Mitt Romney: "I've Been As Consistent As Human Beings Can Be"


May 29, 2010
Yet more proof that Romney suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder like Obama has. Hey, he's right though...his flip-flopping is consistent. For instance, he made his millions by taking over companies and firing all the employees! He's personally responsible for OUTSOURCING thousands of American jobs! Is that what we want running the country, the king of outsourcers? I don't think so. This is another reason we need Governor Palin as president.


Mitt Romney: 'I've been as consistent as human beings can be' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

“I’ve been as consistent as human beings can be,” the presidential candidate said in a meeting with the editorial board of New Hampshire’s Seacoast Media Group. “I cannot state every single issue in exactly the same words every single time, and so there are some folks who, obviously, for various political and campaign purposes will try and find some change and try to draw great attention to something which looks like a change which in fact is entirely consistent.”
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Simply proves my point. While Romney may be the saner of the bunch - he's still crazy.

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