Mitt Romney decides against 2016 presidential race

What is the big deal about Romney not running. He looked at the polls and sentiments of supporters or would be supporters and saw there may not have been the backing for him. Surely, there are other prospective candidates making the same decisions.
Romney is not a clown, and so he did the right thing.

Romney found the campaign money just wasn't going to be there for him, and so he did the sensible thing.

Some of the actual clowns on the GOP side should take their cue from him. Unfortunately, they won't. They have not learned from the disaster that was the 2012 GOP primary circus, and they are going to provide endless retarded sound bites for the liberal half of the media to play with.

I'm looking at you, Trump. I'm looking at you, Palin.

The GOP needs to start taking the trash to the curb. Immediately. Stop inviting the obvious clowns to GOP events.
the Dems need to start dumping ALL the clown trash they put up....
Romney is not a clown, and so he did the right thing.

Romney found the campaign money just wasn't going to be there for him, and so he did the sensible thing.

Some of the actual clowns on the GOP side should take their cue from him. Unfortunately, they won't. They have not learned from the disaster that was the 2012 GOP primary circus, and they are going to provide endless retarded sound bites for the liberal half of the media to play with.

I'm looking at you, Trump. I'm looking at you, Palin.

The GOP needs to start taking the trash to the curb. Immediately. Stop inviting the obvious clowns to GOP events.
the Dems need to start dumping ALL the clown trash they put up....
Elizabeth Warren is going to perform the same function as Sarah Palin. They are instruments which will try to pull the heavyweights toward the poles during the primaries. Their effect is to force the other candidates through a gauntlet of political purity tests and to get them to say things to please the energetic base which turns out in disproportionate numbers in the primary elections. Things which will later come back to haunt the survivors after the clowns have fallen to the wayside.

This is why we need to get rid of the GOP's clowns. If the Democrats want to keep their clowns around, that's all the better for the GOP.

But...the GOP is a pack of chickenshits. They won't purge the clowns until the damage is done.
Romney chose not to run. No one took him down. Of course, in the fact free, emotion driven world of the American liberal, the narrative must trump all.
Have you noticed that the leftist whiners on the board never talk about their own (Democrats') policies, mistakes, lies, diversions, crimes etc.?

All they seem to do here is whine about Republicans.
Gonna be hard on Hillary to appear slightly to the right of the current flock.

Romney's figuring it out has her looking a little more leftist that when she had him with which to compare.
There's a difference between Mitt and Jeb?
Jeb is more progressive.
Probably so in ideology ... though Mittens did Romneycare which is pretty progressive, so were talking about a few degrees at most on a 360 degree circle.

Mitt had to eschew his record and temperament .. and manhood ... to get the nomination. I just don't see how the party and primaries have changed. Jeb may be able to corkscrew himself enough to fend off a Scott Walker, but .... don't know.
Romney goes down just as he discovered his concern for the poor. Maybe he also discovered that nobody was buying it.
Romney is not a clown, and so he did the right thing.

Romney found the campaign money just wasn't going to be there for him, and so he did the sensible thing.

Some of the actual clowns on the GOP side should take their cue from him. Unfortunately, they won't. They have not learned from the disaster that was the 2012 GOP primary circus, and they are going to provide endless retarded sound bites for the liberal half of the media to play with.

I'm looking at you, Trump. I'm looking at you, Palin.

The GOP needs to start taking the trash to the curb. Immediately. Stop inviting the obvious clowns to GOP events.

And yet, oddly, Romney has been polling the highest of all the clowns in the GOP car.
That's one less RINO, good riddance. Too bad for the lying low life scum liberal media they were already attacking the size of Romney's house, while ignoring the size of lying low life scum Democrats houses of course. I guess their blatant bias is again the game plan.
Mitt's playing it smart, leaving the field open for the only Republican candidate with a chance to win, Jeb.

It actually works more against Jeb. Previously the "anyone but Jeb" candidate would've been Romney, who Jeb probably could've easily beaten since it was two old faces. Now there's a slot open for both a new face and an alternative to Jeb. Whoever fills that spot could work out to be a real challenger to Jeb, extremely similar to how Hillary went down to Obama in 2008.
Mitt's playing it smart, leaving the field open for the only Republican candidate with a chance to win, Jeb.
It actually works more against Jeb. Previously the "anyone but Jeb" candidate would've been Romney, who Jeb probably could've easily beaten since it was two old faces. Now there's a slot open for both a new face and an alternative to Jeb. Whoever fills that spot could work out to be a real challenger to Jeb, extremely similar to how Hillary went down to Obama in 2008.
A new face that falls to Clinton, IMO.
Romney chose not to run. No one took him down. Of course, in the fact free, emotion driven world of the American liberal, the narrative must trump all.
I understand gov. Romney's reasoning, still it's sort of sad. Mitt Romney is a good and decent guy and intelligent too, just like VP Dick Cheney who is a good and decent guy and intelligent.

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