Mitt Romney asked about Republican Poor, says "I'm not trying to help them".

I guess that's all your mental capacities can handle... one liners.... or "one worders" in this situation. far that is four posts in this thread and you have yet to add one thing to the conversation/debate.

I would think you would be more appropriate for the "Romper Room"


I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy from your righties. Your boys and girls vomit one inflammatory thread after another that is often based on out of context comments, half truths and sometimes outright lies. When we try to refute it, we get a response similar to my first word in this post.

However, when a leftie does pretty much the same... you act as though your side is totally innocent and how DARE we say something nasty about your beloved politician.

As far as the Romper Room thing? Kiss my ass... you don't make the rules, do you?
I guess that's all your mental capacities can handle... one liners.... or "one worders" in this situation.

Nah, she's a genius. Just ask her, she'll tell you.

She offfers a lot more to the debate than steelplate does...

And she is a lot more intelligent than you give her credit for.

FYI...people that think differently than you, do that...think differently than you. It does not mean they are not intelligent.

Amazing... when one dissents from her "oh so intelligent" opinion.... she ends just about every post with...."idiot".

so yeah... if that's your idea of respecting differing may want to re-evaluate your definition of respect.... But, I guess it's OK because she's on your end of the political spectrum.
Romney: 'I'm not concerned about the very poor' - Yahoo! News

"I'm not concerned about the very poor." he said Wednesday.

A candidate for the 1%.

This post of yours, and the OP, are a textbook example of a "lie of omission".

I notice you COMPLETELY ignored he also said:
"I'm not concerned about the very rich."

So you lied. He is NOT a candidate for the 1%.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Wednesday that he's "not concerned about the very poor" because they have an "ample safety net" and he's focused instead on relieving the suffering of middle-class people hit hard by the bad economy.

In comments likely to become fodder for his critics, Romney emphasized, "You can focus on the very poor, that's not my focus."

He brought up the subject of the poor in a CNN interview marking his big win in Florida's GOP primary Tuesday night, a major step toward becoming the party's challenger to President Barack Obama in the fall. A multi-millionaire former venture capitalist, Romney has been criticized by Democrats and his Republican rivals alike for earlier remarks seen as insensitive, such as saying "I like being able to fire people" and declaring that he knew what it was like to worry about being "pink-slipped" out of a job.

"I'm not concerned about the very poor." he said Wednesday. "We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich. They're doing just fine. I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."

So...basically...fuck you for making shit up, Nic.
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On Morning Joe, Mitt Romney was asked about what he would do for the Republican poor and how his policies would help the Republican poor and he said he's not trying to target any particular segment of society.

In other words, "You guys are on your own, don't look to me for help".

Really good message.

When asked about his "policies", there were the typical Republican repsonse:

Cut taxes for the wealthy

gut the EPA

Open health care across state borders (so it can't be regulated)

and variations on these three themes.

Nothing about education, building American infrastructure, helping the middle class.

So, this is it? The is the best Republicans have to offer? Am I missing something here? This fantasy that cutting taxes for billionaires will make jobs has gone on way too long. Do Republicans really believe America can compete with a failing infrastructure and no education? How would success look without those?

So now Liberals have resorted to blatant lying. Actually nothing new there.

Mitt Romney never said this. I saw the segment and he was saying he wants EVERYBODY to have a chance at the Amercian Dream. His policies will help ALL AMERCIANS, likewise its not aimed at any one group. If he aimed it at one group like Obama does that would be class warfare.

Now carry on with more of your lies Liberal.

I agree with your impression of Romney's statement and his intent. I also agree that is was a stupid way to express it, as the words were harsh, and we are learning....
Oh, yay! The 'mommy, he did it too!' excuse. :lol:

No it's the no unilateral disarmament rationale.

Romney also dumped a ton of mud on Gingrich in order to win Florida. The what goes around comes around freight train is coming down the track.

I have a low tolerance for this kind of bullshit. I find it petty and a tad ridiculous.

If this is what our political system has descended to then I feel sorry for Americans. We are worth better than this... from all of them.

But.. this is about a specific claim, and that claim - from the left - is bullshit. He did not say what the left are claiming he said. Logic, context, rational thought.... he didn't say it.

Judging by some of the comments I see here many of us aren't worth better.
On Morning Joe, Mitt Romney was asked about what he would do for the Republican poor and how his policies would help the Republican poor and he said he's not trying to target any particular segment of society.

In other words, "You guys are on your own, don't look to me for help".

Really good message.

When asked about his "policies", there were the typical Republican repsonse:

Cut taxes for the wealthy

gut the EPA

Open health care across state borders (so it can't be regulated)

and variations on these three themes.

Nothing about education, building American infrastructure, helping the middle class.

So, this is it? The is the best Republicans have to offer? Am I missing something here? This fantasy that cutting taxes for billionaires will make jobs has gone on way too long. Do Republicans really believe America can compete with a failing infrastructure and no education? How would success look without those?

Why am I not surprised that you are the one that jumped on this misrepresentation of what Romney said?
I believe Romney meant that the rich have means to protect themselves and the very poor have a government safety net. It is the middle class who are exposed to the most risk at the moment. I think it is fair to also say Romney has a degree of insensitivity to the plight of the poor to average American for the most part.

It does seem to make divisions between social and economic groups too. Poor choice of words for someone who wants to lead our nation.
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On Morning Joe, Mitt Romney was asked about what he would do for the Republican poor and how his policies would help the Republican poor and he said he's not trying to target any particular segment of society.

In other words, "You guys are on your own, don't look to me for help".

Really good message.

When asked about his "policies", there were the typical Republican repsonse:

Cut taxes for the wealthy

gut the EPA

Open health care across state borders (so it can't be regulated)

and variations on these three themes.

Nothing about education, building American infrastructure, helping the middle class.

So, this is it? The is the best Republicans have to offer? Am I missing something here? This fantasy that cutting taxes for billionaires will make jobs has gone on way too long. Do Republicans really believe America can compete with a failing infrastructure and no education? How would success look without those?

So now Liberals have resorted to blatant lying. Actually nothing new there.

Mitt Romney never said this. I saw the segment and he was saying he wants EVERYBODY to have a chance at the Amercian Dream. His policies will help ALL AMERCIANS, likewise its not aimed at any one group. If he aimed it at one group like Obama does that would be class warfare.

Now carry on with more of your lies Liberal.

No doubt Dean will slink away from the thread now. Allah forbid he post a link to his nonsense.

His policies are aimed at ALL Americans? I believe that. He wants his taxes cut by half. His tax plan would raise taxes for those making 40,000 to 60,000 by a thousand dollars.

Didn't he just say, "I'm not concerned about the very poor". It's one of today's big stories.
So now Liberals have resorted to blatant lying. Actually nothing new there.

Mitt Romney never said this. I saw the segment and he was saying he wants EVERYBODY to have a chance at the Amercian Dream. His policies will help ALL AMERCIANS, likewise its not aimed at any one group. If he aimed it at one group like Obama does that would be class warfare.

Now carry on with more of your lies Liberal.

No doubt Dean will slink away from the thread now. Allah forbid he post a link to his nonsense.

His policies are aimed at ALL Americans? I believe that. He wants his taxes cut by half. His tax plan would raise taxes for those making 40,000 to 60,000 by a thousand dollars.

Didn't he just say, "I'm not concerned about the very poor". It's one of today's big stories.

Of course it is. It's sure as shit not gonna be about the Department of Justice being held in contempt of Congress.
I'm guessing the Mitt robot programmers in his campaign are trying to get him to show an interest in the middle class,

and this hilarity was the result.
I'm guessing the Mitt robot programmers in his campaign are trying to get him to show an interest in the middle class,

and this hilarity was the result.

This hilarity is a result of Obama's media trying to destroy his competition.

I doubt it will work this time.
I never got a job from a poor man. Have you?

I hope my employer gets tax cuts because that means more benefits for me and my fellow workers. I just might be able to go out and buy that big screen TV I want!
Tax cuts for the wealthy don't create jobs. DEMAND for products creates jobs.

Do you really believe that a rich guy looks at his 1040 and says "Wow! I don't have to pay that extra 6%! I'll open a factory to celebrate!"

He'll open that factory if there are people WITH MONEY IN THEIR HANDS wanting to buy what he's making.

Put more money into more hands and watch our economy boom.

I never bought anything I couldn't afford, have you? I hope I get a tax cut so I can afford to buy that big screen TV.

I have no idea which discussion you think you're in. Clearly you didn't READ and COMPREHEND. I merely said when my employer has more money at their disposal it gets passed down in various forms to guys like me. I know this for a fact. So I like the idea of tax cuts for people like my employer.

Not sure where the "factory" came from and the idea of spending more than you can afford.

No it doesn't.
In Michigan, we my unemployment tax rate would have been .06% on the first $9,500 of each employee. Due to the large use of unemployment and the extensions granted by Congress without my imput, we are in the hole and my rate will be .51%

Does this stop me from hiring? Probably not, but I stop and consider it in my decision. It is a cost. If even 5 employers out of 100 decide it tips the scale, that is the loss of 5 jobs. Multiply that times training costs, possible unemployment claims, other employee taxes and benefits, it gives you pause.
In Michigan, we my unemployment tax rate would have been .06% on the first $9,500 of each employee. Due to the large use of unemployment and the extensions granted by Congress without my imput, we are in the hole and my rate will be .51%

Does this stop me from hiring? Probably not, but I stop and consider it in my decision. It is a cost. If even 5 employers out of 100 decide it tips the scale, that is the loss of 5 jobs. Multiply that times training costs, possible unemployment claims, other employee taxes and benefits, it gives you pause.

Imagine the state without the car industry.

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