Mitt's health care plan

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Romney in Central Ohio | Health care called

... No, you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital...

This includes illegals, btw.

He pointed out that federal law requires hospitals to treat those without health insurance — although hospital officials frequently say that drives up health-care costs.

Ignoring the fact that Mitten's is, once again, completely out of touch with the real world, why should I have to pay the bill for a lazy, good for nothing rw who refuses to get his own health care insurance?

When the rw's are saying how great Reagan was and how great Mittens is, they never tell us why they believe that Reagan's SOCIALIST health care system is okay.

Can even one rw tell me why I should vote for this yahoo and then let him force me to continue to pay YOUR (and illegals') health care bills?

Just kidding of course. rw's do't answer questions about their candidates. They hide behind insults and name calling because that's all they've got. Oh yeah, and criticizing the source which has gotten to be a real yawner.

I found some internal Romney documents...
If you don't like Romney's answer to a question today just wait a day, you'll eventually get the answer you're looking for. Healthcare is no different.
A central tenant of the Romney's plans to have us all lobotomized.

The good news is, many on this board, like Nuttly.Luddite have already had the procedure, so........
If you don't like Romney's answer to a question today just wait a day, you'll eventually get the answer you're looking for. Healthcare is no different.

That ain't no lie . Mittens blows like the wind .
I'm still trying to understand why any politician needs a health care plan since the federal government shouldn't be involved in it in the first place.
I'm still trying to understand why any politician needs a health care plan since the federal government shouldn't be involved in it in the first place.

How about an example of a healthcare system that is flourishing where government isn't involved at all.
I'm still trying to understand why any politician needs a health care plan since the federal government shouldn't be involved in it in the first place.

How about an example of a healthcare system that is flourishing where government isn't involved at all.

First, the federal government is not the only government. Second, this country did not have government interference with health care until Medicare was enacted. The American people not only survived, but thrived. You could actually afford to see a doctor.

I am not opposed to the state or federal government aiding old folks with health insurance, but it should have been set up within the private sector, and not as a part of government.
... No, you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital...

He pointed out that federal law requires hospitals to treat those without health insurance — although hospital officials frequently say that drives up health-care costs.

Romney is truly an idiot, one of many good reasons not to vote for him.

An ER will accommodate only acute illness or injury, not chronic medical issues if one has no health insurance.

It’s the untreated chronic conditions that get worse and more expense to treat.

Romney obviously has no ‘plan,’

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