Mitt and Rick are going to have at it while a hero rises from the ashes...

I have predicted a possible chance for RP in that Rick and Mitt destroy each other and an opening happens but to many have dropped out...

Newsflash: The nomination is not decided by debates.

Ron Paul has no, zero, chance of getting nominated. Republicans are put off by him and his whack-o followers.

More importantly, he cannot win against Obama. If the GOP are serious about taking Obama down, then find a candidate that independents will vote for. Clue: it is not Ron Paul.
I like them all but would, as of this post, put my trust in the future of my country, with Newt. ( I know he has baggage....he is on his 3rd wife of 12 years.He has been around for many more years than the rest, to have accumulated them ) But the issue is who else has the experience and brain power, and is going to save this country from European Socialism? As of tonight, and this post, I am no longer looking forward to Perry...

I like Newt as well. He's the smartest guy in the room and has the know how to get things done. Unfortunately his baggage is a turn off for some people. Idiots in my opinion but it is what it is.

I also agree about Perry. He was tentative and lookied like a fish out of water during the debate.

I think his popularity will begin to slide unless he can gethimself on track.

I also thought Romney looked really good and was impressed with Cain, Huntsman and Johnson.

I actually enjoyed watching last night.
Rick Perry just totally failed in this debate arguing with Romney. He was very hesitant in his answers. It was almost like he couldn't think and he couldn't frame a sentence just now.

No, he takes a long time to answer questions, so he can build suspense. It's a public speaking tactic.
I have predicted a possible chance for RP in that Rick and Mitt destroy each other and an opening happens but to many have dropped out...

Newsflash: The nomination is not decided by debates.

Ron Paul has no, zero, chance of getting nominated. Republicans are put off by him and his whack-o followers.

More importantly, he cannot win against Obama. If the GOP are serious about taking Obama down, then find a candidate that independents will vote for. Clue: it is not Ron Paul.

That's why democrats always say they like him, so he can either somehow win the GOP primary, or run as a third party candidate.

The guy's policies are the mortal enemy of liberal policy (i'm not trying to give him credit), with the exception of wanting America to be an Isolationist nation.

He knows he has no chance. he's just runing, because he thinks he's proving a point.
Newsflash: The nomination is not decided by debates.

Ron Paul has no, zero, chance of getting nominated. Republicans are put off by him and his whack-o followers.

More importantly, he cannot win against Obama. If the GOP are serious about taking Obama down, then find a candidate that independents will vote for. Clue: it is not Ron Paul.

That's why democrats always say they like him, so he can either somehow win the GOP primary, or run as a third party candidate.

The guy's policies are the mortal enemy of liberal policy (i'm not trying to give him credit), with the exception of wanting America to be an Isolationist nation.

He knows he has no chance. he's just runing, because he thinks he's proving a point.

Yea right. They like him because he has zero electability. Couldnt be that he wants the same things they want. End of the drug war, end of the military wars, keeping fag marrige a state issue. Decentralization of power. Ending the debt and federal reserve.


Almost everyone in this country is conservative, we all like freedom and have had it with washington. Democrats and Republicans. Ron Paul stands up for conservative princapals. None can debate his stance, thats why he is attacked on 'unelectability' cause its all they have. You want to beat obama and unify the country, Ron Paul is your man.
When is Ron Paul going to drop out?

He is fading quickly

Is that why everytime he spoke in the debate it was followed up with thunderus applause??? Is that why google has him DOUBLE the amount of searches of any other candidate?? Is that why he destroys every other candidate in every debate??? Does his fading fast have anything to do with consistant wins in any event where he is allowed to speak???
When is Ron Paul going to drop out?

He is fading quickly

Is that why everytime he spoke in the debate it was followed up with thunderus applause??? Is that why google has him DOUBLE the amount of searches of any other candidate?? Is that why he destroys every other candidate in every debate??? Does his fading fast have anything to do with consistant wins in any event where he is allowed to speak???

Ron Paul's loyal bots are always there to provide thunderous applause and flood Internet polls

When it comes time to vote, Paul pulls single digits and won't take a single GOP delegate
More importantly, he cannot win against Obama. If the GOP are serious about taking Obama down, then find a candidate that independents will vote for. Clue: it is not Ron Paul.

That's why democrats always say they like him, so he can either somehow win the GOP primary, or run as a third party candidate.

The guy's policies are the mortal enemy of liberal policy (i'm not trying to give him credit), with the exception of wanting America to be an Isolationist nation.

He knows he has no chance. he's just runing, because he thinks he's proving a point.

Yea right. They like him because he has zero electability. Couldnt be that he wants the same things they want. End of the drug war, end of the military wars, keeping fag marrige a state issue. Decentralization of power. Ending the debt and federal reserve.


Almost everyone in this country is conservative, we all like freedom and have had it with washington. Democrats and Republicans. Ron Paul stands up for conservative princapals. None can debate his stance, thats why he is attacked on 'unelectability' cause its all they have. You want to beat obama and unify the country, Ron Paul is your man.

like I said they like his isolantionist policy. Your are right that they like him wanting drugs to be legal. You are wrong that he wants to leave gay marriage up to the states. He wants government out of the marriage issue, all together.

Liberals want a stronger central government, gays to be allowed to marry, view the debt as a long term problem, and ending the fed is a radical idea wether you talk to a liberal or conservative.

I would rather vote for Obama.
America, unfortunately, isn't intellectually and emotionally evolved enough yet to VOTE RON PAUL.

That's a good recruiting / campaigning tactic! "If y'all weren't a bunch of small-minded intellectual midgets, you'd vote like me! So wake up, be smart and vote Ron Paul"
That's why democrats always say they like him, so he can either somehow win the GOP primary, or run as a third party candidate.

The guy's policies are the mortal enemy of liberal policy (i'm not trying to give him credit), with the exception of wanting America to be an Isolationist nation.

He knows he has no chance. he's just runing, because he thinks he's proving a point.

Yea right. They like him because he has zero electability. Couldnt be that he wants the same things they want. End of the drug war, end of the military wars, keeping fag marrige a state issue. Decentralization of power. Ending the debt and federal reserve.


Almost everyone in this country is conservative, we all like freedom and have had it with washington. Democrats and Republicans. Ron Paul stands up for conservative princapals. None can debate his stance, thats why he is attacked on 'unelectability' cause its all they have. You want to beat obama and unify the country, Ron Paul is your man.

like I said they like his isolantionist policy. Your are right that they like him wanting drugs to be legal. You are wrong that he wants to leave gay marriage up to the states. He wants government out of the marriage issue, all together.

Liberals want a stronger central government, gays to be allowed to marry, view the debt as a long term problem, and ending the fed is a radical idea wether you talk to a liberal or conservative.

I would rather vote for Obama.

Are you either an outright liar, or misinformed?
When is Ron Paul going to drop out?

He is fading quickly

Is that why everytime he spoke in the debate it was followed up with thunderus applause??? Is that why google has him DOUBLE the amount of searches of any other candidate?? Is that why he destroys every other candidate in every debate??? Does his fading fast have anything to do with consistant wins in any event where he is allowed to speak???

Ron Paul's loyal bots are always there to provide thunderous applause and flood Internet polls

When it comes time to vote, Paul pulls single digits and won't take a single GOP delegate

Right. Its always a teny tiny group of people who are faking the results of everything. Its not a conspiracy, its a revolution.

BTW, Ron Paul is a GOP delegate. You know that Republicans are supposed to be conservative right?? Looking at the lineup I would say that Ron Paul is one of the few true GOP delegates out there.
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Yea right. They like him because he has zero electability. Couldnt be that he wants the same things they want. End of the drug war, end of the military wars, keeping fag marrige a state issue. Decentralization of power. Ending the debt and federal reserve.


Almost everyone in this country is conservative, we all like freedom and have had it with washington. Democrats and Republicans. Ron Paul stands up for conservative princapals. None can debate his stance, thats why he is attacked on 'unelectability' cause its all they have. You want to beat obama and unify the country, Ron Paul is your man.

like I said they like his isolantionist policy. Your are right that they like him wanting drugs to be legal. You are wrong that he wants to leave gay marriage up to the states. He wants government out of the marriage issue, all together.

Liberals want a stronger central government, gays to be allowed to marry, view the debt as a long term problem, and ending the fed is a radical idea wether you talk to a liberal or conservative.

I would rather vote for Obama.

Are you either an outright liar, or misinformed?

what am I lying, or misinformed about?

like I said they like his isolantionist policy. Your are right that they like him wanting drugs to be legal. You are wrong that he wants to leave gay marriage up to the states. He wants government out of the marriage issue, all together.

Liberals want a stronger central government, gays to be allowed to marry, view the debt as a long term problem, and ending the fed is a radical idea wether you talk to a liberal or conservative.

I would rather vote for Obama.

Are you either an outright liar, or misinformed?

what am I lying, or misinformed about?

Isolationist policy. Leaving gay marriage to the states. Liberals viewing the debt as a long term problem, and ending the federal reserve as a radical idea.

No, I am not going to continue down this road of debating semantics and obvious realities with someone who prefers to keep their head in the sand.
America, unfortunately, isn't intellectually and emotionally evolved enough yet to VOTE RON PAUL.

That's a good recruiting / campaigning tactic! "If y'all weren't a bunch of small-minded intellectual midgets, you'd vote like me! So wake up, be smart and vote Ron Paul"

Isn't that pretty much what Democrats say?

No. That's what holier-than-thou elitist fringers from the far recesses of both sides of the aisle say.

Mainstream Democrats and Republicans understand that calling the majority of the population stupid is no way to win a campaign or curry support.
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I actually did some checks, and Paul is in favor of gay marriage being a states issue, but I have heard him say he want government out of the issue all together, and it to be left up to individual churches and other religous institutions...

Anyways he's still a douche, and he has no chance of winning.
Is that why everytime he spoke in the debate it was followed up with thunderus applause??? Is that why google has him DOUBLE the amount of searches of any other candidate?? Is that why he destroys every other candidate in every debate??? Does his fading fast have anything to do with consistant wins in any event where he is allowed to speak???

Ron Paul's loyal bots are always there to provide thunderous applause and flood Internet polls

When it comes time to vote, Paul pulls single digits and won't take a single GOP delegate

Right. Its always a teny tiny group of people who are faking the results of everything. Its not a conspiracy, its a revolution.

BTW, Ron Paul is a GOP delegate. You know that Republicans are supposed to be conservative right?? Looking at the lineup I would say that Ron Paul is one of the few true GOP delegates out there.

Does it matter?

Ron Paul has an intensely loyal 8% of the GOP voting block. They are always there for him to flood inter web polls and scream loudly every time he opens his mouth

Unfortunately, their antics will not carry over in the primaries where Paul would be lucky to finish fourth

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