Mitt whizzes into Wis. lead


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2009
Buh-bye Barrack :eusa_whistle:

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney leads President Obama for the first time in the swing state of Wisconsin, according to a new poll released yesterday.

One week after Republican Gov. Scott Walker scored a huge victory in beating back a recall effort by union-backed Democrats, Romney polled 47 percent to Obama’s 44 percent, according to Rasmussen Reports.

Obama won the Badger State with 56 percent of the vote in 2008.

Read more: Mitt Romney pulls ahead in Wisconsin -
Dont count your chickens before they hatch. Let's wait to see if this "lead" stays.
This lead means he's in the lead- I understand that can change- but the momentum is ALL Mitt. This election is his to lose. Obama is an out of touch Moron In Chief.
Buh-bye Barrack :eusa_whistle:

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney leads President Obama for the first time in the swing state of Wisconsin, according to a new poll released yesterday.

One week after Republican Gov. Scott Walker scored a huge victory in beating back a recall effort by union-backed Democrats, Romney polled 47 percent to Obama’s 44 percent, according to Rasmussen Reports.

Obama won the Badger State with 56 percent of the vote in 2008.

Read more: Mitt Romney pulls ahead in Wisconsin -
Three percent is within the margin of error.
But still a state like WI was not supposed to be in play. It should have been a safe state for Obama. I'll bet he's sorry he was too busy doing important things to show up for the recall vote.
Buh-bye Barrack :eusa_whistle:

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney leads President Obama for the first time in the swing state of Wisconsin, according to a new poll released yesterday.

One week after Republican Gov. Scott Walker scored a huge victory in beating back a recall effort by union-backed Democrats, Romney polled 47 percent to Obama’s 44 percent, according to Rasmussen Reports.

Obama won the Badger State with 56 percent of the vote in 2008.

Read more: Mitt Romney pulls ahead in Wisconsin -

Hmm, the NY Post reporting on a Rasmussen poll. Credible? You decide. :D
Hmm, the NY Post reporting on a Rasmussen poll. Credible? You decide. :D

You're right

It's total hogwash/bullshit

Obama's doing/has done such a fantastic job - he's double-digits ahead of Romney.

He's a shoe-in for re-election, right?
Laugh all you want, Rasmussen has been extremely accurate as his polls target LIKELY voters.

The fact that we've moved the battle ground from North Carolina to Wisconsin and Michigan should be troubling to democrats.

Virginia is still very much in play. Unless Barry gets some really good financial news, it is starting to look like this election is Romney's to lose.
Laugh all you want, Rasmussen has been extremely accurate as his polls target LIKELY voters.

The fact that we've moved the battle ground from North Carolina to Wisconsin and Michigan should be troubling to democrats.

Virginia is still very much in play. Unless Barry gets some really good financial news, it is starting to look like this election is Romney's to lose.

Virginia's not in play.
I live in Virginia.

We're all for Romney.
Virginia's not in play.
I live in Virginia.

We're all for Romney.

I hope you're right & I do think we'll take VA at the end of the day.

But the new dynamic in Northern VA makes it a swing state for the foreseeable future...
Virginia's not in play.
I live in Virginia.

We're all for Romney.

I hope you're right & I do think we'll take VA at the end of the day.

But the new dynamic in Northern VA makes it a swing state for the foreseeable future...

Yes I know. Northern Virginia is troublesome. That's where all the Libtards who work on

Capitol Hill live.

Jim Moran - their fearless leader - is a fucking moron.
Buh-bye Barrack :eusa_whistle:

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney leads President Obama for the first time in the swing state of Wisconsin, according to a new poll released yesterday.

One week after Republican Gov. Scott Walker scored a huge victory in beating back a recall effort by union-backed Democrats, Romney polled 47 percent to Obama’s 44 percent, according to Rasmussen Reports.

Obama won the Badger State with 56 percent of the vote in 2008.

Read more: Mitt Romney pulls ahead in Wisconsin -

Hmm, the NY Post reporting on a Rasmussen poll. Credible? You decide. :D

LOL- yeah so incredible that a liberal will try and dismiss this by attacking the messenger. The real news here is that Romney is surging, Obama is not.
Laugh all you want, Rasmussen has been extremely accurate as his polls target LIKELY voters.

The fact that we've moved the battle ground from North Carolina to Wisconsin and Michigan should be troubling to democrats.
iBarry gets some really good financial news, it is starting to look like this election is Romney's to lose.

Virginia's not in play.
I live in Virginia.

We're all for Romney.

Virginia President Obama 3.0

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Virginia: Romney vs. Obama

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