Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

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I bet government-issued gutchies are just dreadful.
It's desperation time for The Lying Leftards who want to get elected and Cram Marxism right down Lady Liberty's throat!

They are now spamming the forum with "The GOP is going to take away your (FILL IN THE BLANK ________)

May as well have the discussion about Over The Top exaggerations, and Fear Mongering The Left as well as Personal Attacks these Loons have had to resort to.

What's one more thread like this? At least it has a "different bent".
why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics?
It's desperation time for The Lying Leftards who want to get elected and Cram Marxism right down Lady Liberty's throat!

They are now spamming the forum with "The GOP is going to take away your (FILL IN THE BLANK ________)

May as well have the discussion about Over The Top exaggerations, and Fear Mongering The Left as well as Personal Attacks these Loons have had to resort to.

What's one more thread like this? At least it has a "different bent".

Pensions are gone, you think people are going to save enough? Ha

More than the government did with SS.

Which as we all know, is nothing.
It’s a pay as you go system....

Brilliant rebuttal!

Here you are moaning that idiot leftists don't save so we need SS so that government can save for us. Yet the government saved nothing. Now instead of some individuals being screwed, we are all screwed.

This is how leftists "think".
It's impossible to save for retirement when repubtards keep printing money!!!
who printed money the eight years of obammy?
Obama REDUCED Bush deficits every year! Debts created to halt Republican Economic Failures must be repaid in good times!
More than the government did with SS.

Which as we all know, is nothing.
It’s a pay as you go system....

Brilliant rebuttal!

Here you are moaning that idiot leftists don't save so we need SS so that government can save for us. Yet the government saved nothing. Now instead of some individuals being screwed, we are all screwed.

This is how leftists "think".
It's impossible to save for retirement when repubtards keep printing money!!!
who printed money the eight years of obammy?
Obama REDUCED Bush deficits every year! Debts created to halt Republican Economic Failures must be repaid in good times!

Obama REDUCED Bush deficits every year!

Is that why Bush's deficits totaled $4.9 trillion and Obama's totaled $9.3 trillion?

Because Obama was a deficit hawk?

Debts created to halt Republican Economic Failures must be repaid in good times!

The recession ended in July 2009, when did Obama start repaying debt?
Cut it!

Here is what you do. Illegals cost American Tax Payers $155 Billion a year in Unfunded Medicaid, Medicare, and SSI Benefits.

Cut off all benefits to all Illegals, and Medicaid, Medicare, and SSI funds itself.

Tell Lefty you are no longer going to allow him to throw Granny Off The Cliff and give "Bad Hombres" her Wheel Chair and her benefits!

Illegalls don't receive any of those services.

Whether they do or do not, simply cut off everything.

No benefits, no school, no housing, no jobs, no business licenses, no nothing.

the right wing could care less about the whole and entire concept of natural rights.
what the fk are natural rights? pig latin isn't legible.
lol. it requires understanding. women can gossip.

Yeah, and train travel used to be the fastest way to move across the country. Funny how things are true, until they're not. Somewhere around 2010 tax receipts fell short of expenses and the government had to borrow money to pay their IOU's to the program. Borrowing money to cover the IOU's did increase the deficit and the debt.

More than the government did with SS.

Which as we all know, is nothing.
It’s a pay as you go system....

Brilliant rebuttal!

Here you are moaning that idiot leftists don't save so we need SS so that government can save for us. Yet the government saved nothing. Now instead of some individuals being screwed, we are all screwed.

This is how leftists "think".
It's impossible to save for retirement when repubtards keep printing money!!!
who printed money the eight years of obammy?
Obama REDUCED Bush deficits every year! Debts created to halt Republican Economic Failures must be repaid in good times!
sure they did.
We will need to means test people off of Social Security.

The left is full of shit.

But the numbers don't lie.

Roosevelt fucked us 90 years ago.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blamed spending on these services for the growing budget deficit and wants to rein them in:
"It's very disturbing, and it's driven by the three big entitlement programs that are very popular: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. That's 70 percent of what we spend every year," he said on Bloomberg News Tuesday when asked about the national debt. "There's been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been
McConnell eyes cuts to Medicare, Social Security to address deficit

NOBODY has suggested cuts. SOME Dems have suggested making 70 yr old roofers climb ladders til they are eligible or "raising the caps" --- which would destroy the Universally of the program and make it another welfare program.

There were options for FIXING SS back when it was running surpluses of $50Bill a year by allowing future recipients to agree to REDUCED future benefits by opting out a SMALL percentage of their contributions. The Dems --- who are generally financially and mathematically illiterate KILLED the idea. Instead -- they allowed the surplus to continue to be STOLEN by Congress with NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT in terms of reducing future costs.

So I'm all for ideas to make the program more stable for future gens, but not at a cost to the folks who WANT complete future benefits. And the WHINERS and the shrill idiots with NO IDEAS should just STFU... And quit PREVENTING the discussions to enhance the financial efficacy of the system...

$4 TRILLION stolen and squandered from the pockets of the working poor over the past 40 years and NOTHING to pay current deficits with. You were robbed TWICE. The first time why they overcharged you for 40 years and squandered the money. And NOW --- when the crisis hits, paying all deficits thru NEW DEBT that is in your name and in your childrens' name.

HIDING from this --- is why it's now an emergency. 70% of the budget is Medicare, Medicaid and SS and debt payments. If interests go UP -- 120% of the budget will be funded with nothing but bonds bought by China and the world.
My last comment is where this ends............Now flip me off like a good little market stooge defending their shit and get it over with.

Next time just say, "Wah….banks are bad"

You'll sound less stupid and it'll save time.
Sure go back to being their parrots......squak on.

I love your 8 year old article that refutes it's own whiney question.
I could show that banks, rather than borrowing from the Fed, on May 20th, 2010, were
actually net lending the Fed over $2 trillion.

But that would be too factual for you.
I could care less what you think about it anymore.

Now be a good boy and bundle some toxic assets and trade them back and forth til someone gets stuck with them in the end and crashes the deck of cards again.....

Make it more interesting.............Bag up some cow manure and trade it.........That would be load now wouldn't it.........

Or, I could whine like you...…...
Whatever.........the Markets juggled shit that wasn't worth the paper it was wrote on ..........and fucked the entire country.......

Whining.......I call it treason.........We will choose to fucking disagree as always on this subject............I don't give a fuck what you think on this .....reckon we are clear on the whining on BS on this.
Next time just say, "Wah….banks are bad"

You'll sound less stupid and it'll save time.
Sure go back to being their parrots......squak on.

I love your 8 year old article that refutes it's own whiney question.
I could show that banks, rather than borrowing from the Fed, on May 20th, 2010, were
actually net lending the Fed over $2 trillion.

But that would be too factual for you.
I could care less what you think about it anymore.

Now be a good boy and bundle some toxic assets and trade them back and forth til someone gets stuck with them in the end and crashes the deck of cards again.....

Make it more interesting.............Bag up some cow manure and trade it.........That would be load now wouldn't it.........

Or, I could whine like you...…...
Whatever.........the Markets juggled shit that wasn't worth the paper it was wrote on ..........and fucked the entire country.......

Whining.......I call it treason.........We will choose to fucking disagree as always on this subject............I don't give a fuck what you think on this .....reckon we are clear on the whining on BS on this.
as you whine.
Sure go back to being their parrots......squak on.

I love your 8 year old article that refutes it's own whiney question.
I could show that banks, rather than borrowing from the Fed, on May 20th, 2010, were
actually net lending the Fed over $2 trillion.

But that would be too factual for you.
I could care less what you think about it anymore.

Now be a good boy and bundle some toxic assets and trade them back and forth til someone gets stuck with them in the end and crashes the deck of cards again.....

Make it more interesting.............Bag up some cow manure and trade it.........That would be load now wouldn't it.........

Or, I could whine like you...…...
Whatever.........the Markets juggled shit that wasn't worth the paper it was wrote on ..........and fucked the entire country.......

Whining.......I call it treason.........We will choose to fucking disagree as always on this subject............I don't give a fuck what you think on this .....reckon we are clear on the whining on BS on this.
as you whine.
Whatever.........I agree with him on many issues.......on how the markets crashed and the aftermath.........No dang chance........

They knew dang well what they were doing.........and the so called TARP that played on the news was a smoke screen while they went to the Federal Reserve's back door........It took a Supreme Court Order to reveal those amounts............and once released the Media didn't say jack squat.....

The Stimulus part of the so called bail out was lining the pockets of their favorite industry and nothing more. I watched good people lose their homes back then.........

No dice on being nice on that.
I love your 8 year old article that refutes it's own whiney question.
I could show that banks, rather than borrowing from the Fed, on May 20th, 2010, were
actually net lending the Fed over $2 trillion.

But that would be too factual for you.
I could care less what you think about it anymore.

Now be a good boy and bundle some toxic assets and trade them back and forth til someone gets stuck with them in the end and crashes the deck of cards again.....

Make it more interesting.............Bag up some cow manure and trade it.........That would be load now wouldn't it.........

Or, I could whine like you...…...
Whatever.........the Markets juggled shit that wasn't worth the paper it was wrote on ..........and fucked the entire country.......

Whining.......I call it treason.........We will choose to fucking disagree as always on this subject............I don't give a fuck what you think on this .....reckon we are clear on the whining on BS on this.
as you whine.
Whatever.........I agree with him on many issues.......on how the markets crashed and the aftermath.........No dang chance........

They knew dang well what they were doing.........and the so called TARP that played on the news was a smoke screen while they went to the Federal Reserve's back door........It took a Supreme Court Order to reveal those amounts............and once released the Media didn't say jack squat.....

The Stimulus part of the so called bail out was lining the pockets of their favorite industry and nothing more. I watched good people lose their homes back then.........

No dice on being nice on that.
obammy did things to destroy our country no doubt.

Yes, it's a heist. Don't be fooled.
Doesn't sound likely. Why would Republicans want to cut Medicare and Social Security ? What does that do FOR THEM ? Other than lose a torrent of votes ?

First thing police look for in a "Heist" is a motive. Where's the motive here ?

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