MLB to racist Senate Mississippi GOP candidate: Give us our money back

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Due to her racist comments, Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi is politely asked to return the $5,000 that the major league baseball donated to her.
Major League Baseball Asks Cindy Hyde-Smith to Return $5,000 Donation
Hey, how come the guy in your avatar, Stalins sock puppet FDR wouldn't shake hands with Jesse Owens?

How come he perverted a genuine scientific experiment on treating syphilis into a fucking psycho deviant sick fucking experiment to see how black men would die from syphilis?
Remember FDR interred Japanese AMERICANS in camps against their will. He was perfectly fine with violating their Civil Rights because they were just "Japs".
Why is she considered a racist?
Because everything is racist these days.
If you mention monkeys, watermelon, fried chicken, anything that can be misconstrued as lynchings, or Planet of The Apes, you're a racist.

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