Mixed couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

This is of course standard Muslim belief.

But it really only applies to Allah, the god of the muslim religion. Not Almighty God.

I will concede that the pagan Allah, is indeed an African American.
Allah just happens to be the Islamic name for god. Like most white boys you are too ignorant to realize that I guess. None of that changes the fact that god is Black though. After all, homo sapiens was made in his image.

I don't think so. Pagan gods like Allah and Ganeesh are believed to be "God" by their believers in their pagan faiths, but they are different entities. Just like a muslim will insist God is African American, an Indian will say God has the head of an elephant.

But you all are both wrong.

Jesus is revered in Islam as is his mother Mary.

Who is Jesus for Muslims?

Years ago I went to Ephesus, to what is purported to be Mary's last earthly home. Muslims and Christians were there praying side by side. I don't know where you get your misinformation from.

Actually, if you knew anything, you would know that the Blessed Mother's home, the "Santa Casa" or Holy House, is in Loreto, Italy, not Ephesus.

And the Islamonazis do not worship Jesus as God at all, they believe in their own pagan god, Allah. Which BTW, is their right, just like the Hindus worship their own god, Ganeesh, and the Satanist worship Satan.

Wrong. It's in Ephesus

Allah is the Arabic word for God, not a "pagan god." Jesus is a prophet in Islam, mentioned in the Qur'an many times. What dimwits tell you this crazy stuff? Why do you need to fight with Muslims, anyway? Just go to the church of your choice.

Researchers have determined otherwise,lyst.
Chick.com: Where Did Allah Come From?

BTW, the shrine in Loreto, where Mary lived, is one of the biggest shrines in all of Italy.

I don't fight with muslims. I will speak to them and tell them where they are dead wrong if I get a chance.

But it really doesn't matter to me if someone believes in Almighty God, or Buddha, Krishna, or Zeus. Or Allah for that matter.
There are a lot of mixed race shit out of Hollywood and on TV and it is disgusting. Just like all the queer shit you see.
Yeah, I cant watch a commercial anymore without seeing an interracial couple like everyone's doing it. They are not. But the current culture has an agenda and its disgusting

You care what kinds of couples are on TV commercials? How pathetic is that?
I resent sin pushed in my face. It's a big part of the reason I dont have television.

Newsflash to the cave dwellers:

Interracial marriage is not a sin

Notice to the sicko Moon Bats. You can take your filthy mixed marriage commercials and shove it where the sun don't shine.
There are a lot of mixed race shit out of Hollywood and on TV and it is disgusting. Just like all the queer shit you see.
Yeah, I cant watch a commercial anymore without seeing an interracial couple like everyone's doing it. They are not. But the current culture has an agenda and its disgusting

You care what kinds of couples are on TV commercials? How pathetic is that?
I resent sin pushed in my face. It's a big part of the reason I dont have television.

Newsflash to the cave dwellers:

Interracial marriage is not a sin

Notice to the sicko Moon Bats. You can take your filthy mixed marriage commercials and shove it where the sun don't shine.

What country are you moving to and how soon can you get the fuck out of mine?
Allah just happens to be the Islamic name for god. Like most white boys you are too ignorant to realize that I guess. None of that changes the fact that god is Black though. After all, homo sapiens was made in his image.

I don't think so. Pagan gods like Allah and Ganeesh are believed to be "God" by their believers in their pagan faiths, but they are different entities. Just like a muslim will insist God is African American, an Indian will say God has the head of an elephant.

But you all are both wrong.

Jesus is revered in Islam as is his mother Mary.

Who is Jesus for Muslims?

Years ago I went to Ephesus, to what is purported to be Mary's last earthly home. Muslims and Christians were there praying side by side. I don't know where you get your misinformation from.

Actually, if you knew anything, you would know that the Blessed Mother's home, the "Santa Casa" or Holy House, is in Loreto, Italy, not Ephesus.

And the Islamonazis do not worship Jesus as God at all, they believe in their own pagan god, Allah. Which BTW, is their right, just like the Hindus worship their own god, Ganeesh, and the Satanist worship Satan.

Wrong. It's in Ephesus

Allah is the Arabic word for God, not a "pagan god." Jesus is a prophet in Islam, mentioned in the Qur'an many times. What dimwits tell you this crazy stuff? Why do you need to fight with Muslims, anyway? Just go to the church of your choice.

Researchers have determined otherwise,lyst.
Chick.com: Where Did Allah Come From?

BTW, the shrine in Loreto, where Mary lived, is one of the biggest shrines in all of Italy.

I don't fight with muslims. I will speak to them and tell them where they are dead wrong if I get a chance.

But it really doesn't matter to me if someone believes in Almighty God, or Buddha, Krishna, or Zeus. Or Allah for that matter.

This "Chick.com" is a propaganda farm run by some bizarre evangelical idiot. It's not exactly reliable.
I don't think so. Pagan gods like Allah and Ganeesh are believed to be "God" by their believers in their pagan faiths, but they are different entities. Just like a muslim will insist God is African American, an Indian will say God has the head of an elephant.

But you all are both wrong.

Jesus is revered in Islam as is his mother Mary.

Who is Jesus for Muslims?

Years ago I went to Ephesus, to what is purported to be Mary's last earthly home. Muslims and Christians were there praying side by side. I don't know where you get your misinformation from.

Actually, if you knew anything, you would know that the Blessed Mother's home, the "Santa Casa" or Holy House, is in Loreto, Italy, not Ephesus.

And the Islamonazis do not worship Jesus as God at all, they believe in their own pagan god, Allah. Which BTW, is their right, just like the Hindus worship their own god, Ganeesh, and the Satanist worship Satan.

Wrong. It's in Ephesus

Allah is the Arabic word for God, not a "pagan god." Jesus is a prophet in Islam, mentioned in the Qur'an many times. What dimwits tell you this crazy stuff? Why do you need to fight with Muslims, anyway? Just go to the church of your choice.

Researchers have determined otherwise,lyst.
Chick.com: Where Did Allah Come From?

BTW, the shrine in Loreto, where Mary lived, is one of the biggest shrines in all of Italy.

I don't fight with muslims. I will speak to them and tell them where they are dead wrong if I get a chance.

But it really doesn't matter to me if someone believes in Almighty God, or Buddha, Krishna, or Zeus. Or Allah for that matter.

This "Chick.com" is a propaganda farm run by some bizarre evangelical idiot. It's not exactly reliable.

I don't think libs like yourself have respect for any theological sites or institutes,preferring to make up your own stuff like "Adam and Steve" in the garden instead of Adam and Eve.

But for the record, chick.com was founded by the tremendous theologian , Jack Chick, who died several years ago.
BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?
BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?

Truth is always acceptable to God.

Not the heinous truth you're spouting, believe it. You're soon going to spout statistics about IQ and testosterone. Do that, but don't bring God into it. God doesn't judge us by IQ or testosterone. Again, if you're going to do that, revoke immediately your Christian card. You haven't a leg to stand on.

Might I also say that whites are screwing up monumentally lately and haven't all that much to brag on either, not that I give one rat's patootie about all this racial garbage.

I never brought God unto it. You did.
Might I also say that whites are screwing up monumentally lately and haven't all that much to brag on either, not that I give one rat's patootie about all this racial garbage.

Translation: whites are doing bad things...but I’m above racial generalizing.

BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?
BTW I would think a resistance to melanoma would be a case of genetic superiority....wouldn’t you?

For a single melanoma gene, sure. I don't judge people on their melanoma genes, see. But you judge on a lot of things...you are able to do so, apparently. Good on you. You go for it.

Well this doesn’t involve a melanoma gene bless your backwards heart. Nevertheless we are making progress. So can you agree that phenotype follows genotype? And that observation isn’t a sin?

Let's take this scientific discussion--so called--all the way to the end. Where does your sitting on the Judgment Throne of Races fit in anywhere with the words of Jesus?

Truth is always acceptable to God.

DOTR with his big fat mouth trying to tell God that certain of His creatures are lesser the way He made them, because this characteristics or those characteristics.

Ultimate Pride. You can't talk to it, you can just shake you head and warn

“DOTR with his big fat mouth”

I laughed out loud at that :)

Look at what God said to Job when He took to much liberty--Job! His beloved!

Brace yourself like a man!

"Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:

--Job 40:6-12

This would be the same God who let Satan kill Job's Ten Children on essentially a cosmic bar bet.

Incidentally Joe, given all the guff I'm giving here to racist "Christians", I don't ever expect you to say I'm racist again or you'll just be proving again that you're an agitating liar.

“Please please like me mr liberal ...slurp slurp look how non racist I am slurp”

How’s that working?

Look at what God said to Job when He took to much liberty--Job! His beloved!

Brace yourself like a man!

"Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:

--Job 40:6-12

This would be the same God who let Satan kill Job's Ten Children on essentially a cosmic bar bet.

Incidentally Joe, given all the guff I'm giving here to racist "Christians", I don't ever expect you to say I'm racist again or you'll just be proving again that you're an agitating liar.

“Please please like me mr liberal ...slurp slurp look how non racist I am slurp”

How’s that working?

It won't work on Joe for five minutes and works on the typical liberal little longer than that. It still gives you absolutely no license for your racism, does it?

Not from Christianity, least of all.

Not from the Constitution.

From science, if you want to go with that, then go to ALL the way with that. Do it, but then claim neither of the first two. Because then you're a Leftist, and you know that too--to the victor belong the spoils, and the Devil take the hindmost. Who cares about anyone's "rights" then?
Jesus is revered in Islam as is his mother Mary.

Who is Jesus for Muslims?

Years ago I went to Ephesus, to what is purported to be Mary's last earthly home. Muslims and Christians were there praying side by side. I don't know where you get your misinformation from.

Actually, if you knew anything, you would know that the Blessed Mother's home, the "Santa Casa" or Holy House, is in Loreto, Italy, not Ephesus.

And the Islamonazis do not worship Jesus as God at all, they believe in their own pagan god, Allah. Which BTW, is their right, just like the Hindus worship their own god, Ganeesh, and the Satanist worship Satan.

Wrong. It's in Ephesus

Allah is the Arabic word for God, not a "pagan god." Jesus is a prophet in Islam, mentioned in the Qur'an many times. What dimwits tell you this crazy stuff? Why do you need to fight with Muslims, anyway? Just go to the church of your choice.

Researchers have determined otherwise,lyst.
Chick.com: Where Did Allah Come From?

BTW, the shrine in Loreto, where Mary lived, is one of the biggest shrines in all of Italy.

I don't fight with muslims. I will speak to them and tell them where they are dead wrong if I get a chance.

But it really doesn't matter to me if someone believes in Almighty God, or Buddha, Krishna, or Zeus. Or Allah for that matter.

This "Chick.com" is a propaganda farm run by some bizarre evangelical idiot. It's not exactly reliable.

I don't think libs like yourself have respect for any theological sites or institutes,preferring to make up your own stuff like "Adam and Steve" in the garden instead of Adam and Eve.

But for the record, chick.com was founded by the tremendous theologian , Jack Chick, who died several years ago.

Aside from your continuous stupid remarks about "libs," which just shows ignorance, you are right, I don't have any respect for these clowns. Theology is pure opinion of one person or another. Occasionally, somebody comes up with an idea that might sound plausible and perhaps worth thinking about. This guy Chick was just a bigoted fundie off his rocker.
Actually, if you knew anything, you would know that the Blessed Mother's home, the "Santa Casa" or Holy House, is in Loreto, Italy, not Ephesus.

And the Islamonazis do not worship Jesus as God at all, they believe in their own pagan god, Allah. Which BTW, is their right, just like the Hindus worship their own god, Ganeesh, and the Satanist worship Satan.

Wrong. It's in Ephesus

Allah is the Arabic word for God, not a "pagan god." Jesus is a prophet in Islam, mentioned in the Qur'an many times. What dimwits tell you this crazy stuff? Why do you need to fight with Muslims, anyway? Just go to the church of your choice.

Researchers have determined otherwise,lyst.
Chick.com: Where Did Allah Come From?

BTW, the shrine in Loreto, where Mary lived, is one of the biggest shrines in all of Italy.

I don't fight with muslims. I will speak to them and tell them where they are dead wrong if I get a chance.

But it really doesn't matter to me if someone believes in Almighty God, or Buddha, Krishna, or Zeus. Or Allah for that matter.

This "Chick.com" is a propaganda farm run by some bizarre evangelical idiot. It's not exactly reliable.

I don't think libs like yourself have respect for any theological sites or institutes,preferring to make up your own stuff like "Adam and Steve" in the garden instead of Adam and Eve.

But for the record, chick.com was founded by the tremendous theologian , Jack Chick, who died several years ago.

Aside from your continuous stupid remarks about "libs," which just shows ignorance, you are right, I don't have any respect for these clowns. Theology is pure opinion of one person or another. Occasionally, somebody comes up with an idea that might sound plausible and perhaps worth thinking about. This guy Chick was just a bigoted fundie off his rocker.
You know Lysistrata, you're a pretty disgusting woman.
Wrong. It's in Ephesus

Allah is the Arabic word for God, not a "pagan god." Jesus is a prophet in Islam, mentioned in the Qur'an many times. What dimwits tell you this crazy stuff? Why do you need to fight with Muslims, anyway? Just go to the church of your choice.

Researchers have determined otherwise,lyst.
Chick.com: Where Did Allah Come From?

BTW, the shrine in Loreto, where Mary lived, is one of the biggest shrines in all of Italy.

I don't fight with muslims. I will speak to them and tell them where they are dead wrong if I get a chance.

But it really doesn't matter to me if someone believes in Almighty God, or Buddha, Krishna, or Zeus. Or Allah for that matter.

This "Chick.com" is a propaganda farm run by some bizarre evangelical idiot. It's not exactly reliable.

I don't think libs like yourself have respect for any theological sites or institutes,preferring to make up your own stuff like "Adam and Steve" in the garden instead of Adam and Eve.

But for the record, chick.com was founded by the tremendous theologian , Jack Chick, who died several years ago.

Aside from your continuous stupid remarks about "libs," which just shows ignorance, you are right, I don't have any respect for these clowns. Theology is pure opinion of one person or another. Occasionally, somebody comes up with an idea that might sound plausible and perhaps worth thinking about. This guy Chick was just a bigoted fundie off his rocker.
You know Lysistrata, you're a pretty disgusting woman.

My fave posts of hers is where she continually rants about everyone else's sex life. She's obsessed while insisting that she's not. It's so odd.
Researchers have determined otherwise,lyst.
Chick.com: Where Did Allah Come From?

BTW, the shrine in Loreto, where Mary lived, is one of the biggest shrines in all of Italy.

I don't fight with muslims. I will speak to them and tell them where they are dead wrong if I get a chance.

But it really doesn't matter to me if someone believes in Almighty God, or Buddha, Krishna, or Zeus. Or Allah for that matter.

This "Chick.com" is a propaganda farm run by some bizarre evangelical idiot. It's not exactly reliable.

I don't think libs like yourself have respect for any theological sites or institutes,preferring to make up your own stuff like "Adam and Steve" in the garden instead of Adam and Eve.

But for the record, chick.com was founded by the tremendous theologian , Jack Chick, who died several years ago.

Aside from your continuous stupid remarks about "libs," which just shows ignorance, you are right, I don't have any respect for these clowns. Theology is pure opinion of one person or another. Occasionally, somebody comes up with an idea that might sound plausible and perhaps worth thinking about. This guy Chick was just a bigoted fundie off his rocker.
You know Lysistrata, you're a pretty disgusting woman.

My fave posts of hers is where she continually rants about everyone else's sex life. She's obsessed while insisting that she's not. It's so odd.
Well, I'm sure she doesn't get laid much, if at all.
When Christ returns those laws will be enforced.

Best get on the right side now, or enjoy your remaining days now, because there is no future in rebellion against God.

Out of your own mouth you have convicted yourself

Jesus is never going to return, because he was never here to begin with.

Jesus is a fictional character...
It won't work on Joe for five minutes and works on the typical liberal little longer than that. It still gives you absolutely no license for your racism, does it?

Not from Christianity, least of all.

Christianity supported Racism all the way up until it wasn't cool anymore.

The Transatlantic African Slave Trade was proposed by a Churchman, Bartoleme De la Casas

Bartolomé de las Casas - Wikipedia

The Confederates invoked the bible when they justified their position of continuing slavery.

The Civil War Was About Slavery. Confederate Leaders Were Totally Clear On This. | HuffPost

And, yes, the religious opposed mix-race marriages until they didn't.

Opposition to Interracial Marriage Lingers Among Evangelicals

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
Actually, opposition to interracial marriage is prominent among libs too.

An older Liberal Broad I know was royally pissed off when her honky husband dumped her for an Oriental chick.


1) It's racist as shit to call Asian women "Oriental". Rugs are oriental... people are Asian.

2) Any woman would be pissed if she got dumped for a younger woman... I don't think the race was the problem here.

3) You completely missed my point, but I doubt explaining it to you would work.

One more time. There's a whole bunch of behavior that "the Church" was perfectly fine with, until people decided that these things weren't good.

God didn't change his mind. We changed ours.

Left to just what was in the bible, we'd still be owning slaves and burning witches... something were were still doing a mere 300 years ago.
Wrong. It's in Ephesus

Allah is the Arabic word for God, not a "pagan god." Jesus is a prophet in Islam, mentioned in the Qur'an many times. What dimwits tell you this crazy stuff? Why do you need to fight with Muslims, anyway? Just go to the church of your choice.

Researchers have determined otherwise,lyst.
Chick.com: Where Did Allah Come From?

BTW, the shrine in Loreto, where Mary lived, is one of the biggest shrines in all of Italy.

I don't fight with muslims. I will speak to them and tell them where they are dead wrong if I get a chance.

But it really doesn't matter to me if someone believes in Almighty God, or Buddha, Krishna, or Zeus. Or Allah for that matter.

This "Chick.com" is a propaganda farm run by some bizarre evangelical idiot. It's not exactly reliable.

I don't think libs like yourself have respect for any theological sites or institutes, preferring to make up your own stuff like "Adam and Steve" in the garden instead of Adam and Eve

But for the record, chick.com was founded by the tremendous theologian , Jack Chick, who died several years ago.

Aside from your continuous stupid remarks about "libs," which just shows ignorance, you are right, I don't have any respect for these clowns. Theology is pure opinion of one person or another. Occasionally, somebody comes up with an idea that might sound plausible and perhaps worth thinking about. This guy Chick was just a bigoted fundie off his rocker.
You know Lysistrata, you're a pretty disgusting woman.

Coming from the likes of you, I will take that as a compliment. Why should anyone follow these guys around when they don't know any more than the rest of us do about what might be described as the "invisible supernatural realm," yet people from graham-cracker, jeffress, perkins, robertson, hagee, the popes and the cardinals, and their ilk all pretend that they do (I'm not including non-Christians in this, but they have similar problem types). I did a search on this Chick guy. He was just another one of those loonies.

These "theological sites or institutes," as you call them, are made up by people who are only human beings just like the rest of us. No more and no less. Most of the time we don't see too much by way of wisdom coming out of these folks.

I have spent countless and very happy hours discussing various "spiritual" and "moral" issues with my friends and relatives, exchanging our individual viewpoints about what is going on. I've admired some writers, among the Christians: Dietrich Bonhoeffer (who was executed by the Nazis for his beliefs) and Retired Bishop John Shelby Spong, and the Dalai Lama, Buddhist. But none ever claimed that he had a direct line to the divine. Their guess is as good as mine and vice versa.

As Bob Dylan once said: "don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters."

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