MLB to racist Senate Mississippi GOP candidate: Give us our money back

I still want to see something racist. I guess they called her a racist because she forced her black opponent to commit half a dozen felonies or so.
So the racist gets to keep the money?
Obama and the Clintons do every day.
Obama is a racist?



you run with that.

Racist is the new word dimshit scum use to replace the N word. They can’t call blacks that anymore and get away with it even though they want to, so they just call everyone else what they themselves are. Most white people dont give a shit about race at all till some pile of shit dimocrat or a racist minority labels them as a racist. I don’t get up in the morning with my color on a patch on my back or sleeve. Racist minority’s and dimshit trash either do, or they are lying about their feelings for personal gain at the expense of others. I think it is the latter which makes it much more vile and disgusting.
Just the fact that you presume to label people with some name proves you are less than they are and you have NO moral superiority, in fact it PROVES your moral depravity.
Why is she considered a racist?
Because everything is racist these days.
If you mention monkeys, watermelon, fried chicken, anything that can be misconstrued as lynchings, or Planet of The Apes, you're a racist.
How about being entertained at a public hangings. How do you misconstrue public hangings?

How does anyone? Apparently some dimshit criminal did. Public hangings are just that, no racial element WHATSOEVER.
Obama is a racist it was proved by his racially biased books, his racially biased actions while in office, and his racially biased associations.
I still want to see something racist.
Apparently she attended an all white private school set up to get around desegregation of public schools, then sent her child to another one. It's in her culture.
Why is she considered a racist?
Because everything is racist these days.
If you mention monkeys, watermelon, fried chicken, anything that can be misconstrued as lynchings, or Planet of The Apes, you're a racist.

Yes, yes. Referencing public hangings and a desire to be in the front row is very commonplace. It's so common in fact, that even in Mississippi, the most lynchy state, it cannot be misconstrued as a reference to lynchings. :cuckoo:

The Infamous Lynching Site That Still Stands in Mississippi

Its funny how these issues only seem to come up when the opponent of the perpetrator is not white.
I still want to see something racist.
Apparently she attended an all white private school set up to get around desegregation of public schools, then sent her child to another one. It's in her culture.

That is not racist. How many of your beloved dimshits leaders children go to all white private schools? Almost all. Even the ones not white go to private schools. No racism yet!
I still want to see something racist.
Apparently she attended an all white private school set up to get around desegregation of public schools, then sent her child to another one. It's in her culture.

That is not racist. How many of your beloved dimshits leaders children go to all white private schools? Almost all. Even the ones not white go to private schools. No racism yet!
she went to a private school !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
  2. person who goes to a private school
....same crap I heard on NPR one time godamn racist white hating NPR had some black say the whites tried to LEGALLY discriminate by building a private pool!!!!!!
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: legally hahahhahahah

you people have made the word '''racist''' worthless

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