Mitt Romney retires and gives a scathing review of the GOP

:huddle: I still hope they figure out how to heal people who get dementia back to normal. I'm reading up a lot lately on how to delay mental faculties for people who are up in years
A Seed Doesn't Grow in Sand

Don't expect a cure until we change the way we treat the few people capable of coming up with the cure.
That's not the only reason, but it is definitely a good reason.
It is the only reason. You yourself were a Romney cheerleader.

There there, things like a strong middle class, balancing the budget, reducing the unemployment, and upping freedom and liberty aren't bad things, you'll see :up:
If Americans wanted those things, they would have voted for Romney.

So it is a simple fact the only reason people like you now hate Romney is because he voted to convict Trump.
From the Atlantic article..."When one senator, a member of leadership, said he was leaning towards voting to convict, the others urged him to reconsider, you can't do that Romney recalled someone saying. Think of your personal safety, said another. Think of your children."

IOW, Trump's mob intimidated US senators to the extent they had to consider their personal safety and that of their family's when making up their minds on how to vote for impeachment. That's the sort of thing that happens in authoritarian lead countries.
Well, bless your little heart.


It begs the question, if you are more vocal and critical of the GOP than the DNC, why were you a Republican all those years?

This man honestly thinks Biden is a better President than Trump was.
He is not running for reelection because he knows he will get his ass kicked in the Republican Primaries.

Not even the LDS could save his RINO ass,
He sounds like my wife.

My wife knows everyone in town....and she is well liked by everyone except maybe people who are jealous of her kindness and her beauty.

Now she has Dementia and is shell of her former self.
The worst part of it is I remember what she was like and compare it to what she is today, and it kills me a little inside. To see someone I loved for 46 years slowly leave me a little bit more each day is harder on loved ones than the person going thru it.

stay strong, lenny.

It begs the question, if you are more vocal and critical of the GOP than the DNC, why were you a Republican all those years?

This man honestly thinks Biden is a better President than Trump was.
I don't know the heart of Mitt Romney and won't speculate. But he doesn't have much interest in what actually helps America and Americans and supports far too many things that don't. And that makes him much more a Democrat than a Republican.

I do have my own problems with the Republican Party but it is generally lack of courage or looking to its own interest that frustrates and sometimes angers me but at least they don't push a Marxist agenda.
From the Atlantic article..."When one senator, a member of leadership, said he was leaning towards voting to convict, the others urged him to reconsider, you can't do that Romney recalled someone saying. Think of your personal safety, said another. Think of your children."

IOW, Trump's mob intimidated US senators to the extent they had to consider their personal safety and that of their family's when making up their minds on how to vote for impeachment. That's the sort of thing that happens in authoritarian lead countries.
Pages of Plagiarism

Was Trump going to Twitter them to death? Your imaginary scenario reminds me of the restaurant scene when Trump hosted Saturday Night Live. That's where The Atlantic copied it from.

It begs the question, if you are more vocal and critical of the GOP than the DNC, why were you a Republican all those years?

This man honestly thinks Biden is a better President than Trump was.
Frankly, it stands to reason. Romney is an avatar of the Republican establishment, which, despite some pro-wrestling level acting during elections, is in alliance with the Democratic establishment. Trump appeals to right-wing populists, who threaten the agenda of the Republican establishment and their grip on political power. Yes, they'd rather lose to a Joe Biden than win with a Donald Trump, because Joe Biden is more in line with the agenda of the Republican establishment being an avatar himself of the Democratic establishment. At least Romney was honest about it.
Romney is a RINO. Pure and simple.....a liberal at heart and butthurt most of the time.

It begs the question, if you are more vocal and critical of the GOP than the DNC, why were you a Republican all those years?

This man honestly thinks Biden is a better President than Trump was.

Fair enough, Romney is a fucking sad individual who destroyed Obama in two debates, then caved and agreed with every word Obama said in the third and took the heart out of everyone who supported him. Democrats can personally thank the douche bag for Obama's second term. So if he wants to criticize us back on the way out, fuck him and the fart that blew him in
Voting for huge deficits is conservative?
Republicans have been voting for huge deficits ever since the Reagan administration, with their dogma that it is always a good time to cut taxes for the rich, and never a good time to raise them. Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%.

It begs the question, if you are more vocal and critical of the GOP than the DNC, why were you a Republican all those years?

This man honestly thinks Biden is a better President than Trump was.

Biden is a better President than Trump was. Trump is the worst president in American history. Negative job creation, stagnant stock market, low GDP numbers, 1.1 million Americans died as a result of his covid response, and all of your trade deals and strategic arms limitation treaties were trashed. Ridiculously high deficits when he should have been cutting spending in a boom economy, not taxes.
He's sort of Republican in name, but I find that highly dubious

He's not "sort of Republican". He's a true fiscally conservative Republican - far more right wing than Reagan, or either Bush.

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