Mitt Romney: importing more cheap workers will reduce salaries, fix USA's inflation problems

Title 42 only applied to asylum seekers... regular illegals are still sent back when they are caught.

You can babble that all day, the science says otherwise.

And were killed and imported to Wet Markets in Wuhan. Funny thing, the Chinese will eat just about anything.

And they will look REALLY STUPID when they do it. What's obvious about the people like you who spew conspiracy theories is you are piss ignorant about science and medicine. So when we get these MD's and PhD's who know what they are talking about vs. some inbred Republican Congressman who doesn't it, it will be comedy gold.
1. Never try to bullshit a bullshitter, duh. (Title 42 regards Covid, not asylum)
2. "Science" doesn't have the link between bats & humans, duh. (see #1)
3. What Trump "criminal incompetence". (More democrat batshit)
3. LOL!! Poor Wuhan chinks went 800 miles to hunt specific bats, then went back 800 miles to sell them??? (see #1)
4. We'll see who looks stupid after they nail the source of Covid, its not that complicated, the paper trail exists
1. Never try to bullshit a bullshitter, duh. (Title 42 regards Covid, not asylum)
2. "Science" doesn't have the link between bats & humans, duh. (see #1)

Sure it does. Someone brings bats to a wet market.
Someone buys the bat and eats it.
Bats to humans.
That was easy.

3. What Trump "criminal incompetence". (More democrat batshit)
Made out the list many times...

3. LOL!! Poor Wuhan chinks went 800 miles to hunt specific bats, then went back 800 miles to sell them??? (see #1)
Wow, "Chinks"? Well, always nice to see when the Racists self-identify.
Uh, guy, I promise you, most of the shit you buy at the grocery store was harvested or killed more than 800 miles from where you live.

4. We'll see who looks stupid after they nail the source of Covid, its not that complicated, the paper trail exists

Okay, if you have tin foil on your head... you've gone full tin-foil here.
Sure it does. Someone brings bats to a wet market. Someone buys the bat and eats it. Bats to humans. That was easy.
Made out the list many times...
Wow, "Chinks"? Well, always nice to see when the Racists self-identify.
Uh, guy, I promise you, most of the shit you buy at the grocery store was harvested or killed more than 800 miles from where you live.
Okay, if you have tin foil on your head... you've gone full tin-foil here.
1. Duh, it can't go from bats directly to humans.
2. No Trump crimes. Thanks for playing.
3. Maybe you've never seen a Chinese "wet market"? NFW they went 800 miles got specific bats, and went back 800 miles, for a few cents, duh.

4. The House investigation either finds the cause or they don't, no tin foil involved, just the real cause of a pandemic that killed million of people.
1. Duh, it can't go from bats directly to humans.

Sure it can.

It's an airborne virus.

2. No Trump crimes. Thanks for playing.

Sorry, man, Trump is going down, eventually. He thinks declaring for president will put off an indictment, even after Republicans have turned on him.

3. Maybe you've never seen a Chinese "wet market"? NFW they went 800 miles got specific bats, and went back 800 miles, for a few cents, duh.

Okay, look at that video, it's amazing MORE diseases aren't spread that way.

4. The House investigation either finds the cause or they don't, no tin foil involved, just the real cause of a pandemic that killed million of people.

Again, it will be fun to watch Scientists with actual scientists and you nuts with conspiracy theories they will immediately debunk.
"Congress can actually help by increasing legal immigration, expanding the number of work visas in sectors that face worker shortages, securing the border, reducing tariffs on our allies, facilitating oil, gas, nuclear and renewable development, and reining in spending."

Mitt Romney Thinks More Work Visas Will Fix Inflation

That's enough talking points from Bain Capital for the day, thanks Mitt.
What an idiot

Who will benefit from Romney’s race to the bottom?
Why do you put those weird headlines before your brain-drippings?
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

You don't have any problem when your cherished professional jurinalists put titles on their superficial and ignorant scribbles. Respecting those whose flaccid brain matter oozes out and drips on the page is a clue to your own shallow screeds.
You don't have any problem when your cherished professional jurinalists put titles on their superficial and ignorant scribbles. Respecting those whose flaccid brain matter oozes out and drips on the page is a clue to your own shallow screeds.

This isn't a newspaper...

And it's just weird when you do it.
I can reduce your post to one simple statement.

Imagine...the Establishment almost made this guy President.

Never again.

What "establishment". YOu guys were 100% behind this Mormon Piece of Garbage until he lost.
What "establishment". YOu guys were 100% behind this Mormon Piece of Garbage until he lost.
Not true...remember "Anybody but Romney"? Even Fred Thompson jumped in and led for awhile until the Establishment, with the help of the MSM, slapped them all down.

Romney, McCain...even Bush...the fix was in.

I'm done with that forever.

Other people smarter than me at the time understood what I understand now...which is why McCain and Romney lost.

If Republicans want to win...they'll give us who WE want ... otherwise, they should get used to the reality that Trump may be the last Republican President...which I can live with.

The Biden's the Democrats are electing don't get much done...just a little here and there around the design.

The fix is in in your party too...more blatantly. And now UNIVERSAL mail in voting fucks the progressives as much as it fucks the conservatives.

Progressives are passionate...but a miniscule minority in the party.

When those that REALLY cared about the issues were the majority of those voting...that gave the Progressive a disproportionate amount of power in the party.

But now you are neutered by low information idiots who will check the box for whomever they are told to...and you dunces cheered for it....because you are shortsighted fools

By 2024 Republicans will build a ballot harvesting machine that rivals that of the Democrats...and all you will have accomplished is fucking yourselves for a infinitesimally short term gain.

All by design...couldn't have you goofballs running the show now could they...
Not true...remember "Anybody but Romney"? Even Fred Thompson jumped in and led for awhile until the Establishment, with the help of the MSM, slapped them all down.

You are confusing two different elections.

2008 - The Evangelicals didn't want Romney because he was a Mormon. (Which is a darned good reason, Mormons are evil.) The Wall Street Republicans didn't want Huckabee because he was a religious nut and didn't believe in smaller government. Thompson popped his head in and turned out to be a dud. McCain got the nomination for no other reason than he was the guy all factions could agree upon. No one expected him to win because Bush fucked it up so badly.

2012 - Yes, there were a lot of people who were against Romney, but at the end of the day, OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!! Forget about Mormonism, Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you idiots would have still supported him. He came off as a rich guy who didn't have a clue.

2016 - Trump got the nomination only because he would say the racist shit out loud. The establishment and conservatives couldn't agree on a sensible alternative like Kasich or even Cruz. Trump only fell ass-backwards into the presidency because too many knobs voted third party and Hillary was an awful candidate.

Romney, McCain...even Bush...the fix was in.

I'm done with that forever.

Other people smarter than me at the time understood what I understand now...which is why McCain and Romney lost.

Actually, no. They lost because they were up against a superior opponent, and because you guys really are in the minority, which is why Trump lost again in 2020.

If Republicans want to win...they'll give us who WE want ... otherwise, they should get used to the reality that Trump may be the last Republican President...which I can live with.

The Biden's the Democrats are electing don't get much done...just a little here and there around the design.

Yes, our entire system is DESIGNED to only be incremental change. Trump actually didn't accomplish that much, other than making our politics a lot uglier. But other than another irresponsible tax cut and a badly designed wall to make the bigots feel better, what did he really accomplish? Not much.

The fix is in in your party too...more blatantly. And now UNIVERSAL mail in voting fucks the progressives as much as it fucks the conservatives.

Progressives are passionate...but a miniscule minority in the party.

Mail in voting really isn't the problem here. So let's be honest. There are about 20 % of the electorate on each side who are the very passionate partisans. The conservatives and progressives, if you will. Then there are another 25% on the edges who are leaning, but not crazy, and probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about politics one way or the other until election time comes. In the middle you have about 10% who could swing either way.

The problem is the 20% are the ones who show up for primaries. So the candidates say a bunch of whacky stuff they don't really mean to appeal to the primary voters, and then spend the rest of the election and their tenures in office walking it back.

Now, up until recently, the GOOD news about this system was that if a party really shit the bed, and nominated a crazy like Goldwater or McGovern, enough of the middle and leaners would hold their nose and vote for the guy they didn't particularly like. Of course, the problem in 2016 was the Republicans REALLY Shit the bed with Trump. Shit it to the point where it soaked through the mattress and dripped into the box spring where you will never get that smell out. And you voted for it anyway.

When those that REALLY cared about the issues were the majority of those voting...that gave the Progressive a disproportionate amount of power in the party.

But now you are neutered by low information idiots who will check the box for whomever they are told to...and you dunces cheered for it....because you are shortsighted fools

By 2024 Republicans will build a ballot harvesting machine that rivals that of the Democrats...and all you will have accomplished is fucking yourselves for a infinitesimally short term gain.

Except progressives really didn't have disporportionate power in the party. Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Hillary, Biden.. every last one of them was pretty middle of the road. (I mean, I know you guys were horrified by the Black Guy, but really, he was far more of a centrist. He essentially adopted Romney's health care plan, which you guys were fine with until the Black Guy did it.) I think the guy furthest outside the mainstream was Kerry, and he legitimately lost because he was trying to paint himself as something everyone knew he wasn't.

2024, Republicans will find ballot harvesting isn't going to help them. It's that their ideas suck. Trump does better than he should because we are a dumbed down society that thinks that celebrity is a virtue, and "The Donald" benefits from 40 years of self-promotion. Without him, I don't think you guys do as well.

All by design...couldn't have you goofballs running the show now could they...

No, we couldn't. We saw what it's like to have goofballs running the show from 2017 to 2020. Worst Plague in 100 years, worst Depression in 80 years, worst race riots in 50 years.
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Get back to me when you have something to add to the conversation, Dripping Poop.
You gonna try to pretend you're NOT a racist? Give it up, fool. Everyone can read your many racist posts here, to say nothing of your endless stream of religious bigotry. You're filth.
You gonna try to pretend you're NOT a racist? Give it up, fool. Everyone can read your many racist posts here, to say nothing of your endless stream of religious bigotry. You're filth.

The guy who expropriates an image of an Asian man and has a screen name that is a disgusting fetish really has no business calling anyone filth.
The guy who expropriates an image of an Asian man .....
It's a picture of a famous actor portraying a very famous historical figure. If you weren't so pathetically ignorant of history, you'd know that.

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