Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

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Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blamed spending on these services for the growing budget deficit and wants to rein them in:
"It's very disturbing, and it's driven by the three big entitlement programs that are very popular: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. That's 70 percent of what we spend every year," he said on Bloomberg News Tuesday when asked about the national debt. "There's been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been
McConnell eyes cuts to Medicare, Social Security to address deficit

Where is the word "cut" in that quote?

McConnell never once used the the term cut. If you look at the source of the article, it should be readily apparent that this is disinformation. PMSNBC is writing another hit piece! Big surprise!
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Cut it!

Here is what you do. Illegals cost American Tax Payers $155 Billion a year in Unfunded Medicaid, Medicare, and SSI Benefits.

Cut off all benefits to all Illegals, and Medicaid, Medicare, and SSI funds itself.

Tell Lefty you are no longer going to allow him to throw Granny Off The Cliff and give "Bad Hombres" her Wheel Chair and her benefits!

Illegalls don't receive any of those services.

You typed that with a straight face? :D
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Ryan is retiring. No one cares what he thinks!
Entitlements have to be addressed. Don’t touch the current beneficiaries but definitely impact future ones. Medicare is broken and retirement age needs to be increased to 72.

What will you do when the unemployment rate skyrockets because people are not retiring?

I can't retire until I am 67 1/2! I'll be lucky to still be alive by then, much less 72!
Entitlements have to be addressed. Don’t touch the current beneficiaries but definitely impact future ones. Medicare is broken and retirement age needs to be increased to 72.

What will you do when the unemployment rate skyrockets because people are not retiring?

I can't retire until I am 67 1/2! I'll be lucky to still be alive by then, much less 72!

Right now in Boston, unemployment is 3%. We cannot find enough people. Hopefully the economy continues to have more good cycles than bad ones. In the US we have over 7 million job opportunities. We need to raise the retirement age. It’s basic mathematics.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
They should cut SS, there are thousands of people who get 100,000 a year who for some reason draw on the SS fund and they don't need it but greed know no bounderys. I don't know where the cut off amount should be but some limits and cuts needs to be done.

So if they paid in all their life's they should not be able to draw it if they are making over $100,000 a year?

So there should not be a cutoff paying into social either, if you're earning a wage regardless of amount you should pay in. I have nothing against the wealthy if they paid in to draw out, but I also think there should not be cutoff of what this year $129,000?

I wonder how many times does it need to be explained that no one paid into anything.

Some people are taking 100K a year from the working age people who are supposed to start families. That is madness.

So explain to me that payroll taxes are withheld and a portiion goes to ss and portion to Medicare plus employer matching. No one pays into the system.

No one is drawing $100K a year in ss benefits. $2788 per month in 2018 is the max any one person can draw that hardly equals 100k a year.

What are you a high school kid?

Try reading it again. Your liberalism is acting up!
No. It’s mathematical. People are living longer. This is not the 50s. I don’t like illegal immigrants any more than you do. My dad is 77 and still works. He retired at 66 and has a full pension but he hated sitting around so he found a 2nd career. They don’t seem to have any issues with $. They got their house for a song and easily paid it off. Seniors who didn’t save properly need to stop whining.
I agree with some of what you said. Not the part about "Seniors who didn’t save properly" Millons of people have gone through their entire work lives unable to save, due to the low wages they got.

As for getting training or whatever to better themselves, please, it's too big a subject with a lot of loose ends.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blamed spending on these services for the growing budget deficit and wants to rein them in:
"It's very disturbing, and it's driven by the three big entitlement programs that are very popular: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. That's 70 percent of what we spend every year," he said on Bloomberg News Tuesday when asked about the national debt. "There's been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been
McConnell eyes cuts to Medicare, Social Security to address deficit
I figure just cut all of the illegals and refugees off of Social Security and MediCare and there's a 15% reduction right there.
Poor victims.............they lost Trillions..........went to the back door and got trillions.........

As Americans lost their jobs and homes........

Cry me a river..........guess they couldn't buy the new boat and couldn't go on a skiing trip to Switzerland...........

You got a tissue............a whole tear is forming in my eyes.........

Poor victims.............they lost Trillions...….

They lost? They didn't have a guaranteed profit?
But I heard from some idiot that they could borrow overnight and lend to the Treasury. Instant profit!

I guess that guy was just a whiney moron, eh?
And here we go again...........Who the fuck traded that shit back and forth to insane levels...............Wasn't me Moron.

They knew what the fuck they were doing........and they couldn't have speculated that money for investment with the Glass act still there.

Moron.........Moron.......Who the FUCK CRASHED THE DAMNED SYSTEM.....

They did...........and we go again as you defend the gambling casino's............

Who the fuck traded that shit back and forth to insane levels.

You're whining because banks traded crap with banks? LOL!

They knew what the fuck they were doing........and they couldn't have speculated that money for investment with the Glass act still there.

Banks could write, buy and sell crappy mortgages before, during and after Glass-Steagall.
Banks who only held plain vanilla mortgages that they wrote themselves, far from Wall Street, also
lost money when the bubble burst.

If you had an independent thought in your head, you might discover that fact.
My last comment is where this ends............Now flip me off like a good little market stooge defending their shit and get it over with.

Next time just say, "Wah….banks are bad"

You'll sound less stupid and it'll save time.
Sure go back to being their parrots......squak on.
Pensions are gone, you think people are going to save enough? Ha

More than the government did with SS.

Which as we all know, is nothing.
It’s a pay as you go system....

Brilliant rebuttal!

Here you are moaning that idiot leftists don't save so we need SS so that government can save for us. Yet the government saved nothing. Now instead of some individuals being screwed, we are all screwed.

This is how leftists "think".
It's impossible to save for retirement when repubtards keep printing money!!!
who printed money the eight years of obammy?
Cut it!

Here is what you do. Illegals cost American Tax Payers $155 Billion a year in Unfunded Medicaid, Medicare, and SSI Benefits.

Cut off all benefits to all Illegals, and Medicaid, Medicare, and SSI funds itself.

Tell Lefty you are no longer going to allow him to throw Granny Off The Cliff and give "Bad Hombres" her Wheel Chair and her benefits!

Illegalls don't receive any of those services.

Whether they do or do not, simply cut off everything.

No benefits, no school, no housing, no jobs, no business licenses, no nothing.

the right wing could care less about the whole and entire concept of natural rights.
what the fk are natural rights? pig latin isn't legible.
Poor victims.............they lost Trillions...….

They lost? They didn't have a guaranteed profit?
But I heard from some idiot that they could borrow overnight and lend to the Treasury. Instant profit!

I guess that guy was just a whiney moron, eh?
And here we go again...........Who the fuck traded that shit back and forth to insane levels...............Wasn't me Moron.

They knew what the fuck they were doing........and they couldn't have speculated that money for investment with the Glass act still there.

Moron.........Moron.......Who the FUCK CRASHED THE DAMNED SYSTEM.....

They did...........and we go again as you defend the gambling casino's............

Who the fuck traded that shit back and forth to insane levels.

You're whining because banks traded crap with banks? LOL!

They knew what the fuck they were doing........and they couldn't have speculated that money for investment with the Glass act still there.

Banks could write, buy and sell crappy mortgages before, during and after Glass-Steagall.
Banks who only held plain vanilla mortgages that they wrote themselves, far from Wall Street, also
lost money when the bubble burst.

If you had an independent thought in your head, you might discover that fact.
My last comment is where this ends............Now flip me off like a good little market stooge defending their shit and get it over with.

Next time just say, "Wah….banks are bad"

You'll sound less stupid and it'll save time.
Sure go back to being their parrots......squak on.

I love your 8 year old article that refutes it's own whiney question.
I could show that banks, rather than borrowing from the Fed, on May 20th, 2010, were
actually net lending the Fed over $2 trillion.

But that would be too factual for you.
And here we go again...........Who the fuck traded that shit back and forth to insane levels...............Wasn't me Moron.

They knew what the fuck they were doing........and they couldn't have speculated that money for investment with the Glass act still there.

Moron.........Moron.......Who the FUCK CRASHED THE DAMNED SYSTEM.....

They did...........and we go again as you defend the gambling casino's............

Who the fuck traded that shit back and forth to insane levels.

You're whining because banks traded crap with banks? LOL!

They knew what the fuck they were doing........and they couldn't have speculated that money for investment with the Glass act still there.

Banks could write, buy and sell crappy mortgages before, during and after Glass-Steagall.
Banks who only held plain vanilla mortgages that they wrote themselves, far from Wall Street, also
lost money when the bubble burst.

If you had an independent thought in your head, you might discover that fact.
My last comment is where this ends............Now flip me off like a good little market stooge defending their shit and get it over with.

Next time just say, "Wah….banks are bad"

You'll sound less stupid and it'll save time.
Sure go back to being their parrots......squak on.

I love your 8 year old article that refutes it's own whiney question.
I could show that banks, rather than borrowing from the Fed, on May 20th, 2010, were
actually net lending the Fed over $2 trillion.

But that would be too factual for you.
I could care less what you think about it anymore.

Now be a good boy and bundle some toxic assets and trade them back and forth til someone gets stuck with them in the end and crashes the deck of cards again.....

Make it more interesting.............Bag up some cow manure and trade it.........That would be load now wouldn't it.........
Who the fuck traded that shit back and forth to insane levels.

You're whining because banks traded crap with banks? LOL!

They knew what the fuck they were doing........and they couldn't have speculated that money for investment with the Glass act still there.

Banks could write, buy and sell crappy mortgages before, during and after Glass-Steagall.
Banks who only held plain vanilla mortgages that they wrote themselves, far from Wall Street, also
lost money when the bubble burst.

If you had an independent thought in your head, you might discover that fact.
My last comment is where this ends............Now flip me off like a good little market stooge defending their shit and get it over with.

Next time just say, "Wah….banks are bad"

You'll sound less stupid and it'll save time.
Sure go back to being their parrots......squak on.

I love your 8 year old article that refutes it's own whiney question.
I could show that banks, rather than borrowing from the Fed, on May 20th, 2010, were
actually net lending the Fed over $2 trillion.

But that would be too factual for you.
I could care less what you think about it anymore.

Now be a good boy and bundle some toxic assets and trade them back and forth til someone gets stuck with them in the end and crashes the deck of cards again.....

Make it more interesting.............Bag up some cow manure and trade it.........That would be load now wouldn't it.........
Who the fuck traded that shit back and forth to insane levels.

You're whining because banks traded crap with banks? LOL!

They knew what the fuck they were doing........and they couldn't have speculated that money for investment with the Glass act still there.

Banks could write, buy and sell crappy mortgages before, during and after Glass-Steagall.
Banks who only held plain vanilla mortgages that they wrote themselves, far from Wall Street, also
lost money when the bubble burst.

If you had an independent thought in your head, you might discover that fact.
My last comment is where this ends............Now flip me off like a good little market stooge defending their shit and get it over with.

Next time just say, "Wah….banks are bad"

You'll sound less stupid and it'll save time.
Sure go back to being their parrots......squak on.

I love your 8 year old article that refutes it's own whiney question.
I could show that banks, rather than borrowing from the Fed, on May 20th, 2010, were
actually net lending the Fed over $2 trillion.

But that would be too factual for you.
I could care less what you think about it anymore.

Now be a good boy and bundle some toxic assets and trade them back and forth til someone gets stuck with them in the end and crashes the deck of cards again.....

Make it more interesting.............Bag up some cow manure and trade it.........That would be load now wouldn't it.........

Or, I could whine like you...…...
Cut it!

Here is what you do. Illegals cost American Tax Payers $155 Billion a year in Unfunded Medicaid, Medicare, and SSI Benefits.

Cut off all benefits to all Illegals, and Medicaid, Medicare, and SSI funds itself.

Tell Lefty you are no longer going to allow him to throw Granny Off The Cliff and give "Bad Hombres" her Wheel Chair and her benefits!

Illegalls don't receive any of those services.

Whether they do or do not, simply cut off everything.

No benefits, no school, no housing, no jobs, no business licenses, no nothing.


They have no natural rights to our stuff.
It's desperation time for The Lying Leftards who want to get elected and Cram Marxism right down Lady Liberty's throat!

They are now spamming the forum with "The GOP is going to take away your (FILL IN THE BLANK ________)

May as well have the discussion about Over The Top exaggerations, and Fear Mongering The Left as well as Personal Attacks these Loons have had to resort to.

What's one more thread like this? At least it has a "different bent".

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