MK ULTRA at work in Tucson attack?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
There it was. The birthdate of the 9-year-old girl shot in the chest and killed yesterday by a robot-like assassin in Tucson, Arizona - September 11, 2001. Christina Taylor Green was born on the very date that changed America for ever. She was among the children of hope - evidence that despite the death and destruction of a terror attack, the beauty of life still prevailed.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Green family and those who knew and loved this innocent girl who had a love of ballet and student council. She was at U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' congressional town hall at a Tucson Safeway because Christina had shown an interest in government and a neighbor offered to take Christina along because, as the Arizona Republic reported, "She thought she would enjoy it."

The birthdate really shook me up. Was there something more to it? Ever since 09/11/01, Christina's birthday, people have increasingly noted numerological patterns in days and events. As a reporter on 9/11 and the days afterward at The (Alexandria, La.) Town Talk, my editors instructed me to research and write about the writings of Nostradamus in hopes of making sense of the 9/11 tragedy. Many, many people have read into the prophecies of Nostradamus. Some see things in his writings that others don't see. Regardless, there seems to be a power to his writings that is difficult to ignore. And in these troubled times, people are looking for answers.

And here we are, as I write this, on the date that reads 01/09/11.

And this leads me back to the alleged assassin, Jared Lee Loughner, 22. Clearly a troubled young man, a quick visit to one of Loughner's YouTube channels reveals a person not only obsessed with issues pertaining to mind control but also a person who has all the characteristics of someone under mind control. This, naturally, brings to mind previous mind-control (MK ULTRA) assassins who are loners and speak in confused, circuitous Jabberwocky-esque riddles and appear to be in a daze, from Lee Harvey Oswald to Mark David Chapman. These are just a few examples.

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