Mitt Romney and other GOPers will reject the Cruz efforts

So trump is now dividing the GOP into factions. And stupid people like Cruz and Cohmer Pyle are busy doing just that.
Good news for the Democrats! trump is a Baby Whiner....
I'm sure that's how you see it through your tiny window of reality.
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Not just Romney. Even Pence and McConnell are distancing themselves from a more and more incoherent President Trump. I hope the Republican Party tears itself to pieces, but I doubt we will have such luck. Whatever bad happens to the Repubs after Trump ... they will abundantly have earned it.
Unfortunately, the GOP's Southern Strategy created the perfect mindset in the Republican voter base, one developed over fifty years that opened the door for trump's hate-filled rhetoric.

His four years didn't hurt the GOP, those years demonstrated to Republican Party leaders nationwide, the extreme level of corruption the base will not just ignore, but justify and defend.

The only changes the trump years made in the GOP, was to create a political party more dangerous to our Democratic process than ever before.

Romney can do what he wants. There is no control over him.

Do you think he will primary Mr. Trump in 2024? If he does, how do you think he'll do?

Romney is one-and-done. He fooled the people of Utah. He's a fraud.
When I, as an average voter living in the Midwest, first saw Romney I wanted to give him a fair shot. Although his overly polished appearance was a bit off-putting (still convinced he practices gestures- imitating surprise and other emotional expressions- before a mirror daily which works against him in the long-run) I read his political stances when he'd hoped to gain the Republican ticket back in 2012.

My conclusion? He is a weasel and as some would say a RINO, but that's not why I call him a weasel...he just is lol
Not just Romney. Even Pence and McConnell are distancing themselves from a more and more incoherent President Trump. I hope the Republican Party tears itself to pieces, but I doubt we will have such luck. Whatever bad happens to the Repubs after Trump ... they will abundantly have earned it.
Unfortunately, the GOP's Southern Strategy created the perfect mindset in the Republican voter base, one developed over fifty years that opened the door for trump's hate-filled rhetoric.

His four years didn't hurt the GOP, those years demonstrated to Republican Party leaders nationwide, the extreme level of corruption the base will not just ignore, but justify and defend.

The only changes the trump years made in the GOP, was to create a political party more dangerous to our Democratic process than ever before.

Not just Romney. Even Pence and McConnell are distancing themselves from a more and more incoherent President Trump. I hope the Republican Party tears itself to pieces, but I doubt we will have such luck. Whatever bad happens to the Repubs after Trump ... they will abundantly have earned it.
Unfortunately, the GOP's Southern Strategy created the perfect mindset in the Republican voter base, one developed over fifty years that opened the door for trump's hate-filled rhetoric.

His four years didn't hurt the GOP, those years demonstrated to Republican Party leaders nationwide, the extreme level of corruption the base will not just ignore, but justify and defend.

The only changes the trump years made in the GOP, was to create a political party more dangerous to our Democratic process than ever before.

View attachment 436657
Non sequitur.


So trump is now dividing the GOP into factions. And stupid people like Cruz and Cohmer Pyle are busy doing just that.
Good news for the Democrats! trump is a Baby Whiner....
I love how lefties love Romney now. We always knew he was a loser, he was never a conservative, always a “moderate” like Mc-shit-Stain. He can go to hell.
It's astounding to see the praise being heaped onto Romney from the left, being that the left called him a sexist, xenophobic, racist who was going to "Put y'all back in chains" and have "binders full of women" back in 2012. The left's problem is that some of us are over the age of 10. They always relatively prop up the former presidents and candidates that were GOP or at all conservative, and try to make it seem like there are better alternatives than which GOP is running at the moment. That's not correct.

The left calls every GOP presidential candidate a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. Every single one. It's like the sun coming up. GWB was the most Bipartisan president of the past 40 years and they detested and slandered him nonstop. If Mitt Romney were to be the candidate in 2024, he'd become Dr. Evil over night to the leftist institutions such as the media, academia, hollywood, late night/talkshows, big tech and social media.

Don't ever buy that hilarious game.
It's astounding to see the praise being heaped onto Romney from the left, being that the left called him a sexist, xenophobic, racist who was going to "Put y'all back in chains" and have "binders full of women" back in 2012. The left's problem is that some of us are over the age of 10. They always relatively prop up the former presidents and candidates that were GOP or at all conservative, and try to make it seem like there are better alternatives than which GOP is running at the moment. That's not correct.

The left calls every GOP presidential candidate a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. Every single one. It's like the sun coming up. GWB was the most Bipartisan president of the past 40 years and they detested and slandered him nonstop. If Mitt Romney were to be the candidate in 2024, he'd become Dr. Evil over night to the leftist institutions such as the media, academia, hollywood, late night/talkshows, big tech and social media.

Don't ever buy that hilarious game.
Don’t forget Bill Clinton was supposed to be the worst if he was elected. He was great. Look how you attacked gore, Hillary, Biden. All moderates but you claimed they were extremists.

No, we don’t like Romney, comey, Michael Cohen, Bolton, Maddox mueller or Rex tillerson. We just like it that they stood up to trump.
It's astounding to see the praise being heaped onto Romney from the left, being that the left called him a sexist, xenophobic, racist who was going to "Put y'all back in chains" and have "binders full of women" back in 2012. The left's problem is that some of us are over the age of 10. They always relatively prop up the former presidents and candidates that were GOP or at all conservative, and try to make it seem like there are better alternatives than which GOP is running at the moment. That's not correct.

The left calls every GOP presidential candidate a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. Every single one. It's like the sun coming up. GWB was the most Bipartisan president of the past 40 years and they detested and slandered him nonstop. If Mitt Romney were to be the candidate in 2024, he'd become Dr. Evil over night to the leftist institutions such as the media, academia, hollywood, late night/talkshows, big tech and social media.

Don't ever buy that hilarious game.
Don’t forget Bill Clinton was supposed to be the worst if he was elected. He was great. Look how you attacked gore, Hillary, Biden. All moderates but you claimed they were extremists.

No, we don’t like Romney, comey, Michael Cohen, Bolton, Maddox mueller or Rex tillerson. We just like it that they stood up to trump.
Ignore this troll,he is mr biased demorat lover who won’t face facts that his hero Clinton was a mass murderer who was pals with the bush’s and both were in favor of nafta ,you can see for yourself how delusional he is with his theory trump will be in prison. :iyfyus.jpg: :laughing0301:
It's astounding to see the praise being heaped onto Romney from the left, being that the left called him a sexist, xenophobic, racist who was going to "Put y'all back in chains" and have "binders full of women" back in 2012. The left's problem is that some of us are over the age of 10. They always relatively prop up the former presidents and candidates that were GOP or at all conservative, and try to make it seem like there are better alternatives than which GOP is running at the moment. That's not correct.

The left calls every GOP presidential candidate a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. Every single one. It's like the sun coming up. GWB was the most Bipartisan president of the past 40 years and they detested and slandered him nonstop. If Mitt Romney were to be the candidate in 2024, he'd become Dr. Evil over night to the leftist institutions such as the media, academia, hollywood, late night/talkshows, big tech and social media.

Don't ever buy that hilarious game.
Don’t forget Bill Clinton was supposed to be the worst if he was elected. He was great. Look how you attacked gore, Hillary, Biden. All moderates but you claimed they were extremists.

No, we don’t like Romney, comey, Michael Cohen, Bolton, Maddox mueller or Rex tillerson. We just like it that they stood up to trump.
Ignore this troll,he is mr biased demorat lover who won’t face facts that his hero Clinton was a mass murderer who was pals with the bush’s and both were in favor of nafta ,you can see for yourself how delusional he is with his theory trump will be in prison. :iyfyus.jpg: :laughing0301:
Are you 100% against free trade?

So trump is now dividing the GOP into factions. And stupid people like Cruz and Cohmer Pyle are busy doing just that.
Good news for the Democrats! trump is a Baby Whiner....
Of course they will.Romney same as Biden is a fascist commie lover globalist that hates America same as Biden,he voted for him the fact they are two peas in a pod who hate America same as you do shill.
It's astounding to see the praise being heaped onto Romney from the left, being that the left called him a sexist, xenophobic, racist who was going to "Put y'all back in chains" and have "binders full of women" back in 2012. The left's problem is that some of us are over the age of 10. They always relatively prop up the former presidents and candidates that were GOP or at all conservative, and try to make it seem like there are better alternatives than which GOP is running at the moment. That's not correct.

The left calls every GOP presidential candidate a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. Every single one. It's like the sun coming up. GWB was the most Bipartisan president of the past 40 years and they detested and slandered him nonstop. If Mitt Romney were to be the candidate in 2024, he'd become Dr. Evil over night to the leftist institutions such as the media, academia, hollywood, late night/talkshows, big tech and social media.

Don't ever buy that hilarious game.
Don’t forget Bill Clinton was supposed to be the worst if he was elected. He was great. Look how you attacked gore, Hillary, Biden. All moderates but you claimed they were extremists.

No, we don’t like Romney, comey, Michael Cohen, Bolton, Maddox mueller or Rex tillerson. We just like it that they stood up to trump.
Ignore this troll,he is mr biased demorat lover who won’t face facts that his hero Clinton was a mass murderer who was pals with the bush’s and both were in favor of nafta ,you can see for yourself how delusional he is with his theory trump will be in prison. :iyfyus.jpg: :laughing0301:
Are you 100% against free trade?
There you go into evade mode as always changing the topic.I am against a policy that is disguised as free trade when it steals thousands of jobs from Americans and ships them over to Mexico which is what happened after your hero traiter Clinton signed it.

Clinton and bush as most posters here recognize are both globalists who hate America and are for communism. Patriot Ross Perot who was against NAFTA never had a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected because of that and was forced to drop out of the race when the elite gave death threats to his family for being against nafta,which is what is happening to trumps lawyers and whistleblowers as well which you would know about if you were not on that deserted island you been on for decades now.

So trump is now dividing the GOP into factions. And stupid people like Cruz and Cohmer Pyle are busy doing just that.
Good news for the Democrats! trump is a Baby Whiner....
“So trump is now dividing the GOP into factions.”

Not really.

Any ‘divide’ will only be temporary – Congressional Republicans who ‘object’ to the will of the people are doing so to appease the Trump supporters in their states and districts they need to get reelected.

Republicans will retain control of the Senate and after January 20th will be united in their opposition to President Biden.
Romney can do what he wants. There is no control over him.

Do you think he will primary Mr. Trump in 2024? If he does, how do you think he'll do?

Romney has no interest in being President any longer because of his wife illness... The stress from the last time he ran caused her harm with her health and she has a lot of sway with Mitt over his political aspirations even at his age.

Let not forget how old Mitt is and the fact he is most likely wanting Senate Majority Leader when and if the GOP regains majority if they lose both Senate seats this January 5th leaving the Senate in a tie...

So trump is now dividing the GOP into factions. And stupid people like Cruz and Cohmer Pyle are busy doing just that.
Good news for the Democrats! trump is a Baby Whiner....
I love how lefties love Romney now. We always knew he was a loser, he was never a conservative, always a “moderate” like Mc-shit-Stain. He can go to hell.
No one on the left has any affection for that greedy pr!ck. He just happens to be the closest thing to a voice of reason that exists in the Republican Party after the impeached president trump's disastrous four years of influence.

Naturally, anyone with an "R" next to his or her name, that shows any form of rational thought is hated by you RWNJs.

The GOP infighting has become a contest of who will be the biggest a$$hole.

Perhaps, as the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs are forced to take sides, the civil war they have, for so long dreamed, will be among themselves. It will then become a contest of who will be the biggest a$$hole left standing.


Pedo joe is all you have and he's perfect for you and the nihilistic libs.
The GOP infighting has become a contest of who will be the biggest a$$hole.

Perhaps, as the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs are forced to take sides, the civil war they have, for so long dreamed, will be among themselves. It will then become a contest of who will be the biggest a$$hole left standing.


Pedo joe is all you have and he's perfect for you and the nihilistic libs.
Considering the self-admitted sexual predator you RWNJs adore created the baseless accusation of Biden's proclivity for children, you RWNJs forget your orange-toned messiah was a regular at Jeffrey Epstein's pedo-parties.

Right-wing denial cannot change facts, regardless of how many lies you a$$holes repeat.


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