Mitt and Rick are going to have at it while a hero rises from the ashes...

The left and pretend republicans sure hate Perry. Maybe because he is a winner? I 'd vote for Paul but I doubt if he will make the cut.

Am I a pretend Republicans because I am concerned about Perry's weakness on illegal immigration?
The left and pretend republicans sure hate Perry. Maybe because he is a winner? I 'd vote for Paul but I doubt if he will make the cut.

Am I a pretend Republicans because I am concerned about Perry's weakness on illegal immigration?

If you mean he ought to be in favor of machine gunning people coming across the border then I guess you could say that's a weakness.
I see Perry as one of the most sensible on immigration. If anti immigration hysteria was a winning ticket J.B. Haynesowrth would be POTUS today.
The left and pretend republicans sure hate Perry. Maybe because he is a winner? I 'd vote for Paul but I doubt if he will make the cut.

Am I a pretend Republicans because I am concerned about Perry's weakness on illegal immigration?

If you mean he ought to be in favor of machine gunning people coming across the border then I guess you could say that's a weakness.
I see Perry as one of the most sensible on immigration. If anti immigration hysteria was a winning ticket J.B. Haynesowrth would be POTUS today.

How is subsidizing education for illegal immigrants a good policy to stop illegal immigration?
Am I a pretend Republicans because I am concerned about Perry's weakness on illegal immigration?

If you mean he ought to be in favor of machine gunning people coming across the border then I guess you could say that's a weakness.
I see Perry as one of the most sensible on immigration. If anti immigration hysteria was a winning ticket J.B. Haynesowrth would be POTUS today.

How is subsidizing education for illegal immigrants a good policy to stop illegal immigration?

How would removing subsidies for people who are obviously settled here going to stop illegal immigration? His point was, why punish children for their parents' decisions?
I have predicted a possible chance for RP in that Rick and Mitt destroy each other and an opening happens but to many have dropped out...

Newsflash: The nomination is not decided by debates.

Ron Paul has no, zero, chance of getting nominated. Republicans are put off by him and his whack-o followers.

Newsflash: His whack-o followers are Republicans.

RINOs, you mean.
In truth they are much closer to the Left than to real conservatives. This is why Ron craps out whenever he runs nationally.
I like them all but would, as of this post, put my trust in the future of my country, with Newt. ( I know he has baggage....he is on his 3rd wife of 12 years.He has been around for many more years than the rest, to have accumulated them ) But the issue is who else has the experience and brain power, and is going to save this country from European Socialism? As of tonight, and this post, I am no longer looking forward to Perry...
If you mean he ought to be in favor of machine gunning people coming across the border then I guess you could say that's a weakness.
I see Perry as one of the most sensible on immigration. If anti immigration hysteria was a winning ticket J.B. Haynesowrth would be POTUS today.

How is subsidizing education for illegal immigrants a good policy to stop illegal immigration?

How would removing subsidies for people who are obviously settled here going to stop illegal immigration? His point was, why punish children for their parents' decisions?

How are they punished by being required to pay full price like Americans in all the other 49 States?

Their parents decision was based specifically so they could benefit from American tax payers. You are rewarding their behavior by subsidizing their children's education with tax paper money.

Build the fence. Stop giving out handouts to illegals. Period.
Rick Perry just totally failed in this debate arguing with Romney. He was very hesitant in his answers. It was almost like he couldn't think and he couldn't frame a sentence just now.
did rabbi just say that libertarians and liberals are the same? what?
How is subsidizing education for illegal immigrants a good policy to stop illegal immigration?

How would removing subsidies for people who are obviously settled here going to stop illegal immigration? His point was, why punish children for their parents' decisions?

How are they punished by being required to pay full price like Americans in all the other 49 States?

Their parents decision was based specifically so they could benefit from American tax payers. You are rewarding their behavior by subsidizing their children's education with tax paper money.

Build the fence. Stop giving out handouts to illegals. Period.

What Americans in the other 49 states are requred to pay full tuition? Does Texas have some special subsidy no other state has?
Their parents' decision likely was that it was easier to get a job here than in their home country.
Building a fence will do nothing. Perry is right on that issue too.
Perry is the only one making sense on immigration.
I have predicted a possible chance for RP in that Rick and Mitt destroy each other and an opening happens but to many have dropped out...

Newsflash: The nomination is not decided by debates.

Ron Paul has no, zero, chance of getting nominated. Republicans are put off by him and his whack-o followers.

Yeah, Man. Almost as much as we're put off by those whack-o T-sippers!

Well, I don't think any of the Republicans who spoke tonight are "Whackos," I think all of them are good Americans. Some are better speakers than others, but speaking is not everything. Elections are trying, but at the heart of it all is who is going to do the best job of things that are on America's plate right now?

The first thing I see as important is that America is off track right now, and it needs setting right. First on the National agenda is to remove people who use political power first and foremost to get rid of political rivals' financial base. The current administration took it's first and harshest whack not one enemies of the USA, but "enemies" Obama claims are other Americans.

Obama felled the oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico as his first official whack at his self-proclaimed "enemy." He took an isolated incident of one well that just so happened to leak oil all over the Gulf of Mexico, a British company, and used the incident to take out American drillers, too. Then he pulled a total unilateral stunt and closed down all drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Did he have an alternative indigenous source of oil? Yes he did. He decided to use "Strategic reserves." Which means, if we need to continue fighting a war to prevent terror in America, our Navy, Air Force, and Army will not have backup reserves if the enemy wants to play rough.

Did he petition Congress to open the ANWR field? No. He was getting so much heiny kissing from econuts, he decided to fuggeddabout it. The only trouble is, gas prices went high, so all that stuff he said in his campaign about raising the price of gas in order to conserve gas went on steroids among conservatives, as it should have throughout the nation. People didn't get it until they went on a weekend outing to another state and realized they could've bought an airline ticket for the same amount they spent on gas and lodging. The only trouble is, they'd have to subject themselves to pat downs if they didn't look Middle Eastern. :rolleyes:

Oh, and did I mention it? There was colateral fallout from the gorged gas prices. It became infeasible to go almost anywhere, so America stayed home and did home improvements instead of going on vacations and taking their children to see a National Park in another state. This truly wiped out many in the entire tourist industry, jacking up those unemployment figures yet more. Three years later, many have gone belly up in the vacation industry, but still, no yield on procuring economically feasible gas sources locally. So America is screwed.

We must get out of this unpleasant situation of having people in the White House who a few years ago were carrying Communist Party Cards, who have the President's ears.

Oh, the man says such pleasant things and lulls people to sleep. But he wants a second shot at doing deep, deep damages to free enterprise, and I hope we do not allow this.

I still like Perry because he's a power against unemployment, and he's a very good neighbor and responsible person, so it's likely he would earn America some true friends in the world. I suspect he'd make manufacturing do a comeback and reopen some steel mines by doing all he can to make American products competitive in the world again.

I'm sorry he's a poor speaker, but Obama is a poster man for someone who talks a good talk but stabs free enterprise every stinking chance he gets the smallest opportunity, and I don't like it one bit, because it can and has hurt American workers in every state of this union.

I look for no miraculous changes in Obama, but it could get downright scary if the man is allowed to continue to erode businesses, take over his friends' businesses, then give 'em half a billion dollars of our treasury to go bankrupt with in a couple of years' time because he simply has no concept of math, he just has a tunnel vision that supports things that have a history of bad business relations.

We need people who support free enterprise from now on in the White House.

I'm opposed to business-destroying communalism. When the host is dead, the communalist predator on the treasury dies shortly thereafter, and people starve to death. Guess who starves first. You got it. The Obama "attack watch list" starves first. Take a look at Africa. The kingpin in charge starves out his "enemies". Dammit, we're seeing the same thing in America right now.
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America, unfortunately, isn't intellectually and emotionally evolved enough yet to VOTE RON PAUL.

You do realize that your hubris destroys your ability to convince people you are correct, don't you?

Except that I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. The will of the people is the will of the people, far be it for me to tell anyone who to vote for.

that's cause he's probably about 15 years old. kids get like that.

lol really? Is a liberal really questioning someone else's wisdom? Really?
America, unfortunately, isn't intellectually and emotionally evolved enough yet to VOTE RON PAUL.

You do realize that your hubris destroys your ability to convince people you are correct, don't you?

Except that I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. The will of the people is the will of the people, far be it for me to tell anyone who to vote for.

that's cause he's probably about 15 years old. kids get like that.

lol really? Is a liberal really questioning someone else's wisdom? Really?

Yeah because your attempts to ridicule and insult people aren't at all meant to influence them.

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