Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

Romney's tax rate on his capital gains is not lower than my tax rate on my capital gains! And it would not be lower than yours if you had enough sense to invest in something besides lattes and designer clothes.
More to the point, they consider themselves morally superior to God, and to be doing much better and more noble works than He does.

God helps those who help themselves. - Benjamin Franklin

And I've never seen God build a road, or a school.

I don't really consider those to be more "noble" works than say, the Grand Canyon, but I also don't consider the Church to be an honest interpreter for God.

So, I'll tell you what: When God tells me directly what He or She wants me to build, I'll be happy to build it. Till then, I'll hire construction workers to put that extension on my house.
EVERYONE who pays the cap gain rate pays it becasue the government understands to some extent, ( some admins more than others) it makes sense to reward RISK. The cap gains issue is a risk reward venture. People will not RISK as much, IF they do not see a commensurate advantage on the back end if successful. And even then before one dime passes to their hands, the government takes a piece via the corporate entity that generated it from the original source.

This whole argument is dishonest without acknowledging that fact.

this is not about that though,imho , its about hammering romney for doing what every single liberal entrepreneur and and investor does too.

Let me ask you a question- how was obamas book proceeds taxed? Do you know? How are the proceeds of that money he earned via those sales used? You think its sitting in 1% interest CD? Does obama have a portfolio where in he has cap gains accrued? has he realized any? What was HIS rate on those gains?

For those that don't know, you are it appears to me employing a very selective form of partisan BS.

I understand about the risk and the reasoning for the lower rate. However, the rate didn't need to be lowered to 15%. People have always invested and they always will. In fact you could make a case that everyone went too far with their risks and helped bring down the economy when the rate was lowered to 15%.

I think book royalties are taxed as regular income, not as a capital gain. I also think he donated his royalties to charity.

But that has nothing to do with the fairness or unfairness of taxing different types of income at different rates.
Fairness of the U.S. tax system has little to do with reality. Romney pays tax on capital gains, no tax on income... BECAUSE he has no income.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary for a like reason. She pays taxes on income. Buffet pays taxes on capital gains. Not the same tax, just fraudulently used in the SOTU as a ruse.

I refuse to discuss Warren Buffett's secretary's tax rate as a settled fact - or at all - until someone shows me the bitch's tax returns so I can see for myself what she gets paid and what amount and type of tax she pays. I'm not taking Buffett's word for it, and I'm SURE AS HELL not taking Obama's word for it.

Lefties, prove it or shut the fuck up about it.
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I understand about the risk and the reasoning for the lower rate. However, the rate didn't need to be lowered to 15%. People have always invested and they always will. In fact you could make a case that everyone went too far with their risks and helped bring down the economy when the rate was lowered to 15%.

I think book royalties are taxed as regular income, not as a capital gain. I also think he donated his royalties to charity.

But that has nothing to do with the fairness or unfairness of taxing different types of income at different rates.
Fairness of the U.S. tax system has little to do with reality. Romney pays tax on capital gains, no tax on income... BECAUSE he has no income.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary for a like reason. She pays taxes on income. Buffet pays taxes on capital gains. Not the same tax, just fraudulently used in the SOTU as a ruse.

I refuse to discuss Warren Buffett's secretary's tax rate as a settled fact - or at all - until someone show's me the bitch's tax returns so I can see for myself what she gets paid and what amount and type of tax she pays. I'm not taking Buffett's word for it, and I'm SURE AS HELL not taking Obama's word for it.

Lefties, prove it or shut the fuck up about it.

Shut the fuck up yourself.

Wages are taxed at a higher rate than capital.

Welfare for the idle rich has to stop.
Fairness of the U.S. tax system has little to do with reality. Romney pays tax on capital gains, no tax on income... BECAUSE he has no income.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary for a like reason. She pays taxes on income. Buffet pays taxes on capital gains. Not the same tax, just fraudulently used in the SOTU as a ruse.

I refuse to discuss Warren Buffett's secretary's tax rate as a settled fact - or at all - until someone show's me the bitch's tax returns so I can see for myself what she gets paid and what amount and type of tax she pays. I'm not taking Buffett's word for it, and I'm SURE AS HELL not taking Obama's word for it.

Lefties, prove it or shut the fuck up about it.

Shut the fuck up yourself.

Wages are taxed at a higher rate than capital.

Welfare for the idle rich has to stop.

What is the sum of 15%? Instead of saying what a person pay by percentage what is the sum total of that percentage?
I refuse to discuss Warren Buffett's secretary's tax rate as a settled fact - or at all - until someone show's me the bitch's tax returns so I can see for myself what she gets paid and what amount and type of tax she pays. I'm not taking Buffett's word for it, and I'm SURE AS HELL not taking Obama's word for it.

Lefties, prove it or shut the fuck up about it.

Shut the fuck up yourself.

Wages are taxed at a higher rate than capital.

Welfare for the idle rich has to stop.

What is the sum of 15%? Instead of saying what a person pay by percentage what is the sum total of that percentage?

Percentage is all that counts.

No more welfare for the idle rich.
If he pays 15%, his tax rate is lower than mine. I just got done filing mine.
Shut the fuck up yourself.

Wages are taxed at a higher rate than capital.

Welfare for the idle rich has to stop.

What is the sum of 15%? Instead of saying what a person pay by percentage what is the sum total of that percentage?

Percentage is all that counts.

No more welfare for the idle rich.

Really? :lol:

If you go from fourX to fiveX that's up twenty five percent.

If you go from fiveX back to fourX that's down twenty percent.

Where did the other five percent go......?

Four IS four either way...ya? :thup:
Fairness of the U.S. tax system has little to do with reality. Romney pays tax on capital gains, no tax on income... BECAUSE he has no income.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary for a like reason. She pays taxes on income. Buffet pays taxes on capital gains. Not the same tax, just fraudulently used in the SOTU as a ruse.

I refuse to discuss Warren Buffett's secretary's tax rate as a settled fact - or at all - until someone show's me the bitch's tax returns so I can see for myself what she gets paid and what amount and type of tax she pays. I'm not taking Buffett's word for it, and I'm SURE AS HELL not taking Obama's word for it.

Lefties, prove it or shut the fuck up about it.

Shut the fuck up yourself.

Wages are taxed at a higher rate than capital.

Welfare for the idle rich has to stop.

And that should encourage people to save money. But this is America where most people have shit for brains and can't figure that out!
10% to his Church.... which is their duty (no one is forced to pay it).

The rest - considerably more - to a vast array of charities.... with absolutely no connection to his church.


He gave about 15% of his income to charitable donations, most of which (10%), went to the Mormon Church.

Of course, the Mormon church also puts it's considerable weight behind Romney's major life efforts, so it all works out for him in the end.

ah, kind a like unions and politicians?
I understand about the risk and the reasoning for the lower rate. However, the rate didn't need to be lowered to 15%. People have always invested and they always will. In fact you could make a case that everyone went too far with their risks and helped bring down the economy when the rate was lowered to 15%.

I think book royalties are taxed as regular income, not as a capital gain. I also think he donated his royalties to charity.

But that has nothing to do with the fairness or unfairness of taxing different types of income at different rates.
Fairness of the U.S. tax system has little to do with reality. Romney pays tax on capital gains, no tax on income... BECAUSE he has no income.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary for a like reason. She pays taxes on income. Buffet pays taxes on capital gains. Not the same tax, just fraudulently used in the SOTU as a ruse.

I refuse to discuss Warren Buffett's secretary's tax rate as a settled fact - or at all - until someone show's me the bitch's tax returns so I can see for myself what she gets paid and what amount and type of tax she pays. I'm not taking Buffett's word for it, and I'm SURE AS HELL not taking Obama's word for it.

Lefties, prove it or shut the fuck up about it.
Liberal/Statists expect us to take everything on face value...until it fails...then the blame game begins.

I'm with you. Show it or shut the hell up.
Shut the fuck up yourself.

Wages are taxed at a higher rate than capital.

Welfare for the idle rich has to stop.

What is the sum of 15%? Instead of saying what a person pay by percentage what is the sum total of that percentage?

Percentage is all that counts.

No more welfare for the idle rich.

So let's go with 50 million
15% of 50 million is 7.5million dollars isn't that enough for one person to pay? Why are you so greedy?
What is the sum of 15%? Instead of saying what a person pay by percentage what is the sum total of that percentage?

Percentage is all that counts.

No more welfare for the idle rich.

So let's go with 50 million
15% of 50 million is 7.5million dollars isn't that enough for one person to pay? Why are you so greedy?
Because HE is a fraud and isn't in real-estate as he says he is, and is living off the gubmint tit...on welfare.

thx for posting it.

I just read it, now, how does this sppt. your assertion?

Actually, that article only had a couple of short paragraphs highlighting Stewart's point.

Let me go further.

In 2007, private equity had a record profit year, and congress decided to end the private equity tax break.

Congress Weighs End to Private Equity Tax Break - New York Times

The bipartisan effort was lead by the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, Democrat from Montana, and Charles Grassley of Iowa, who was the ranking Republican at the time.

Legislation was introduced in June of 2007.

Bill Is Offered to Increase Tax on Private Equity - New York Times

However, after an intense lobbying campaign by "the Private Equity Council", a trade group made up of multiple private equity firms, of which Bain was a leading member, lobbied Congress hard, and Congress suddenly changed it's mind.

Reported lobbying funds given to select members of congress can be found here:

Lobbying Spending Database - Private Equity Council, 2009 | OpenSecrets

And that doesn't include non-reported lobbying, which would be funneled through secondary groups.

a) I just checked romneys bio, he has not been with Bain since, 1998:eusa_eh:

b)the NY Times link doesn't mention bain at all.

c) the list of contributors ,3 links into your link has the following contributors to that lobby grp.;

Year: 2007

Total for Securities & Investment: $86,565,053
Total Number of Clients Reported: 245
Total Number of Lobbyists Reported: 908
Total Number of Revolvers: 652 (71.8%)

Campaign Contributions from this industry
View totals by: Client/Parent | Subsidiary/Affiliate
Client/Parent Total

Securities Industry & Financial Mkt Assn $5,680,000
Investment Co Institute $5,630,841
Blackstone Group $4,746,250
Merrill Lynch $4,420,000
Cerberus Capital Management $3,000,000
KKR & Co $2,820,000
Goldman Sachs $2,720,000
FMR Corp $2,395,000
Morgan Stanley $2,360,000
Credit Suisse Group $1,920,000
Managed Funds Assn $1,900,000
Principal Financial Group $1,883,047
CME Group $1,715,000
Charles Schwab & Co $1,652,000
National Venture Capital Assn $1,445,739
Private Equity Council $1,402,500
NYSE Euronext $1,220,000
Federated Investors Inc $1,180,000
NASDAQ OMX Group $1,139,754
TPG Capital $920,000
Intellectual Ventures LLC $902,000
International Swaps & Derivatives Assn $900,000
Bear Stearns $900,000
Trafigura Ltd $900,000
State Street Corp $880,340
Ameriprise Financial $848,677
Vanguard Group $800,000
Citadel Investment Group $790,000
Chicago Board Options Exchange $770,000
Bain Capital $720,000

and theres more....

Lobbying Spending Database Securities & Investment, 2007 | OpenSecrets

your assertion appears to be false.


The average effective federal income tax rate for taxpayers is 11 percent, I noted in my January 24 post, "Nets Use Romney's Taxes to Advance Obama's False 'Fairness' Narrative," which includes a table showing those earning between $50,000 and $75,000 pay an average effective income tax rate of 7 percent, 8 percent for those taking in $75,000 to $100,000 and 12 percent for those between $100,000 and $200,000.

No matter what Buffett pays her, if she's paying 35.8 percent she has an awful accountant. More likely, she's paying a lot less, maybe even at a lower rate than Romney since, as USA Today reported last week, "he's paying a higher tax rate than the majority of taxpayers."

Warren Buffett's Secretary Speaks -
Shut the fuck up yourself.

Wages are taxed at a higher rate than capital.

Welfare for the idle rich has to stop.

What is the sum of 15%? Instead of saying what a person pay by percentage what is the sum total of that percentage?

Percentage is all that counts.

No more welfare for the idle rich.
Why would the RICH need Welfare?

You realize you torpedo your own statement?

YOU are stuck on Class warfare. Admit it. YOU are envious of success while YOU fail in your own life.

Get a job loser.
What is the sum of 15%? Instead of saying what a person pay by percentage what is the sum total of that percentage?

Percentage is all that counts.

No more welfare for the idle rich.

So let's go with 50 million
15% of 50 million is 7.5million dollars isn't that enough for one person to pay? Why are you so greedy?

So by underpaying Romney is cheating the government out of millions of dollars.

No more welfare for the idle rich.
What is the sum of 15%? Instead of saying what a person pay by percentage what is the sum total of that percentage?

Percentage is all that counts.

No more welfare for the idle rich.
Why would the RICH need Welfare?

You realize you torpedo your own statement?

YOU are stuck on Class warfare. Admit it. YOU are envious of success while YOU fail in your own life.

Get a job loser.

I have a very good job. 100K a year.

No more welfare for the idle rich.

Pass the Buffett Rule.
percentage is all that counts.

No more welfare for the idle rich.

so let's go with 50 million
15% of 50 million is 7.5million dollars isn't that enough for one person to pay? Why are you so greedy?

so by underpaying romney is cheating the government out of millions of dollars.

No more welfare for the idle rich.

under paying? 7.5 million dollars is under paying? From one person?

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