Mitt Calls Newt "Zany"...

Mirrors in space to make night time driving easier? Mining the moon? Attacking North Korea with lasers? Re-writing the entire constitution and Newt believes he is the man to lead the New America in the new civilization that he helps make?

You have to be fully nutty to support Newtie… If I were lying or making all that up that would be something but I can get the quotes if you reeeaaallly need me too…

But yes I agree, Mitt is pretty out there too... Mainly Mitt's problem is the same as Newts, they set the bar for lying and flip flopping.
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Mitt is pissed off that he is falloing in the polls and the Republican Blue-Bloods may not be able to put him in office because it's his turn...:eusa_whistle:
Mirrors in space to make night time driving easier? Mining the moon? Attacking North Korea with lasers? Re-writing the entire constitution and Newt believes he is the man to lead the New America in the new civilization that he helps make?

You have to be fully nutty to support Newtie… If I were lying or making all that up that would be something but I can get the quotes if you reeeaaallly need me too…

But yes I agree, Mitt is pretty out there too... Mainly Mitt's problem is the same as Newts, they set the bar for lying and flip flopping.
What amazes me is that of all the choices Republicans have, they should end up with Newt and Romney, a couple of retreads. Apparently the Republicans are going to shoot themselves in the food again. With these guys, Obama doesn't need to defend his record.
There's tens of trillions of dollars worth of resources on the moon, why not mine it? Seriously, All the people that whine about how we don't have unlimited resources are stuck on one tiny planet. Within the Astroid belt alone we have enough resources to last us for millions of years at least. The fresh water alone would end any worry of running out.

Seriously, it makes me want to vote for Newt. This is one of the good things about JFK. You got to be nuts to say that space isn't worth it.
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Mirrors in space to make night time driving easier? Mining the moon? Attacking North Korea with lasers? Re-writing the entire constitution and Newt believes he is the man to lead the New America in the new civilization that he helps make?

You have to be fully nutty to support Newtie… If I were lying or making all that up that would be something but I can get the quotes if you reeeaaallly need me too…

But yes I agree, Mitt is pretty out there too... Mainly Mitt's problem is the same as Newts, they set the bar for lying and flip flopping.
What amazes me is that of all the choices Republicans have, they should end up with Newt and Romney, a couple of retreads. Apparently the Republicans are going to shoot themselves in the food again. With these guys, Obama doesn't need to defend his record.

I dono... Paul is doing like, better than most...
Mitt is pissed off that he is falloing in the polls and the Republican Blue-Bloods may not be able to put him in office because it's his turn...:eusa_whistle:
Both those assholes are cut from the same cloth....It's insider east coast blue-blood dickweed #1 vs insider east coast blue-blood dickweed #2.
Mitt is pissed off that he is falloing in the polls and the Republican Blue-Bloods may not be able to put him in office because it's his turn...:eusa_whistle:
Both those assholes are cut from the same cloth....It's insider east coast blue-blood dickweed #1 vs insider east coast blue-blood dickweed #2.
I was rather disturbed by Newt's assertion that FDR was the Greatest POTUS in the 20th Century...

Sadly? Newt appears to be a Progressive of Teddy Roosevelt caliber.

Mitt? Just a polished Progressive Turd.
Heramn Cain was railroaded...with no proof...and as the solid MAN he is? Chose to not drag his family through the mud...and got out. THAT showed he's a real man putting Family first...

SO? Who's left on the Conservative side?

Bachman? Santorum?

Heramn Cain was railroaded...with no proof...and as the solid MAN he is? Chose to not drag his family through the mud...and got out. THAT showed he's a real man putting Family first...

SO? Who's left on the Conservative side?

Bachman? Santorum?


When someone quits and gets out of the spotlight it's always a clear sign of guilt. Lets be serious. I'd say Ron Paul would make the best president as he would focus on cutting the crap out of this government and giving power back to the states. No more worthless wars!
Heramn Cain was railroaded...with no proof...and as the solid MAN he is? Chose to not drag his family through the mud...and got out. THAT showed he's a real man putting Family first...

SO? Who's left on the Conservative side?

Bachman? Santorum?

Santorum was born with a silver spoon up his ass. He's a little less elitist than Mitt, but not a whole lot.

Also, it doesn't help that his views are so reactionary that they even frighten off fundamentalist Christians.
Heramn Cain was railroaded...with no proof...and as the solid MAN he is? Chose to not drag his family through the mud...and got out. THAT showed he's a real man putting Family first...

SO? Who's left on the Conservative side?

Bachman? Santorum?

Santorum was born with a silver spoon up his ass. He's a little less elitist than Mitt, but not a whole lot.

Also, it doesn't help that his views are so reactionary that they even frighten off fundamentalist Christians.
Mitt is pissed off that he is falloing in the polls and the Republican Blue-Bloods may not be able to put him in office because it's his turn...:eusa_whistle:
Both those assholes are cut from the same cloth....It's insider east coast blue-blood dickweed #1 vs insider east coast blue-blood dickweed #2.
I was rather disturbed by Newt's assertion that FDR was the Greatest POTUS in the 20th Century...

Sadly? Newt appears to be a Progressive of Teddy Roosevelt caliber.
Dude...He's a fucking fascist.

[ame=]Newt Gingrich: I'm a Wilsonian - YouTube[/ame]
Heramn Cain was railroaded...with no proof...and as the solid MAN he is? Chose to not drag his family through the mud...and got out. THAT showed he's a real man putting Family first...

SO? Who's left on the Conservative side?

Bachman? Santorum?


When someone quits and gets out of the spotlight it's always a clear sign of guilt. Lets be serious. I'd say Ron Paul would make the best president as he would focus on cutting the crap out of this government and giving power back to the states. No more worthless wars!

Where are his accusers?

Pretty damned quiet now, aren't they?
Heramn Cain was railroaded...with no proof...and as the solid MAN he is? Chose to not drag his family through the mud...and got out. THAT showed he's a real man putting Family first...

SO? Who's left on the Conservative side?

Bachman? Santorum?


Paul, and it won't matter if you agree with itr or not... It's happening as we speak.
Heramn Cain was railroaded...with no proof...and as the solid MAN he is? Chose to not drag his family through the mud...and got out. THAT showed he's a real man putting Family first...

SO? Who's left on the Conservative side?

Bachman? Santorum?


When someone quits and gets out of the spotlight it's always a clear sign of guilt. Lets be serious. I'd say Ron Paul would make the best president as he would focus on cutting the crap out of this government and giving power back to the states. No more worthless wars!

Where are his accusers?

Pretty damned quiet now, aren't they?

My issue with Cain was that he had a serious lack of positions on some of the most basic and important issues. I never cared who he might have fucked. I’d say let it go and figure out what you want to do from here.

For many of us even if Paul does not get the nomination we will write in Paul, you can always write in Cain. In fact even if Paul was the nominee I’d still advocate you still to doing a write in for Cain if that is what you believe in.
When someone quits and gets out of the spotlight it's always a clear sign of guilt. Lets be serious. I'd say Ron Paul would make the best president as he would focus on cutting the crap out of this government and giving power back to the states. No more worthless wars!

Where are his accusers?

Pretty damned quiet now, aren't they?

My issue with Cain was that he had a serious lack of positions on some of the most basic and important issues. I never cared who he might have fucked. I’d say let it go and figure out what you want to do from here.

For many of us even if Paul does not get the nomination we will write in Paul, you can always write in Cain. In fact even if Paul was the nominee I’d still advocate you still to doing a write in for Cain if that is what you believe in.
I can deal with that. Most people don't understand that they don't have to vote for what the party elitists give us.

Such ignorance design.
Mirrors in space to make night time driving easier? Mining the moon? Attacking North Korea with lasers? Re-writing the entire constitution and Newt believes he is the man to lead the New America in the new civilization that he helps make?

You have to be fully nutty to support Newtie… If I were lying or making all that up that would be something but I can get the quotes if you reeeaaallly need me too…

But yes I agree, Mitt is pretty out there too... Mainly Mitt's problem is the same as Newts, they set the bar for lying and flip flopping.
What amazes me is that of all the choices Republicans have, they should end up with Newt and Romney, a couple of retreads. Apparently the Republicans are going to shoot themselves in the food again. With these guys, Obama doesn't need to defend his record.

You can keep saying that, but as long as Obama' record sucks, he'll still lose...

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