective of what they did.............

TX takes care of their Disabled Vets.


So true! They don't even try to hide it.
Washington politicians stole our SS money, spent it, can't pay us back so now they want to screw us out of the benefits we paid for, shocker.
Overview. The Trust Fund represents a legal obligation of the federal government to program beneficiaries. The government has borrowed nearly $2.8 trillion as of 2014 from the Trust Fund and used the money for other purposes.

Social Security Trust Fund - Wikipedia

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You don't "cancel" a political registration and it doesn't make a difference anyway. You vote for a member of either party in all but some primary elections. My guess is that the post was sent by a foreign activist, a U.S. citizen who has become an agent for a foreign government or somebody who never voted.
You're thinking too much. And dreaming. HA HA HA.

Yes, you do cancel a political registration. By not registering in that party again.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

He has Rubio on his side too.
I never liked him much (immigrationist traitor)
Wake up, fool, this is just the beginning. Trump must make up for his mega tax cuts for the rich - that aren't paying for themselves like he promised.

Donald Trump erodes Social Security and Medicare solvency while blaming Democrats
This USA Today link appears to be ridiculous. I can see how MAYBE the tax cuts could have worsened Social Security, but the other 2 explanations appear to be BS.

1. The claim is >> "lower than expected wage increases," - what does "expected" have to do with it ? Whatever might have been "expected", wages have increased, and dramatically to the highest median income ($61,400/year) ever recorded. This is GREAT for Social Security.

2. The claim is > "Trump’s killing of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that has allowed hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants to live and work here legally." Trump's attempt to deport thee illegal aliens goes in the direction of saving the US money in welfare $$, a AND increasing revenue by replacing low wage illegals with higher paid Americans.

I'm quite awake. Are you ?
I wonder how many times does it need to be explained that no one paid into anything.
I guess it's become standard now that leftists can say ANYTHING, and they expect it to fly. Well, we've been paying Social Security tax for half a century, and nothing could be more sure than that. I could have bought cars with all the money I paid into Social Security.

Why am I even dignifying such a looneytune statement with a response ?
Illegalls don't receive any of those services.
You need to learn what's going on before posting. They've been receiving those services for 50 years. ever hear of anchor babies ? Document fraud ? Sympathetic welfare workers who look the other way ? Wake up.

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