Mitt Romney says he didn't say...what he said.

Holy shit this is the worst you guys got on Romney?

'He said the economy is worse under Obama!'

'Then he said it wasn't!'

'Then he said the President is a failure!'

Got to love the phoney outrage, as if you libs are ever going to agree with what any Republican says in the first place. Our economy is in shambles, the national debt nearing 15 trillion, unemployment near 10%, and all you can do is pretend to be outraged over what Mitt Romney said or didn't say.

Carry on, dipshits

So holding Romney accountable for what he says is out of line?

Not a single lib in this thread has listened to him speak regarding these quotes, in which he is very clear and not a bit ambiguous, or we wouldn't be here having this lamest of lame discussions on the matter.

You're right, it wasn't ambiguous.

He said a while back that Obama made the recession worse, and now he's saying he didn't say things were worse.

I think it's fair to describe 'worse' and 'not worse' as opposites of each other.:lol:
Mitt Romney Backtracks: Economy Not Worse Under Obama

Isn't this like Jon Kyl's lie about Planned Parenthood?

PolitiFact | Jon Kyl says abortion services are

Gee, repooblicans sure have a way of spinning these lies, don't they?

NOT WORSE--:cuckoo: We're at 9.1% unemployment with another 25% underemployed working (part-time or temporary jobs)--many of these people are young and just getting out of college who can't find a job. And when our biggest employer today is Mc Donalds we have some very serious problems.

This is Obama's flood the basement economic policies. He spent 878 billion dollars in so-called economic stimulus bill--as he promised would create millions of private sector jobs--that unemployment wouldn't go over 8.2% and then it turned into "saving" government workers jobs--and went from that to Nancy Pelosi referring to unemployment checks as economic stimulus.

"I didn't say things are worse," he said in response to a reporter's question. "It's that the economy hasn't turned around."

If that is ambiguous, then you probably don't have higher order thinking skills.

Is that really that hard? Some of you might try reading the whole articles to his speeches.

Since the recession, by Obama's account, was supposed to end by 2009, Obama's policies have made the recovery worse. We should have been out of this a long time ago.

This reminds me of when McCain talked about the resiliency of Americans, and liberals had a fit. Our economy cycles, and had it not been for the liberal agenda, the recession would not have been as drawn out as it has been.

Here is an illustration, as pictures might help liberals to see what the grown ups are talking about.


So brilliant libs, even though the economy is growing as opposed to 2008, do you think that Obama's policies have made the recovery worse?

Or is talking out two sides of your mouth the only way to have a debate since liberal ideology is so toxic to discuss?
That Romney is a riot. I want to thank him for providing the architecture upon which the Affordable Care Act was constructed :) I would also like to thank the Heritage Foundation (conservative think tank) where the "individual mandate" idea was hatched ;)

Romney would be a great candidate if he didn't try to pander to the right wing of the party so much. I supported him in 2008, but at this point, I'm not happy with him. I do think if he is elected, he would be very moderate and might even find a way to push through some tax increases along with the spending cuts necessary. He's a smart man; the question is whether he could get any cooperation from Congress. Obama sure has not been able to.
By the way, that graph is what OBAMA included in his Stimulus Package proposal. That is HIS chart.
You say to me: Is the economy worse off because of Obama?

Me: Yes.

Separate day: You say to me: So you are saying the economy is worse since Obama took office?

I say: No, I didn't say it is worse since he took office.

Now, because I already explained the whole his policies-have-kept-us-in-the-recession (with his own graph to back it up) do you see how there is nothing inconsistent with my answers?

Grown up thinking without the talking points now...
No, Romney blew it and everyone knows it. Is it a big deal? Probably not, but if he continues to flip flop...wait...he has been doing that for years!

This is the way I see it. Bachmann, Kyl, Romney and other GOP people say outrageous or untrue things, just to get them out there. They know they aren't true. If they were in a Court of Law, the opposing side would object, and the jury would be told to disregard. But it is still out there and cannot be erased from someone's mind.

The GOP people are not playing to a jury. They are playing to folks who watch FOX news 24/7. So, even if it is a lie it will be believed by this group. So when Bachmann tells one of her patented untruths, or Romney stretches the facts, they know that the FOX faithful will take it and run. They won’t fact check or even look back. As long as it makes Obama look bad, it is good enough for them
"I didn't say things are worse," he said in response to a reporter's question. "It's that the economy hasn't turned around."

If that is ambiguous, then you probably don't have higher order thinking skills.

Is that really that hard? Some of you might try reading the whole articles to his speeches.

Since the recession, by Obama's account, was supposed to end by 2009, Obama's policies have made the recovery worse. We should have been out of this a long time ago.

This reminds me of when McCain talked about the resiliency of Americans, and liberals had a fit. Our economy cycles, and had it not been for the liberal agenda, the recession would not have been as drawn out as it has been.

Here is an illustration, as pictures might help liberals to see what the grown ups are talking about.


So brilliant libs, even though the economy is growing as opposed to 2008, do you think that Obama's policies have made the recovery worse?

Or is talking out two sides of your mouth the only way to have a debate since liberal ideology is so toxic to discuss?

Romney has no way of knowing whether Obama made the economy worse because neither he nor anyone else knows where the economy would have gone without the stimulus.
The Left needs to find something to run on other than their record of misery and devastation.

They can run but they can't hide
Mitt Romney Backtracks: Economy Not Worse Under Obama

Isn't this like Jon Kyl's lie about Planned Parenthood?

PolitiFact | Jon Kyl says abortion services are

Gee, repooblicans sure have a way of spinning these lies, don't they?

NOT WORSE--:cuckoo: We're at 9.1% unemployment with another 25% underemployed working (part-time or temporary jobs)--many of these people are young and just getting out of college who can't find a job. And when our biggest employer today is Mc Donalds we have some very serious problems.

This is Obama's flood the basement economic policies. He spent 878 billion dollars in so-called economic stimulus bill--as he promised would create millions of private sector jobs--that unemployment wouldn't go over 8.2% and then it turned into "saving" government workers jobs--and went from that to Nancy Pelosi referring to unemployment checks as economic stimulus.

View attachment 13958

300 billion of the stimulus was tax cuts. Are you admitting that tax cuts are the equivalent of deficit spending?
"I didn't say things are worse," he said in response to a reporter's question. "It's that the economy hasn't turned around."

That's not even true. The economy has turned around. The recession ended in July of 2009. It sucks that positive GDP growth is not creating millions of jobs,

but why would conservatives complain about that? Conservatives love the idea of companies making lots of money with the least labor cost possible...
It's going to be fun watching the Right pretend to be enthusiastic over Romney once he gets the nomination...

...which he is almost certain to do.

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