Mitt Romney: Maybe Veterans' Health Care Should Be Privatized

Private means for-profit. That means you will have a large ready source of taxpayer funds (because Americans are very very very willing to pay taxes to help veterans)

put available and vulnerable to one more group of greedy profiteers. A recipe for financial disaster.

If Romney is such a fantastic 'businessman', then how about he come up with a way to better run the VHA as a non-profit government entity,

instead of throwing it to the wolves...
Private means for-profit. That means you will have a large ready source of taxpayer funds (because Americans are very very very willing to pay taxes to help veterans)

put available and vulnerable to one more group of greedy profiteers. A recipe for financial disaster.

If Romney is such a fantastic 'businessman', then how about he come up with a way to better run the VHA as a non-profit government entity,

instead of throwing it to the wolves...

Again, for the slow kids (that's you) he said 'maybe' there should be a private 'option'. That does not equate to throwing anyone to the wolves. Drama Queen.
Private means for-profit. That means you will have a large ready source of taxpayer funds (because Americans are very very very willing to pay taxes to help veterans)

put available and vulnerable to one more group of greedy profiteers. A recipe for financial disaster.

If Romney is such a fantastic 'businessman', then how about he come up with a way to better run the VHA as a non-profit government entity,

instead of throwing it to the wolves...
*I* think you could've thrown a few more veries in your argument to convince me. Too late.:lol:
Private means for-profit. That means you will have a large ready source of taxpayer funds (because Americans are very very very willing to pay taxes to help veterans)

put available and vulnerable to one more group of greedy profiteers. A recipe for financial disaster.

If Romney is such a fantastic 'businessman', then how about he come up with a way to better run the VHA as a non-profit government entity,

instead of throwing it to the wolves...

Again, for the slow kids (that's you) he said 'maybe' there should be a private 'option'. That does not equate to throwing anyone to the wolves. Drama Queen.

No, it means letting people profit off the taxpayers... which is just as bad.
Private means for-profit. That means you will have a large ready source of taxpayer funds (because Americans are very very very willing to pay taxes to help veterans)

put available and vulnerable to one more group of greedy profiteers. A recipe for financial disaster.

If Romney is such a fantastic 'businessman', then how about he come up with a way to better run the VHA as a non-profit government entity,

instead of throwing it to the wolves...

Again, for the slow kids (that's you) he said 'maybe' there should be a private 'option'. That does not equate to throwing anyone to the wolves. Drama Queen.

Am I going to get an option as to whether or not my taxes fund it? Or will I be forced by the government to buy a private product or service?

lol, sounds unconstitutional to me!!!!!!!
Mitt is an idiot for suggesting this on veterans day. ;)

I thought of that too, at first... But when I read the stories and saw that he was at a meeting with Veterans and I thought well good for him for not being afraid to reiterate our national commitment to our Veterans. Last week they lamented he was kneeling on the ball and now he should shush on real issues..........

Since Military issued Tricare insurance already allows veterans to see private providers, I'm not sure what the real issue is...

I think it's a good a soldier should be able to go back to his home town and see his own private doctor(s)...Why shouldn't he be able to be admitted to his community hospital where his own senator would receive the same level of care...? As long as the insurance covers the services all the same, what's the difference?
Good timing, Mitt.

At the same time that tens of thousands of Americans are waking up to the fact that doing their banking business at a NON-PROFIT credit union is a much better deal,

Romney is proposing expanding the FOR-PROFIT medical business.
Private means for-profit. That means you will have a large ready source of taxpayer funds (because Americans are very very very willing to pay taxes to help veterans)

put available and vulnerable to one more group of greedy profiteers. A recipe for financial disaster.

If Romney is such a fantastic 'businessman', then how about he come up with a way to better run the VHA as a non-profit government entity,

instead of throwing it to the wolves...

Again, for the slow kids (that's you) he said 'maybe' there should be a private 'option'. That does not equate to throwing anyone to the wolves. Drama Queen.

Am I going to get an option as to whether or not my taxes fund it? Or will I be forced by the government to buy a private product or service?

lol, sounds unconstitutional to me!!!!!!!
Translation: "I prefer to be forced to limit myself to government hand picked plans by people that could give a shit about me, and give up my liberty in the process to choose from those evil corporations that are more responsive to me than my own government by my own choices in the marketplace..."
Good timing, Mitt.

At the same time that tens of thousands of Americans are waking up to the fact that doing their banking business at a NON-PROFIT credit union is a much better deal,

Romney is proposing expanding the FOR-PROFIT medical business.

He is not 'proposing' jack shit, moron. He was asked a question, he responded. With a 'maybe' and an 'option'. How the fuck morons like you make this into something that it is clearly not is beyond moronic. It's no wonder you vote for corrupt bastards, you don't have the intellect to rationally evaluate a comment.

I'm amazed that you are not embarrassed by the blatant stupidity and faux outrage.
Corporations get declared to be persons so that they can advance their corporate interests via contributions to politicians in ever increasing amounts,

and the corporate arm of government, the Republican Party, looks for ideas such as this one to funnel TAXPAYER MONEY TO the corporate interests,

so they can generate even more profits and have even more disposable income to funnel back to politicians who will further advance their interests.


lol, you wanted publicly funded elections? Well, perversely, the GOP will make that happen.
Again, for the slow kids (that's you) he said 'maybe' there should be a private 'option'. That does not equate to throwing anyone to the wolves. Drama Queen.

Am I going to get an option as to whether or not my taxes fund it? Or will I be forced by the government to buy a private product or service?

lol, sounds unconstitutional to me!!!!!!!
Translation: "I prefer to be forced to limit myself to government hand picked plans by people that could give a shit about me, and give up my liberty in the process to choose from those evil corporations that are more responsive to me than my own government by my own choices in the marketplace..."

Seems to me that some people on the left think our vets are too stupid to make decisions for themselves.
Seems to me that some people on the left think our vets are too stupid to make decisions for themselves.

If he doesn't convert his spitballing into a bona fide proposal for partial privatization of the VHA, will that "some people" include Mr. Romney?
Am I going to get an option as to whether or not my taxes fund it? Or will I be forced by the government to buy a private product or service?

lol, sounds unconstitutional to me!!!!!!!
Translation: "I prefer to be forced to limit myself to government hand picked plans by people that could give a shit about me, and give up my liberty in the process to choose from those evil corporations that are more responsive to me than my own government by my own choices in the marketplace..."

Seems to me that some people on the left think our vets are too stupid to make decisions for themselves.
Obviously. Being one of them? I've made my own and have prospered by my hand, and taken responsibility when not so. I didn't go whining to the government that it was unfair. Adapt and overcome.

And just witness the Senate using Veterans as tools for election 2012 in that vote on Thursday?

Post Script: I still have yet to use ANY of my Veteran benefits after leaving the service in '89.
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Private means for-profit. That means you will have a large ready source of taxpayer funds (because Americans are very very very willing to pay taxes to help veterans)

put available and vulnerable to one more group of greedy profiteers. A recipe for financial disaster.

If Romney is such a fantastic 'businessman', then how about he come up with a way to better run the VHA as a non-profit government entity,

instead of throwing it to the wolves...

Again, for the slow kids (that's you) he said 'maybe' there should be a private 'option'. That does not equate to throwing anyone to the wolves. Drama Queen.

They are just advancing their agenda. It's right here for everyone to see on display in this thread. They are Cracking Jokes like Black water medical, as if the very Idea of Private industry providing Medical Services is Evil and should be abolished.

Fits right into their Push to Destroy the Private Insurance industry, and take over the Health Care system of this country in full. They Deny that was the plan when ObamaCare was passed, yet in their responses to this story, we can clearly see that is their Goal.
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Corporations get declared to be persons so that they can advance their corporate interests via contributions to politicians in ever increasing amounts.

Which is not any different than what Unions do. Well one thing is different. The Share holders of cooperation's actually have a choice, if they don't like who the Cooperation gives their money to, they can sell their Shares. Unions force people to be Members, Take dues, and if their workers don't like how they spend the money. Most of the time your only Recourse is quit your job, or keep on letting your Dues fund an agenda you don't want.
Corporations get declared to be persons so that they can advance their corporate interests via contributions to politicians in ever increasing amounts.

Which is not any different than what Unions do. Well one thing is different. The Share holders of cooperation's actually have a choice, if they don't like who the Cooperation gives their money to, they can sell their Shares. Unions force people to be Members, Take dues, and if their workers don't like how they spend the money. Most of the time your only Recourse is quit your job, or keep on letting your Dues fund an agenda you don't want.

It's against the law to force people to pay the portion of their union dues that would go for political action.
Private means for-profit. That means you will have a large ready source of taxpayer funds (because Americans are very very very willing to pay taxes to help veterans)

put available and vulnerable to one more group of greedy profiteers. A recipe for financial disaster.

If Romney is such a fantastic 'businessman', then how about he come up with a way to better run the VHA as a non-profit government entity,

instead of throwing it to the wolves...

Again, for the slow kids (that's you) he said 'maybe' there should be a private 'option'. That does not equate to throwing anyone to the wolves. Drama Queen.

They are just advancing their agenda. It's right here for everyone to see on display in this thread. They are Cracking Jokes like Black water medical, as if the very Idea of Private industry providing Medical Services is Evil and should be abolished.

Fits right into their Push to Destroy the Private Insurance industry, and take over the Health Care system of this country in full. They Deny that was the plan when ObamaCare was passed, yet in their responses to this story, we can clearly see that is their Goal.

Fine. We'll compromise. We'll contract out veteran's healthcare to private interests,

but only to non-profits like Kaiser.
Corporations get declared to be persons so that they can advance their corporate interests via contributions to politicians in ever increasing amounts.

Which is not any different than what Unions do. Well one thing is different. The Share holders of cooperation's actually have a choice, if they don't like who the Cooperation gives their money to, they can sell their Shares. Unions force people to be Members, Take dues, and if their workers don't like how they spend the money. Most of the time your only Recourse is quit your job, or keep on letting your Dues fund an agenda you don't want.

It's against the law to force people to pay the portion of their union dues that would go for political action.

Not to mention, Unions have internal governance structures just like any other corporation, where the members get to be in control of the direction of the Union.

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