Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

That should be good news for the Chyneez!!! They don't need no stinkin data.. Mittens has priors!!
Yes, and if Obama was that wrong, what makes you think Romney can do any better, especially since I have yet to see one person say that anything he's recommending is a good idea that will work well.

I have no idea idea if Romney can or will do any better but I know what Obama has done so for me the choice is do I take a chance with Romney or stick with Obama who's plan I know has not worked.

The nearly 300 billion in stimulus tax cuts didn't work?

So you're on record as saying tax cuts don't work to simulate the economy?

Yet you think raising taxes on the poor will stimulate the economy?

No I'm on record saying I don't know if Romney can do any better than Obama but I know what a bad job Obama has done that's what I'm on record saying don't try and put words into my mouth.
Romney points to "Staples" as his "success" story. Thousands of minimum wage jobs with no benefits, no health care. People can only survive by getting Food Stamps. But Republicans want to cut the food stamps too.

I guess the Republican "option" is "let him die". Guess we should listen to what they are telling us.
Romney points to "Staples" as his "success" story. Thousands of minimum wage jobs with no benefits, no health care. People can only survive by getting Food Stamps. But Republicans want to cut the food stamps too.

I guess the Republican "option" is "let him die". Guess we should listen to what they are telling us.



Staples Benefits, Staples Employee Benefits Info
Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

President Obama is seizing on a new think-tank study that says Romney's plan to cut tax rates for all brackets, lower the corporate rate, close loopholes and keep taxes low on investments, would require him to eliminate deductions and credits that benefit the lower- and middle-class, such as child credits and mortgage deductions.

The Romney campaign is not engaging on the same playing field. When asked Thursday in a conference call how much Rommey's plan might add to the deficit before the economic-growth it projected to create was factored in, along with closing loopholes and cutting spending, the campaign declined to provide specific numbers.

In a sense, the Romney campaign is handicapping itself, because Obama is now out on the campaign trail wielding specific numbers against Romney, whacking him over the head with lines like this: "The average middle-class family with children, according to this study, would be hit with a tax increase of more than $2,000."

"In order to afford just one $250,000 tax cut for somebody like Mr. Romney, 125 families like yours would have to pay another $2,000 in taxes each and every year," Obama told a crowd in Mansfield, Ohio, on Wednesday.

"Does that sound like a good plan for economic growth?" Obama asked the crowd, which screamed back, "No!"

No data? Just offer hope and change, it worked for Obama.
Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

That should be good news for the Chyneez!!! They don't need no stinkin data.. Mittens has priors!!

Obama has proven that there is no relationship between promises and "data," and actual results.
Sure there is Data... Look to when he was Governor of Mass.

I don't know if that data supports or discredits his claim... But there is data. Very little data.

Romney managed to hide all his administration's email during his governorship. The man seems to have this small aversion to disclosure.

How many people got killed because of Romneys e-mails? Obama and Holder only hide them after a border agent gets killed with a gun they had sold to drug dealers.
Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

That should be good news for the Chyneez!!! They don't need no stinkin data.. Mittens has priors!!

Obama has proven that there is no relationship between promises and "data," and actual results.

What's all this talk of "promises"? And what promise did he make you personally that wasn't forthcoming? I have a hard time believing in ANY one politicians wish list. No one elected official has complete control over the U S A.

The one percenters have had thier run of good luck mostly by gaming the system. It is time to balance the books and put the needs of the middle class back on the front burner.
They are the customers of the products. Obama is not the problem. It is the butt boys in congress of the super rich that need replaced. Boner..Ryan... and about two or three dozen NewGOPers have got to be kicked out to make sure that "made in U S A" means something again. The Waltons and Kochs made thier money. Now it is time for mom and pop and the guys in America that make something with thier hands to have a crack at prosperity.

You being in the oil racket should be happy. Are we not pumping more oil domestically than ever?

I don't give a rat shit about promises..but I will never forgive or forget John Boehner's promise which was the most selfish traitorous waste of time during the worst of economic challenges..

Congressman Boehner, people are waiting for some indication about future funding ... “Our number one priority is making Obama a one-term president.”
Romney points to "Staples" as his "success" story. Thousands of minimum wage jobs with no benefits, no health care. People can only survive by getting Food Stamps. But Republicans want to cut the food stamps too.

I guess the Republican "option" is "let him die". Guess we should listen to what they are telling us.



Staples Benefits, Staples Employee Benefits Info

Well of course Staples is going to say they are a "great place". You believe everything every company tells you? The benefits they are describing are for "upper management", not regular workers.

Let's go ahead and look a little deeper:

Let's start of with a list of "minimum wage" nation wide to give us some perspective:

List of U.S. minimum wages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's look at what the employees say:

Staples Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

See? They are telling us what their wages are. Looks pretty minimum, doesn't it?

Now, what kind of comments do they give:

“FT positions dumped to save money, kept as PT, no benefits”

Current OS Associate

Pros – Close to home, small group (and getting smaller!) who generally get along, reasonable managers who will work with you (at least in my store).

Cons – After 8 years in OS, my FT position was reduced to PT; happened to others in other departments, seasoned good employees shafted so company wont have to pay benefits. The PT medical is a joke. Morale too.

Would not recommend this company to a friend

Staples - FT positions dumped to save money, kept as PT, no benefits | Glassdoor


American Sweatshops: Widespread and Thriving; Barely Surviving the Most Stressful, Lowest-Paying Job of My Life

When I told the Staples store manager that I wanted a full-time job, he informed me that initially I would have to work on a temporary, part-time basis, without any benefits. I found out later that numerous other employees at the store who had worked there from two to seven years were still in "part-time," status.

This arrangement is highly advantageous for the retailers. They minimize or avoid paying fringe benefits such as life and health insurance, retirement benefits, overtime or differential pay for Sunday work. When I told the manager that I wanted to work as many hours as possible, he told me that every employee at the store asks for that. The maximum he ever allowed me to work was 31.5 hours a week. Most often it was in the 21 to 26 hour range.

So at $7.25 an hour for a 31.50-hour workweek I grossed $228.38. After deductions for Social Security, Medicare and federal, state and local taxes, my net take home pay was $178.48. This translates to a net of $9,281 a year.

Now if you go to someplace like "Businessinsider", you get a "glowing report" of this company. But seriously. 20 hours a week for all these benefits? And for the family? And discounts? Who could believe that? That's just something put out there for ignorant right wingers to point to and say, "See how wonderful they are?" It's pure fantasy.


Workers at this office products company need to work just 20 hours per week to gain access to most benefits. Medical, dental, life, vision and disability insurance are offered to workers and their families, including same-sex spouses and domestic partners. Perks at Staples abound, with team members receiving discounts on theater tickets, wireless products and services and online retailers.

8 Companies That Give Part-Time Workers Awesome Benefits - Business Insider


Staples Inc. (SPLS) - Balance Sheet - TheStreet

Number of Employees: 51542

Number of Part Time Employees: 36240

That leaves only a little over 15 thousand employees that are full time. This is so they won't have to pay for benefits.


In case it's not clear, FT means "full time employee" and PT means "Part time employee".

See, the company is getting rid of full time employees and making everyone part time. You get two part timers and you don't have to pay benefits. Plus, you can exaggerate the number of jobs and fool ignorant right wingers into believing what that company is telling them because they won't actually go look to find out. But thank God for us Liberals. Looking out for you and trying to educate you even if you need to be dragged kicking and screaming. Believe me, it's for your own good. When a situation is this complicated, go read about it. Find out what's going on. Then we can debate.
Romney points to "Staples" as his "success" story. Thousands of minimum wage jobs with no benefits, no health care. People can only survive by getting Food Stamps. But Republicans want to cut the food stamps too.

I guess the Republican "option" is "let him die". Guess we should listen to what they are telling us.



Staples Benefits, Staples Employee Benefits Info

Well of course Staples is going to say they are a "great place". You believe everything every company tells you? The benefits they are describing are for "upper management", not regular workers.

Let's go ahead and look a little deeper:

Let's start of with a list of "minimum wage" nation wide to give us some perspective:

List of U.S. minimum wages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's look at what the employees say:

Staples Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

See? They are telling us what their wages are. Looks pretty minimum, doesn't it?

Now, what kind of comments do they give:

“FT positions dumped to save money, kept as PT, no benefits”

Current OS Associate

Pros – Close to home, small group (and getting smaller!) who generally get along, reasonable managers who will work with you (at least in my store).

Cons – After 8 years in OS, my FT position was reduced to PT; happened to others in other departments, seasoned good employees shafted so company wont have to pay benefits. The PT medical is a joke. Morale too.

Would not recommend this company to a friend

Staples - FT positions dumped to save money, kept as PT, no benefits | Glassdoor


American Sweatshops: Widespread and Thriving; Barely Surviving the Most Stressful, Lowest-Paying Job of My Life

When I told the Staples store manager that I wanted a full-time job, he informed me that initially I would have to work on a temporary, part-time basis, without any benefits. I found out later that numerous other employees at the store who had worked there from two to seven years were still in "part-time," status.

This arrangement is highly advantageous for the retailers. They minimize or avoid paying fringe benefits such as life and health insurance, retirement benefits, overtime or differential pay for Sunday work. When I told the manager that I wanted to work as many hours as possible, he told me that every employee at the store asks for that. The maximum he ever allowed me to work was 31.5 hours a week. Most often it was in the 21 to 26 hour range.

So at $7.25 an hour for a 31.50-hour workweek I grossed $228.38. After deductions for Social Security, Medicare and federal, state and local taxes, my net take home pay was $178.48. This translates to a net of $9,281 a year.

Now if you go to someplace like "Businessinsider", you get a "glowing report" of this company. But seriously. 20 hours a week for all these benefits? And for the family? And discounts? Who could believe that? That's just something put out there for ignorant right wingers to point to and say, "See how wonderful they are?" It's pure fantasy.


Workers at this office products company need to work just 20 hours per week to gain access to most benefits. Medical, dental, life, vision and disability insurance are offered to workers and their families, including same-sex spouses and domestic partners. Perks at Staples abound, with team members receiving discounts on theater tickets, wireless products and services and online retailers.

8 Companies That Give Part-Time Workers Awesome Benefits - Business Insider


Staples Inc. (SPLS) - Balance Sheet - TheStreet

Number of Employees: 51542

Number of Part Time Employees: 36240

That leaves only a little over 15 thousand employees that are full time. This is so they won't have to pay for benefits.


In case it's not clear, FT means "full time employee" and PT means "Part time employee".

See, the company is getting rid of full time employees and making everyone part time. You get two part timers and you don't have to pay benefits. Plus, you can exaggerate the number of jobs and fool ignorant right wingers into believing what that company is telling them because they won't actually go look to find out. But thank God for us Liberals. Looking out for you and trying to educate you even if you need to be dragged kicking and screaming. Believe me, it's for your own good. When a situation is this complicated, go read about it. Find out what's going on. Then we can debate.

And NO ONE is forcing anyone to WORK for them or go there...are they?

BTW deany?

Romney isn't associated with STAPLES, and neither is BAIN any longer...

You just can't make shit like this up.

Inside the Romney Boom (36,000!) | TPM Editors Blog

Has anyone noticed that the Romney advisor behind the ‘Romney Economic Boom’ is the guy responsible for one of the most spectacularly wrong and wildly optimistic economic predictions of the 1990s?

This week the Romney campaign was knocked on its heels by a study which suggested that Romney’s tax plan would — in addition to giving a windfall to the wealthiest Americans — increase taxes on 95% of Americans. So the guy who’s running for President to turn back President Obama’s supposedly high-taxing and deficit creating ways would actually raise taxes on virtually everyone and also explode the deficit.


Who’s Kevin Hassett? Well, he’s none other than the coauthor of the spectacularly boomtime late 90s bestseller Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market. As TPM Reader WM points out, not only was the book amazingly wrong and basically assumed the tech boom was permanent, the whole concept was based on the idea that stocks should be valued on a “formula that double-counted earnings and dividends. A true classic in wingnut economics.”

This book came out just before the tech bubble burst. Is this the type of economic adviser you'd want on your team?
Romney points to "Staples" as his "success" story. Thousands of minimum wage jobs with no benefits, no health care. People can only survive by getting Food Stamps. But Republicans want to cut the food stamps too.

I guess the Republican "option" is "let him die". Guess we should listen to what they are telling us.



Staples Benefits, Staples Employee Benefits Info

Well of course Staples is going to say they are a "great place". You believe everything every company tells you? The benefits they are describing are for "upper management", not regular workers.

Let's go ahead and look a little deeper:

Let's start of with a list of "minimum wage" nation wide to give us some perspective:

List of U.S. minimum wages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's look at what the employees say:

Staples Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

See? They are telling us what their wages are. Looks pretty minimum, doesn't it?

Now, what kind of comments do they give:

“FT positions dumped to save money, kept as PT, no benefits”

Current OS Associate

Pros – Close to home, small group (and getting smaller!) who generally get along, reasonable managers who will work with you (at least in my store).

Cons – After 8 years in OS, my FT position was reduced to PT; happened to others in other departments, seasoned good employees shafted so company wont have to pay benefits. The PT medical is a joke. Morale too.

Would not recommend this company to a friend

Staples - FT positions dumped to save money, kept as PT, no benefits | Glassdoor


American Sweatshops: Widespread and Thriving; Barely Surviving the Most Stressful, Lowest-Paying Job of My Life

When I told the Staples store manager that I wanted a full-time job, he informed me that initially I would have to work on a temporary, part-time basis, without any benefits. I found out later that numerous other employees at the store who had worked there from two to seven years were still in "part-time," status.

This arrangement is highly advantageous for the retailers. They minimize or avoid paying fringe benefits such as life and health insurance, retirement benefits, overtime or differential pay for Sunday work. When I told the manager that I wanted to work as many hours as possible, he told me that every employee at the store asks for that. The maximum he ever allowed me to work was 31.5 hours a week. Most often it was in the 21 to 26 hour range.

So at $7.25 an hour for a 31.50-hour workweek I grossed $228.38. After deductions for Social Security, Medicare and federal, state and local taxes, my net take home pay was $178.48. This translates to a net of $9,281 a year.

Now if you go to someplace like "Businessinsider", you get a "glowing report" of this company. But seriously. 20 hours a week for all these benefits? And for the family? And discounts? Who could believe that? That's just something put out there for ignorant right wingers to point to and say, "See how wonderful they are?" It's pure fantasy.


Workers at this office products company need to work just 20 hours per week to gain access to most benefits. Medical, dental, life, vision and disability insurance are offered to workers and their families, including same-sex spouses and domestic partners. Perks at Staples abound, with team members receiving discounts on theater tickets, wireless products and services and online retailers.

8 Companies That Give Part-Time Workers Awesome Benefits - Business Insider


Staples Inc. (SPLS) - Balance Sheet - TheStreet

Number of Employees: 51542

Number of Part Time Employees: 36240

That leaves only a little over 15 thousand employees that are full time. This is so they won't have to pay for benefits.


In case it's not clear, FT means "full time employee" and PT means "Part time employee".

See, the company is getting rid of full time employees and making everyone part time. You get two part timers and you don't have to pay benefits. Plus, you can exaggerate the number of jobs and fool ignorant right wingers into believing what that company is telling them because they won't actually go look to find out. But thank God for us Liberals. Looking out for you and trying to educate you even if you need to be dragged kicking and screaming. Believe me, it's for your own good. When a situation is this complicated, go read about it. Find out what's going on. Then we can debate.

Have you taken your Meds today, Rderp?

You said NO benefits and NO health care, you dishonest FUCK.

And, apparently, you didn't read my link.
It was NOT the Staples website.
It was an independent job search site.

As to your last paragraph; you can thank Obama for THAT little trend.
You think Staples is alone with this idea?

Follow your own education advice.
Back away from MediaMatters and ThinkProgress and do try to learn something for yourself.

You just can't make shit like this up.

Inside the Romney Boom (36,000!) | TPM Editors Blog

Has anyone noticed that the Romney advisor behind the ‘Romney Economic Boom’ is the guy responsible for one of the most spectacularly wrong and wildly optimistic economic predictions of the 1990s?

This week the Romney campaign was knocked on its heels by a study which suggested that Romney’s tax plan would — in addition to giving a windfall to the wealthiest Americans — increase taxes on 95% of Americans. So the guy who’s running for President to turn back President Obama’s supposedly high-taxing and deficit creating ways would actually raise taxes on virtually everyone and also explode the deficit.


Who’s Kevin Hassett? Well, he’s none other than the coauthor of the spectacularly boomtime late 90s bestseller Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market. As TPM Reader WM points out, not only was the book amazingly wrong and basically assumed the tech boom was permanent, the whole concept was based on the idea that stocks should be valued on a “formula that double-counted earnings and dividends. A true classic in wingnut economics.”
This book came out just before the tech bubble burst. Is this the type of economic adviser you'd want on your team?

As opposed to lobbyists and tax cheats?

Lemme think on it.

You just can't make shit like this up.

Inside the Romney Boom (36,000!) | TPM Editors Blog

Has anyone noticed that the Romney advisor behind the ‘Romney Economic Boom’ is the guy responsible for one of the most spectacularly wrong and wildly optimistic economic predictions of the 1990s?

This week the Romney campaign was knocked on its heels by a study which suggested that Romney’s tax plan would — in addition to giving a windfall to the wealthiest Americans — increase taxes on 95% of Americans. So the guy who’s running for President to turn back President Obama’s supposedly high-taxing and deficit creating ways would actually raise taxes on virtually everyone and also explode the deficit.


Who’s Kevin Hassett? Well, he’s none other than the coauthor of the spectacularly boomtime late 90s bestseller Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market. As TPM Reader WM points out, not only was the book amazingly wrong and basically assumed the tech boom was permanent, the whole concept was based on the idea that stocks should be valued on a “formula that double-counted earnings and dividends. A true classic in wingnut economics.”

This book came out just before the tech bubble burst. Is this the type of economic adviser you'd want on your team?

As opposed to the Obama advisors who said the $800 billion stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%?
You bet!
Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

That should be good news for the Chyneez!!! They don't need no stinkin data.. Mittens has priors!!

I think Mitt Romney will put millions of Americans back to work:

[ame=]Romney Reacts To July Jobs Report - YouTube[/ame]

Mitt's Romney's trade plan: Trade

Mitt's Plan

Mitt Romney believes that free trade is essential to restoring robust economic growth and creating jobs. We need to open new markets beyond our borders for American goods and services on terms that work for America.
Opening New Markets
Every president beginning with Ronald Reagan has recognized the power of open markets and pursued them on behalf of the United States. George W. Bush successfully negotiated eleven FTAs, encompassing sixteen countries. He also had the vision to commence negotiations with a number of allies around the Pacific Rim to expand significantly the Trans-Pacific Partnership. All told, these agreements have enabled people across the world to come together and build a better future. Economists estimate that the agreements have led to the creation of 5.4 million new American jobs and support a total of nearly 18 million jobs. Looking beyond just our FTA partners, our total exports support nearly 10 million American jobs. These are not just jobs; they’re good jobs, paying significantly above average, and more than one-third are in manufacturing.

  • Reinstate the president’s Trade Promotion Authority
  • Complete negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Pursue new trade agreements with nations committed to free enterprise and open markets
  • Create the Reagan Economic Zone
Confronting China
China presents a broad set of problems that cry out urgently for solutions. It is time to end the Obama administration’s acquiescence to the one-way arrangements the Chinese have come to enjoy. We need a fresh and fearless approach to that trade relationship. Our first priority must be to put on the table all unilateral actions within our power to ensure that the Chinese adhere to existing agreements. Anyone with business experience knows that you can succeed in a negotiation only if you are willing to walk away. If we want the Chinese to play by the rules, we must be willing to say “no more” to a relationship that too often benefits them and harms us.​

  • Increase CBP resources to prevent the illegal entry of goods into our market
  • Increase USTR resources to pursue and support litigation against unfair trade practices
  • Use unilateral and multilateral punitive measures to deter unfair Chinese practices
  • Designate China a currency manipulator and impose countervailing duties
  • Discontinue U.S. government procurement from China until China commits to GPA

I think Mitt Romney will bring manufacturing and raw materials production back to Pennsylvania and Ohio, specifically, and all the states, for that matter.

We will have America back. Let China copy us, if it can.

Well of course Staples is going to say they are a "great place". You believe everything every company tells you? The benefits they are describing are for "upper management", not regular workers.

Let's go ahead and look a little deeper:

Let's start of with a list of "minimum wage" nation wide to give us some perspective:

List of U.S. minimum wages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's look at what the employees say:

Staples Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

See? They are telling us what their wages are. Looks pretty minimum, doesn't it?

Now, what kind of comments do they give:

“FT positions dumped to save money, kept as PT, no benefits”

Current OS Associate

Pros – Close to home, small group (and getting smaller!) who generally get along, reasonable managers who will work with you (at least in my store).

Cons – After 8 years in OS, my FT position was reduced to PT; happened to others in other departments, seasoned good employees shafted so company wont have to pay benefits. The PT medical is a joke. Morale too.

Would not recommend this company to a friend

Staples - FT positions dumped to save money, kept as PT, no benefits | Glassdoor


American Sweatshops: Widespread and Thriving; Barely Surviving the Most Stressful, Lowest-Paying Job of My Life

When I told the Staples store manager that I wanted a full-time job, he informed me that initially I would have to work on a temporary, part-time basis, without any benefits. I found out later that numerous other employees at the store who had worked there from two to seven years were still in "part-time," status.

This arrangement is highly advantageous for the retailers. They minimize or avoid paying fringe benefits such as life and health insurance, retirement benefits, overtime or differential pay for Sunday work. When I told the manager that I wanted to work as many hours as possible, he told me that every employee at the store asks for that. The maximum he ever allowed me to work was 31.5 hours a week. Most often it was in the 21 to 26 hour range.

So at $7.25 an hour for a 31.50-hour workweek I grossed $228.38. After deductions for Social Security, Medicare and federal, state and local taxes, my net take home pay was $178.48. This translates to a net of $9,281 a year.

Now if you go to someplace like "Businessinsider", you get a "glowing report" of this company. But seriously. 20 hours a week for all these benefits? And for the family? And discounts? Who could believe that? That's just something put out there for ignorant right wingers to point to and say, "See how wonderful they are?" It's pure fantasy.


Workers at this office products company need to work just 20 hours per week to gain access to most benefits. Medical, dental, life, vision and disability insurance are offered to workers and their families, including same-sex spouses and domestic partners. Perks at Staples abound, with team members receiving discounts on theater tickets, wireless products and services and online retailers.

8 Companies That Give Part-Time Workers Awesome Benefits - Business Insider


Staples Inc. (SPLS) - Balance Sheet - TheStreet

Number of Employees: 51542

Number of Part Time Employees: 36240

That leaves only a little over 15 thousand employees that are full time. This is so they won't have to pay for benefits.


In case it's not clear, FT means "full time employee" and PT means "Part time employee".

See, the company is getting rid of full time employees and making everyone part time. You get two part timers and you don't have to pay benefits. Plus, you can exaggerate the number of jobs and fool ignorant right wingers into believing what that company is telling them because they won't actually go look to find out. But thank God for us Liberals. Looking out for you and trying to educate you even if you need to be dragged kicking and screaming. Believe me, it's for your own good. When a situation is this complicated, go read about it. Find out what's going on. Then we can debate.

Have you taken your Meds today, Rderp?

You said NO benefits and NO health care, you dishonest FUCK.

And, apparently, you didn't read my link.
It was NOT the Staples website.
It was an independent job search site.

As to your last paragraph; you can thank Obama for THAT little trend.
You think Staples is alone with this idea?

Follow your own education advice.
Back away from MediaMatters and ThinkProgress and do try to learn something for yourself.


Wow, I guess you told me.

Or did you?

First NONE of my links were from MediaMatters or ThinkProgress.
They were:

Wikipedia for a wage chart
Glass Door
Impact Enterprise LLC
Business Insider
The Street

So I guess that makes you, uh, how did you put it?

you dishonest FUCK

But seriously, "an independent" job site? Independent? Job sites are paid by the company and post what they are told. Tell me you knew that. Usually people who don't know that are living with their parents or on disability. Which is it?

Here, let me repeat this one part from "Glassdoor" (Glassdoor — detailed company reviews posted anonymously by employees):

seasoned good employees shafted so company wont have to pay benefits. The PT medical is a joke.

Shhh! I'll let you in on a secret. When a company pays nothing for benefits, the employees don't get benefits.

What your post says is you didn't read anything. You pathetically started "screaming" FUCK and stayed perfectly ignorant. See what I mean? You can lead a right winger to knowledge, but you can't make it LEARN. They just won't. They won't even try. But, being a good American, I refuse to give up on them.
Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

That should be good news for the Chyneez!!! They don't need no stinkin data.. Mittens has priors!!

I think Mitt Romney will put millions of Americans back to work:

[ame=]Romney Reacts To July Jobs Report - YouTube[/ame]

Mitt's Romney's trade plan: Trade

Mitt's Plan

Mitt Romney believes that free trade is essential to restoring robust economic growth and creating jobs. We need to open new markets beyond our borders for American goods and services on terms that work for America.
Opening New Markets
Every president beginning with Ronald Reagan has recognized the power of open markets and pursued them on behalf of the United States. George W. Bush successfully negotiated eleven FTAs, encompassing sixteen countries. He also had the vision to commence negotiations with a number of allies around the Pacific Rim to expand significantly the Trans-Pacific Partnership. All told, these agreements have enabled people across the world to come together and build a better future. Economists estimate that the agreements have led to the creation of 5.4 million new American jobs and support a total of nearly 18 million jobs. Looking beyond just our FTA partners, our total exports support nearly 10 million American jobs. These are not just jobs; they’re good jobs, paying significantly above average, and more than one-third are in manufacturing.

  • Reinstate the president’s Trade Promotion Authority
  • Complete negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Pursue new trade agreements with nations committed to free enterprise and open markets
  • Create the Reagan Economic Zone
Confronting China
China presents a broad set of problems that cry out urgently for solutions. It is time to end the Obama administration’s acquiescence to the one-way arrangements the Chinese have come to enjoy. We need a fresh and fearless approach to that trade relationship. Our first priority must be to put on the table all unilateral actions within our power to ensure that the Chinese adhere to existing agreements. Anyone with business experience knows that you can succeed in a negotiation only if you are willing to walk away. If we want the Chinese to play by the rules, we must be willing to say “no more” to a relationship that too often benefits them and harms us.​

  • Increase CBP resources to prevent the illegal entry of goods into our market
  • Increase USTR resources to pursue and support litigation against unfair trade practices
  • Use unilateral and multilateral punitive measures to deter unfair Chinese practices
  • Designate China a currency manipulator and impose countervailing duties
  • Discontinue U.S. government procurement from China until China commits to GPA

I think Mitt Romney will bring manufacturing and raw materials production back to Pennsylvania and Ohio, specifically, and all the states, for that matter.

We will have America back. Let China copy us, if it can.

Why on earth would you think such a thing????

[ame=]Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube[/ame]

And if we have less teachers, China will pass us.

And less police? Do you know how much crime there is?

And less firemen? Do you know the number of fires this summer?????

This is what happens when you get the REAL Mitt Romney and not a "carefully scripted" robot.

What has happened to the right wing???? Have they all gone batshit nuts????
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