Mittens says he won't release more than one more return

Since Romney is not legally required to release any tax returns nor or any of the rest of us for that matter I say good for him.
He's only released 1 year. Minimum obligation is 2.

Try to keep up.

Minimum OBLIGATION is ZERO. All the law actually requires is that he file certain forms and info with Congress. No law requires him to release ANY of his tax returns, which are private and personal.

Try to wake up.

1978 Ethics in Government Act

You would think Mitt and the Republicans would WANT to be honest. All that talk about transparency and Obama's "Birth Certificate".

Guess it was just "talk".

Please cite for us the section of the 1978 Ethics in Government Act that requires the disclosure to the public of ANY of a candidate's tax returns. As we have already pointed out in the face of your relentless stupidity and dishonesty, candidates for the Presidency are required to file financial disclosure forms WITH CONGRESS. They are under no obligation to share privileged tax information - or anything else - with the general public.

You would think that dipshits like you would WANT to be honest. All this talk about honesty in others.

Guess it's just "talk".

Epic fail, just like every other aspect of your existence.
Mitt Romney Says He's Unlikely To Release More Than Two Tax Returns

Romney tells CNN he's complied with the law by filing a financial disclosure statement.

Romney so far has released one complete tax filing, for 2010, along with an estimate for 2011. He filed for an extension for his 2011 tax return.

Democrats are accusing Romney of being secretive and taking advantage of tax loopholes that aren't available to average Americans. The former Massachusetts governor has also come under attack for accounts he has held in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda.

Likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney: "Romney tells CNN he's complied with the law by filing a financial disclosure statement".

good luck with that one ... shouldn't he be setting the example ???

An example of what? Pandering mindlessly to drooling fucktards like you, who aren't going to vote for him no matter how hard he tries to please you and jump through your pointless hoops?
Mitten is too good, and too above us all, to release his tax forms. Or he's hiding something.

here's an idea, stop whining and don't vote for him.

Here's another idea: Stop whining about Obama and don't vote for him.

Unlike Mitt Romney, Obama is not JUST a Presidential candidate. He's already President, although I realize he rarely seems to remember that fact himself. As such, he has obligations to all of us, even those of us who wouldn't vote for him if a gun was held to our heads.

That wasn't even a good try at deflection. You Obama ass-kissers get more pathetic as you get more desperate.
The immaturity and lack of class among lefties is plainly showing as this disaster in the White House reveals itself.
1978 Ethics in Government Act

You would think Mitt and the Republicans would WANT to be honest. All that talk about transparency and Obama's "Birth Certificate".

Guess it was just "talk".

Ethics in Government Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here Derp, please point out the section that requires the release of a candidate's tax returns. I'll be damned if I can find it...

Requires men and women in the public service sector to fill out financial disclosure forms which include the sources and amounts of income, gifts, reimbursements, the identity and approximate value of property held and liabilities owed, transactions in property, commodities, and securities, and certain financial interests of a spouse or dependent.

Where does that information come from? Duh!

Doesn't matter where Romney gets the information that he puts on the forms. The law does not, as you said it did, require him to disclose his tax returns, and CERTAINLY not to the general public.

You fail, you lose, so basically, nothing in your life has changed.
Like I said in the post above:

Requires men and women in the public service sector to fill out financial disclosure forms which include the sources and amounts of income, gifts, reimbursements, the identity and approximate value of property held and liabilities owed, transactions in property, commodities, and securities, and certain financial interests of a spouse or dependent.

Where does that information come from? Duh!

On which lines of your tax return do you list the identity and approximate value of property held and liabilities owed, transactions in property, commodities, and securities?

Be specific.

Try, "sources and amounts of income". You have seen a tax return? If you get disability, do you still have to pay? I don't know. I'm guessing you might.

Where in the phrase "fill out financial disclosure forms" does it say, "Release tax returns to the public"? Not finding that.

You may ASSume that his tax returns naturally must be included with those forms, but since the law doesn't say that, it means as little as . . . well, as little as whether or not you take another breath, which is to say, not at all.

For the record - not that I think for a second that you will ever be bright enough to understand a word I'm saying - I've filled out lots of forms in my life that required me to tell them what my income was and what the sources of that income were, and not a single one of them required me to actually show my PRIVATE tax return to them to do it.

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