Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

That should be good news for the Chyneez!!! They don't need no stinkin data.. Mittens has priors!!

I think Mitt Romney will put millions of Americans back to work:

[ame=""]Romney Reacts To July Jobs Report - YouTube[/ame]

Mitt's Romney's trade plan: Trade

Mitt's Plan

Mitt Romney believes that free trade is essential to restoring robust economic growth and creating jobs. We need to open new markets beyond our borders for American goods and services on terms that work for America.
Opening New Markets
Every president beginning with Ronald Reagan has recognized the power of open markets and pursued them on behalf of the United States. George W. Bush successfully negotiated eleven FTAs, encompassing sixteen countries. He also had the vision to commence negotiations with a number of allies around the Pacific Rim to expand significantly the Trans-Pacific Partnership. All told, these agreements have enabled people across the world to come together and build a better future. Economists estimate that the agreements have led to the creation of 5.4 million new American jobs and support a total of nearly 18 million jobs. Looking beyond just our FTA partners, our total exports support nearly 10 million American jobs. These are not just jobs; they’re good jobs, paying significantly above average, and more than one-third are in manufacturing.

  • Reinstate the president’s Trade Promotion Authority
  • Complete negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Pursue new trade agreements with nations committed to free enterprise and open markets
  • Create the Reagan Economic Zone
Confronting China
China presents a broad set of problems that cry out urgently for solutions. It is time to end the Obama administration’s acquiescence to the one-way arrangements the Chinese have come to enjoy. We need a fresh and fearless approach to that trade relationship. Our first priority must be to put on the table all unilateral actions within our power to ensure that the Chinese adhere to existing agreements. Anyone with business experience knows that you can succeed in a negotiation only if you are willing to walk away. If we want the Chinese to play by the rules, we must be willing to say “no more” to a relationship that too often benefits them and harms us.​

  • Increase CBP resources to prevent the illegal entry of goods into our market
  • Increase USTR resources to pursue and support litigation against unfair trade practices
  • Use unilateral and multilateral punitive measures to deter unfair Chinese practices
  • Designate China a currency manipulator and impose countervailing duties
  • Discontinue U.S. government procurement from China until China commits to GPA

I think Mitt Romney will bring manufacturing and raw materials production back to Pennsylvania and Ohio, specifically, and all the states, for that matter.

We will have America back. Let China copy us, if it can.

Why on earth would you think such a thing????

[ame=""]Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube[/ame]

And if we have less teachers, China will pass us.

And less police? Do you know how much crime there is?

And less firemen? Do you know the number of fires this summer?????

This is what happens when you get the REAL Mitt Romney and not a "carefully scripted" robot.

What has happened to the right wing???? Have they all gone batshit nuts????
Sorry, rdean. I know you're disappointed in the fact that even his Senate Democrats have abandoned his disability when it comes to finances, budgets, and job formation, but Obama is a failure in that important avenue that has businessmen and women seeking treatment for ulcers he caused them with threats, overtaxation, and an 8.5% tax hike secreted into Obamacare, in scurrilous economic times in which he shut down the energy industry in the Gulf Coast where billions have been lost and are now being given to his communist friends, one by one, drilling well job by drilling well job.

Americans are mad at Obama. He's a navel-contemplating idiot when it comes to inspiring business. He just can't cut the mustard.

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Right winger, Mr. rdean? <gulp>

According to my figures, Obama's financial plans don't do well with right or left wings.

Obama Budget Receives Zero Votes in Senate 5/25/12 The Hill

Senate rejected by a 0-97 vote the budget proposed by Barack Obama

Obama doesn't know what he's doing. Nobody wants to sign onto bad policies in budgetary matters with so many people out of work.

I'm sorry. I know you're a sincere Obama follower. It just isn't fair, is it. :dunno:

Oh please, just stop the ignorance. That was a procedure to get the Republican budgets on record. It's how we know Republican want to end Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Those were never serious because everyone knew the Republicans wouldn't pass anything. It's called politics. It's like a game of chess.

Now tell me. Do you want to end Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid????

Tell the truth. If you want to end them, what happens to all those elderly and disabled? Let them die?
I think Mitt Romney will put millions of Americans back to work:

Romney Reacts To July Jobs Report - YouTube

Mitt's Romney's trade plan: Trade

I think Mitt Romney will bring manufacturing and raw materials production back to Pennsylvania and Ohio, specifically, and all the states, for that matter.

We will have America back. Let China copy us, if it can.

Why on earth would you think such a thing????

[ame=""]Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube[/ame]

And if we have less teachers, China will pass us.

And less police? Do you know how much crime there is?

And less firemen? Do you know the number of fires this summer?????

This is what happens when you get the REAL Mitt Romney and not a "carefully scripted" robot.

What has happened to the right wing???? Have they all gone batshit nuts????
Sorry, rdean. I know you're disappointed in the fact that even his Senate Democrats have abandoned his disability when it comes to finances, budgets, and job formation, but Obama is a failure in that important avenue that has businessmen and women seeking treatment for ulcers he caused them with threats, overtaxation, and an 8.5% tax hike secreted into Obamacare, in scurrilous economic times in which he shut down the energy industry in the Gulf Coast where billions have been lost and are now being given to his communist friends, one by one, drilling well job by drilling well job.

Americans are mad at Obama. He's a navel-contemplating idiot when it comes to inspiring business. He just can't cut the mustard.


Simply the fact he hasn't raised taxes and it was the Republicans who wanted to stop the payroll tax credit proves you are either lying or don't know what you're talking about. Which is it?
Right winger, Mr. rdean? <gulp>

According to my figures, Obama's financial plans don't do well with right or left wings.

Obama Budget Receives Zero Votes in Senate 5/25/12 The Hill

Senate rejected by a 0-97 vote the budget proposed by Barack Obama

Obama doesn't know what he's doing. Nobody wants to sign onto bad policies in budgetary matters with so many people out of work.

I'm sorry. I know you're a sincere Obama follower. It just isn't fair, is it. :dunno:

Oh please, just stop the ignorance. That was a procedure to get the Republican budgets on record. It's how we know Republican want to end Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Those were never serious because everyone knew the Republicans wouldn't pass anything. It's called politics. It's like a game of chess.

Now tell me. Do you want to end Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid????

Tell the truth. If you want to end them, what happens to all those elderly and disabled? Let them die?

EVERY DEMOCRAT VOTED AGAINST THE OBAMA BUDGET in May. It was a bipartisan agreement: BAD BUDGET! Get it?

Obama can't all of a sudden get his MBA in economics, because he is being fed pablum by his yes-man kitchen cabinet, and he has no use for his own financial advisers who have to obey Obama or lose their positions.

I'm not in charge of Obama, rdean. He is out of control, and his answer to people who don't agree are not acceptable to people he hates, either:

[ame=]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]
You just can't make shit like this up.

Inside the Romney Boom (36,000!) | TPM Editors Blog

Has anyone noticed that the Romney advisor behind the ‘Romney Economic Boom’ is the guy responsible for one of the most spectacularly wrong and wildly optimistic economic predictions of the 1990s?

This week the Romney campaign was knocked on its heels by a study which suggested that Romney’s tax plan would — in addition to giving a windfall to the wealthiest Americans — increase taxes on 95% of Americans. So the guy who’s running for President to turn back President Obama’s supposedly high-taxing and deficit creating ways would actually raise taxes on virtually everyone and also explode the deficit.


Who’s Kevin Hassett? Well, he’s none other than the coauthor of the spectacularly boomtime late 90s bestseller Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market. As TPM Reader WM points out, not only was the book amazingly wrong and basically assumed the tech boom was permanent, the whole concept was based on the idea that stocks should be valued on a “formula that double-counted earnings and dividends. A true classic in wingnut economics.”

This book came out just before the tech bubble burst. Is this the type of economic adviser you'd want on your team?

As opposed to the Obama advisors who said the $800 billion stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%?
You bet!

They hoped. A stimulus is historically what this country and every country does during a recession. Nearly half was tax cuts so the actual stimulus was much less. And no one knew the actual amount of damage done to this country by the Bush/Republican policies.

We are still discovering more and more of their disasters over three years after Obama was sworn in. Look at the many tens of thousands of young Americans maimed in Iraq. This will cost the country possibly trillions because the cost of modern medicine is so much. Already, Right winger Senator Tom Coburn is talking cutting Veterans Health Care. Send those kids off to a "war for profit" and then screw them over once they get back. I know, I know, "Let them die". But many Americans, like me for instance, don't feel that way. Liberals feel we have an obligation to these young heroes placed in danger by a terrible political party.
Why on earth would you think such a thing????

Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube

And if we have less teachers, China will pass us.

And less police? Do you know how much crime there is?

And less firemen? Do you know the number of fires this summer?????

This is what happens when you get the REAL Mitt Romney and not a "carefully scripted" robot.

What has happened to the right wing???? Have they all gone batshit nuts????
Sorry, rdean. I know you're disappointed in the fact that even his Senate Democrats have abandoned his disability when it comes to finances, budgets, and job formation, but Obama is a failure in that important avenue that has businessmen and women seeking treatment for ulcers he caused them with threats, overtaxation, and an 8.5% tax hike secreted into Obamacare, in scurrilous economic times in which he shut down the energy industry in the Gulf Coast where billions have been lost and are now being given to his communist friends, one by one, drilling well job by drilling well job.

Americans are mad at Obama. He's a navel-contemplating idiot when it comes to inspiring business. He just can't cut the mustard.


Simply the fact he hasn't raised taxes and it was the Republicans who wanted to stop the payroll tax credit proves you are either lying or don't know what you're talking about. Which is it?
Obama had some killer additions in that bill. And, Obama already raised taxes 8.5% recently through Obamacare. 97 Senators (all who voted) nixed his ill-thought budget. If you don't think he raised America's taxes 8.5% already, take it up with the Supreme Court. They noticed it and kept Obamacare because it raises tax, and Congress can raise taxes. The Constitution says so.
Right winger, Mr. rdean? <gulp>

According to my figures, Obama's financial plans don't do well with right or left wings.

Obama Budget Receives Zero Votes in Senate 5/25/12 The Hill

Senate rejected by a 0-97 vote the budget proposed by Barack Obama

Obama doesn't know what he's doing. Nobody wants to sign onto bad policies in budgetary matters with so many people out of work.

I'm sorry. I know you're a sincere Obama follower. It just isn't fair, is it. :dunno:

Oh please, just stop the ignorance. That was a procedure to get the Republican budgets on record. It's how we know Republican want to end Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Those were never serious because everyone knew the Republicans wouldn't pass anything. It's called politics. It's like a game of chess.

Now tell me. Do you want to end Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid????

Tell the truth. If you want to end them, what happens to all those elderly and disabled? Let them die?

EVERY DEMOCRAT VOTED AGAINST THE OBAMA BUDGET in May. It was a bipartisan agreement: BAD BUDGET! Get it?

Obama can't all of a sudden get his MBA in economics, because he is being fed pablum by his yes-man kitchen cabinet, and he has no use for his own financial advisers who have to obey Obama or lose their positions.

I'm not in charge of Obama, rdean. He is out of control, and his answer to people who don't agree are not acceptable to people he hates, either:

[ame=]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]

What part you didn't get? It wasn't a real budget at all. It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record. Why can't you understand that? And you didn't answer the question.

Do you feel we should end Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid?

Yes or no?

If you say yes, then what happens to the people who depend on it? If you say no, then you disagree with your leaders and one wonders why you support them????

I gave an answer. It was the correct answer even if you didn't like it.

What's your answer?
Sorry, rdean. I know you're disappointed in the fact that even his Senate Democrats have abandoned his disability when it comes to finances, budgets, and job formation, but Obama is a failure in that important avenue that has businessmen and women seeking treatment for ulcers he caused them with threats, overtaxation, and an 8.5% tax hike secreted into Obamacare, in scurrilous economic times in which he shut down the energy industry in the Gulf Coast where billions have been lost and are now being given to his communist friends, one by one, drilling well job by drilling well job.

Americans are mad at Obama. He's a navel-contemplating idiot when it comes to inspiring business. He just can't cut the mustard.


Simply the fact he hasn't raised taxes and it was the Republicans who wanted to stop the payroll tax credit proves you are either lying or don't know what you're talking about. Which is it?
Obama had some killer additions in that bill. And, Obama already raised taxes 8.5% recently through Obamacare. 97 Senators (all who voted) nixed his ill-thought budget. If you don't think he raised America's taxes 8.5% already, take it up with the Supreme Court. They noticed it and kept Obamacare because it raises tax, and Congress can raise taxes. The Constitution says so.

Oh please, just stop the ignorance. That was a procedure to get the Republican budgets on record. It's how we know Republican want to end Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Those were never serious because everyone knew the Republicans wouldn't pass anything. It's called politics. It's like a game of chess.

Now tell me. Do you want to end Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid????

Tell the truth. If you want to end them, what happens to all those elderly and disabled? Let them die?

EVERY DEMOCRAT VOTED AGAINST THE OBAMA BUDGET in May. It was a bipartisan agreement: BAD BUDGET! Get it?

Obama can't all of a sudden get his MBA in economics, because he is being fed pablum by his yes-man kitchen cabinet, and he has no use for his own financial advisers who have to obey Obama or lose their positions.

I'm not in charge of Obama, rdean. He is out of control, and his answer to people who don't agree are not acceptable to people he hates, either:

[ame=]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]

What part you didn't get? It wasn't a real budget at all. It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record. Why can't you understand that? And you didn't answer the question.

Do you feel we should end Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid?

Yes or no?

If you say yes, then what happens to the people who depend on it? If you say no, then you disagree with your leaders and one wonders why you support them????

I gave an answer. It was the correct answer even if you didn't like it.

What's your answer?

What part you didn't get? It wasn't a real budget at all. It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record.

Awesome move! It got the Democrats to put their positions on record as well.
They all agreed with the Republicans when they repudiated Obama.
EVERY DEMOCRAT VOTED AGAINST THE OBAMA BUDGET in May. It was a bipartisan agreement: BAD BUDGET! Get it?

Obama can't all of a sudden get his MBA in economics, because he is being fed pablum by his yes-man kitchen cabinet, and he has no use for his own financial advisers who have to obey Obama or lose their positions.

I'm not in charge of Obama, rdean. He is out of control, and his answer to people who don't agree are not acceptable to people he hates, either:

What part you didn't get? It wasn't a real budget at all. It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record. Why can't you understand that? And you didn't answer the question.

Do you feel we should end Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid?

Yes or no?

If you say yes, then what happens to the people who depend on it? If you say no, then you disagree with your leaders and one wonders why you support them????

I gave an answer. It was the correct answer even if you didn't like it.

What's your answer?

What part you didn't get? It wasn't a real budget at all. It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record.

Awesome move! It got the Democrats to put their positions on record as well.
They all agreed with the Republicans when they repudiated Obama.

There wasn't anything there of substance. Finally you seem to get some of it: It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record.

I answered yours, why won't you answer my question???

Do you feel we should end Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid?

Yes or no?

If you say yes, then what happens to the people who depend on it? If you say no, then you disagree with your leaders and one wonders why you support them????
Simply the fact he hasn't raised taxes and it was the Republicans who wanted to stop the payroll tax credit proves you are either lying or don't know what you're talking about. Which is it?
Obama had some killer additions in that bill. And, Obama already raised taxes 8.5% recently through Obamacare. 97 Senators (all who voted) nixed his ill-thought budget. If you don't think he raised America's taxes 8.5% already, take it up with the Supreme Court. They noticed it and kept Obamacare because it raises tax, and Congress can raise taxes. The Constitution says so.

New York Times Supreme Court Lets Health Law Largely Stand

NYTimes: 3 Million May more lack insurance due to Supreme Court Ruling Study Says

By upholding ObamaCare, the majority has allowed one of the biggest tax increases in American history to stand. ObamaCare includes twenty new or higher taxes on families and small businesses. This tax increase will take place despite the fact that President Obama pledged that he would not raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000, which is most Americans, and assured Americans that the individual mandate was not a tax. American Center for Law and Justice: Supreme Court Rewrites ObamaCare, Allows Huge Tax Increases
Oh, here's another I found: Full List of Obamacare Tax Hikes from Americans for Tax Reform
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What part you didn't get? It wasn't a real budget at all. It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record. Why can't you understand that? And you didn't answer the question.

Do you feel we should end Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid?

Yes or no?

If you say yes, then what happens to the people who depend on it? If you say no, then you disagree with your leaders and one wonders why you support them????

I gave an answer. It was the correct answer even if you didn't like it.

What's your answer?

What part you didn't get? It wasn't a real budget at all. It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record.

Awesome move! It got the Democrats to put their positions on record as well.
They all agreed with the Republicans when they repudiated Obama.

There wasn't anything there of substance. Finally you seem to get some of it: It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record.

I answered yours, why won't you answer my question???

Do you feel we should end Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid?

Yes or no?

If you say yes, then what happens to the people who depend on it? If you say no, then you disagree with your leaders and one wonders why you support them????

Finally you seem to get some of it: It was a "political move" to get Republicans to put their positions on record.

If getting every Republican to vote against it gave Obama an advantage, how does it help Obama when every Dem votes against it as well? LOL!
Looks like your boy is radioactive.
Obama had some killer additions in that bill. And, Obama already raised taxes 8.5% recently through Obamacare. 97 Senators (all who voted) nixed his ill-thought budget. If you don't think he raised America's taxes 8.5% already, take it up with the Supreme Court. They noticed it and kept Obamacare because it raises tax, and Congress can raise taxes. The Constitution says so.

New York Times Supreme Court Lets Health Law Largely Stand

NYTimes: 3 Million May more lack insurance due to Supreme Court Ruling Study Says

By upholding ObamaCare, the majority has allowed one of the biggest tax increases in American history to stand. ObamaCare includes twenty new or higher taxes on families and small businesses. This tax increase will take place despite the fact that President Obama pledged that he would not raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000, which is most Americans, and assured Americans that the individual mandate was not a tax. American Center for Law and Justice: Supreme Court Rewrites ObamaCare, Allows Huge Tax Increases
Oh, here's another I found: Full List of Obamacare Tax Hikes from Americans for Tax Reform

Absolute Pubcrappe fit only for dupes...

Romneycare for ALL. Already a huge success, lowest annual rises in cost in the country, 2% as opposed tp 15% elsewhere, and Obamacare is better. STFU withyour totally discredited Pubcrappe, dupe....jfc
Yes, and if Obama was that wrong, what makes you think Romney can do any better

When you're as wrong as Obama, you don't get 4 more years to continue your failed ideas.
Reagan got a second chance. He started with unemployment in the 7's and ended his first term with it in the 7's.

Reagan had great GDP growth before the election. 7.1% in Q2.
Unemployment had dropped 3% in the 18 months before the election.
Things were getting better.

The unemployment rate topped 13% under Reagan's first term, it barely touch 10% under Obama. Obama also took over with things in worse shape.

With Obama, unemployment is 0.8% lower than 18 months ago and appears to be trending higher. GDP growth is slowing. 1.2% in Q2. Things are getting worse.

We're adding jobs to the private sector. Unemployment went up this month because more people are looking for work now.

Other than that, Obama is exactly like Reagan.
There's just not that big of a difference between the two in their first term. Reagan did better than Obama in many respects, but Obama prevented unemployment from topping 10% and had a bigger mess to deal with from the beginning.

Reagan also had higher rates of tax revenue - 50% for the top bracket - getting to be the good guy and cut taxes from absurd highs under Carter - while Obama is left with taxes at recent historic lows, and placed in the position of needing to be the bad guy and raise the top rate.

He'll probably win 49 states too. LOL!

It won't be that big of a landslide but it won't be close either.
Reagan got a second chance. He started with unemployment in the 7's and ended his first term with it in the 7's.

Reagan had great GDP growth before the election. 7.1% in Q2.
Unemployment had dropped 3% in the 18 months before the election.
Things were getting better.

The unemployment rate topped 13% under Reagan's first term, it barely touch 10% under Obama. Obama also took over with things in worse shape.

We're adding jobs to the private sector. Unemployment went up this month because more people are looking for work now.

Other than that, Obama is exactly like Reagan.
There's just not that big of a difference between the two in their first term. Reagan did better than Obama in many respects, but Obama prevented unemployment from topping 10% and had a bigger mess to deal with from the beginning.

Reagan also had higher rates of tax revenue - 50% for the top bracket - getting to be the good guy and cut taxes from absurd highs under Carter - while Obama is left with taxes at recent historic lows, and placed in the position of needing to be the bad guy and raise the top rate.

He'll probably win 49 states too. LOL!

It won't be that big of a landslide but it won't be close either.

The unemployment rate topped 13% under Reagan's first term,

Try 10.8%.

Unemployment went up this month because more people are looking for work now.

So then it's okay that they couldn't find work. LOL!

but Obama prevented unemployment from topping 10% and had a bigger mess to deal with from the beginning.

Reagan had double digit inflation and interest rates.

while Obama is left with taxes at recent historic lows,

Rates were 28% in recent history.

It won't be that big of a landslide but it won't be close either.

I agree. And then he'll be the first African-American one-term President.
The only data Republicans have is how many jobs they created - "overseas".

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008



How Republicans blame this on Obama is a total mystery. Seriously. And for 6 of those years, it was all Republican. They passed the drugs for votes bill and the Bush tax cuts through "reconciliation". They hid the cost of two wars from the American people and told US Citizens to "Go to the mall".


We can't put these terrible liars with their awful policies back into office. They only want to "finish the job".
The only data Republicans have is how many jobs they created - "overseas".

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008



How Republicans blame this on Obama is a total mystery. Seriously. And for 6 of those years, it was all Republican. They passed the drugs for votes bill and the Bush tax cuts through "reconciliation". They hid the cost of two wars from the American people and told US Citizens to "Go to the mall".


We can't put these terrible liars with their awful policies back into office. They only want to "finish the job".
Before you get into your sure-fail pissing match about Republicans-bad-Democrats-good blather, exactly who were the dummies who bought those cheapo Chinese products and why didn't Bill Clinton stop it?

You know, Bill Clinton who passed on all America's technology with gifts of our computers with all that freebie data base that would save the Chinese billions in technology startups?

You could be such a more informed person if you'd quit lapping up the vomitus your talking points of supreme omission, eschewing probity.

Clinton gives Chinese Chips for nuke war
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New York Times Supreme Court Lets Health Law Largely Stand

NYTimes: 3 Million May more lack insurance due to Supreme Court Ruling Study Says

By upholding ObamaCare, the majority has allowed one of the biggest tax increases in American history to stand. ObamaCare includes twenty new or higher taxes on families and small businesses. This tax increase will take place despite the fact that President Obama pledged that he would not raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000, which is most Americans, and assured Americans that the individual mandate was not a tax. American Center for Law and Justice: Supreme Court Rewrites ObamaCare, Allows Huge Tax Increases
Oh, here's another I found: Full List of Obamacare Tax Hikes from Americans for Tax Reform

Absolute Pubcrappe fit only for dupes...

Romneycare for ALL. Already a huge success, lowest annual rises in cost in the country, 2% as opposed tp 15% elsewhere, and Obamacare is better. STFU withyour totally discredited Pubcrappe, dupe....jfc
Sorry, I posted from truth-filled sites.

Here's something, where if people look at what is said, they can make up their own mind on this issue of dirty politics perpetrated by the Democrat head of the Senate, with the Romney spokesman responding to Reid's misrepresentations, which are solid gold for him without the light of truth shining down upon it, and the gutter hubris that it actually is when the facts are brought forward against Reid's self-serving little fibbies:

[ame=""]Romney Campaign Responds To Harry Reid - YouTube[/ame]
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The only data Republicans have is how many jobs they created - "overseas".

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008



How Republicans blame this on Obama is a total mystery. Seriously. And for 6 of those years, it was all Republican. They passed the drugs for votes bill and the Bush tax cuts through "reconciliation". They hid the cost of two wars from the American people and told US Citizens to "Go to the mall".


We can't put these terrible liars with their awful policies back into office. They only want to "finish the job".
Before you get into your sure-fail pissing match about Republicans-bad-Democrats-good blather, exactly who were the dummies who bought those cheapo Chinese products and why didn't Bill Clinton stop it?

You know, Bill Clinton who passed on all America's technology with gifts of our computers with all that freebie data base that would save the Chinese billions in technology startups?

You could be such a more informed person if you'd quit lapping up the vomitus your talking points of supreme omission, eschewing probity.

Clinton gives Chinese Chips for nuke war

Some Article all the back in 2003 saying, "Newly declassified documents".

Funny, they don't list the documents by name. Don't you think that's funny? "Newly declassified documents" is enough. Just saying, "Newly declassified documents" is all you need and that proves it must be true.

Even if something like that actually happened, what would be the motivation? Fun? This wasn't long after 9/11. Bush was still mad at Clinton. Bush felt he was unfairly blamed for 9/11.

Still, millions of jobs were moved to China during the Bush administration. Americans were forced to train Chinese to take their jobs or lose their unemployment benefits. It happened.
The only data Republicans have is how many jobs they created - "overseas".

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008



How Republicans blame this on Obama is a total mystery. Seriously. And for 6 of those years, it was all Republican. They passed the drugs for votes bill and the Bush tax cuts through "reconciliation". They hid the cost of two wars from the American people and told US Citizens to "Go to the mall".


We can't put these terrible liars with their awful policies back into office. They only want to "finish the job".

You don't even know how to read your own graph. Job losses overseas isn't listed. Total job losses leveled out from 2003 to 2008 in your first graph then tanked after 2008, and election year when Democrats controlled congress, into 2009. Seems to me that most of the real damage happened in the last couple of years, but you're graph cuts off the beginning of 09. How much worse has it been since Obama took over?

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