Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

Health is not guaranteed to anybody, especially at your command and at everyone else's expense.

Health is not, you are correct. But we should make affordable health care a guarantee. Just like a safe and healthy water supply, or safe drugs or safe products......

No. We "should" not make affordable health care a guarantee.

We can make strides, perhaps. We can agree to do better in some respects.

But to take on the irrational task of guaranteeing health care is to assume a burden we can never achieve at costs we can never afford.

The notion is utopian and ultimately outside the parameters of what we set up government to do.

And it not akin to a safe water supply system nor is it logically akin to the proper roll of an FDA.
So I followed your link.

Your chart is based on an opinion piece..this is why you didn't source it. It's a bullshit piece of garbage based on your own opinion, which in turn was based on the opinions of others, and which has no basis in fact.

In fact, I'm going to flag it, you dishonest douchebag.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You're a fucking idiot. Please do flag it. Flag the living fuck out of it. Do you need a lesson in what is? It's not an opinion piece you dumb fucking twat. They are non-partisan and call out Obama all the time.

This, right here is my crowning achievement here so far. I've gotten you to show that you have no idea what an opinion piece is. They source all their data. You just don't agree with it, so you think it's a lie.

Again, please, I URGE YOU to report this thread. I'm BEGGING you to flag this thread.

Yeah, I know exactly what it is. Which is yet another reason why you're so laughable.

You rank right up there with rtard, truthdoesntmatter and chris at this point in time.
Health is not guaranteed to anybody, especially at your command and at everyone else's expense.

Health is not, you are correct. But we should make affordable health care a guarantee. Just like a safe and healthy water supply, or safe drugs or safe products......

No. We "should" not make affordable health care a guarantee.

We can make strides, perhaps. We can agree to do better in some respects.

But to take on the irrational task of guaranteeing health care is to assume a burden we can never achieve at costs we can never afford.

The notion is utopian and ultimately outside the parameters of what we set up government to do.

And it not akin to a safe water supply system nor is it logically akin to the proper roll of an FDA.

You do realize that's all your opinion, and you're in the minority now, right?

Poll: Most Want Obamacare Opponents to Move On - ABC News
Sure it is. I don't have to say so. It's part of what makes our country what it is. Sorry you don't like that comrade.

No. It still isn't no matter how often you repeat that false claim.

And the fact that it isn't is PART of what makes us great. Always has been so.

Dnn't care what you like, ya disoriented schmuck.

You're right, what makes us great is the fact that we can turn our back on the neediest and poorest among us! We are a shining beacon to emulate around the world. You raise a good point!

More liberal crap. Considering the source, I aint surprised.

It is the most obvious of false dichotomies. Thus, it is not a surprise that you present it as an "either or."

One EITHER supports universal health care system being run by the ever reliable Federal Government
OR one is intent on turning one's back on the less affluent and the afflicted.

You guys have over-played that fallacy for so long even you should be ashamed of yourself for not doing it better.
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Yes you are correct, health care is not guaranteed under the constitution, the Supreme Court ruled, congress has the right to pass laws, levy, collect taxes, and fines. The question remains, will congress have the balls to cut the head off the snake and overturn the health care act. The only solution is to take both houses of congress, close the bank account, cut up the credit card, for the simple reason these philosophical idiots on the left don't have the common sense to recognize the financial repercussions of their actions.
So I followed your link.

Your chart is based on an opinion piece..this is why you didn't source it. It's a bullshit piece of garbage based on your own opinion, which in turn was based on the opinions of others, and which has no basis in fact.

In fact, I'm going to flag it, you dishonest douchebag.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You're a fucking idiot. Please do flag it. Flag the living fuck out of it. Do you need a lesson in what is? It's not an opinion piece you dumb fucking twat. They are non-partisan and call out Obama all the time.

This, right here is my crowning achievement here so far. I've gotten you to show that you have no idea what an opinion piece is. They source all their data. You just don't agree with it, so you think it's a lie.

Again, please, I URGE YOU to report this thread. I'm BEGGING you to flag this thread.

Yeah, I know exactly what it is. Which is yet another reason why you're so laughable.

You rank right up there with rtard, truthdoesntmatter and chris at this point in time.

Did you report this thread yet?

Here, here's another link to the (not an opinion) piece. I reallllyyyy want it to sink in for you what actual fact checking looks like.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You're a fucking idiot. Please do flag it. Flag the living fuck out of it. Do you need a lesson in what is? It's not an opinion piece you dumb fucking twat. They are non-partisan and call out Obama all the time.

This, right here is my crowning achievement here so far. I've gotten you to show that you have no idea what an opinion piece is. They source all their data. You just don't agree with it, so you think it's a lie.

Again, please, I URGE YOU to report this thread. I'm BEGGING you to flag this thread.

PolitiFact | Limbaugh, GOP have it wrong: Health care law is not the largest tax increase ever

Yeah, I know exactly what it is. Which is yet another reason why you're so laughable.

You rank right up there with rtard, truthdoesntmatter and chris at this point in time.

Did you report this thread yet?

Here, here's another link to the (not an opinion) piece. I reallllyyyy want it to sink in for you what actual fact checking looks like.

Have you birthed your cow yet?
Health is not, you are correct. But we should make affordable health care a guarantee. Just like a safe and healthy water supply, or safe drugs or safe products......

No. We "should" not make affordable health care a guarantee.

We can make strides, perhaps. We can agree to do better in some respects.

But to take on the irrational task of guaranteeing health care is to assume a burden we can never achieve at costs we can never afford.

The notion is utopian and ultimately outside the parameters of what we set up government to do.

And it not akin to a safe water supply system nor is it logically akin to the proper roll of an FDA.

You do realize that's all your opinion, and you're in the minority now, right?

Poll: Most Want Obamacare Opponents to Move On - ABC News

You do realize (I hope) that I was responding to a mere assertion of an opinion and that you are wrong when you claim that my opinion is in the minority?
Yeah, I know exactly what it is. Which is yet another reason why you're so laughable.

You rank right up there with rtard, truthdoesntmatter and chris at this point in time.

Did you report this thread yet?

Here, here's another link to the (not an opinion) piece. I reallllyyyy want it to sink in for you what actual fact checking looks like.

Have you birthed your cow yet?

That,um...has nothing to do with what we're talking about, so I'm pretty sure I just won and therefore it's time for you to shut the fuck up and go spray your twat pheromones on a different thread.

PolitiFact | Limbaugh, GOP have it wrong: Health care law is not the largest tax increase ever
No. We "should" not make affordable health care a guarantee.

We can make strides, perhaps. We can agree to do better in some respects.

But to take on the irrational task of guaranteeing health care is to assume a burden we can never achieve at costs we can never afford.

The notion is utopian and ultimately outside the parameters of what we set up government to do.

And it not akin to a safe water supply system nor is it logically akin to the proper roll of an FDA.

You do realize that's all your opinion, and you're in the minority now, right?

Poll: Most Want Obamacare Opponents to Move On - ABC News

You do realize (I hope) that I was responding to a mere assertion of an opinion and that you are wrong when you claim that my opinion is in the minority?

Really? So the minority is now defined as the one with the MOST amount of people behind it?
Is this really about winning? Or is this about what is constitutional, morally right and agreeable?

If you're here to "win", I suggest you take up a hobby that requires something other than regurgitation of talking points. I compete in mt biking. I would suggest crochet or knitting for your "skill" level.
You do realize that's all your opinion, and you're in the minority now, right?

Poll: Most Want Obamacare Opponents to Move On - ABC News

You do realize (I hope) that I was responding to a mere assertion of an opinion and that you are wrong when you claim that my opinion is in the minority?

Really? So the minority is now defined as the one with the MOST amount of people behind it?

No., The minority is the group you are in: The group with fewer people in it.

Try to smarten up, libbiederrp.
Is this really about winning? Or is this about what is constitutional, morally right and agreeable?

If you're here to "win", I suggest you take up a hobby that requires something other than regurgitation of talking points. I compete in mt biking. I would suggest crochet or knitting for your "skill" level.

Well, if it's about what's constitutional, your Conservative Supreme Court voted that the ACA is constitutional. If it's about "winning," I clearly win.

So I guess, I'm saying "Thanks for pointing out how much fucking awesome I represent."
You're welcome. We are aware, and were aware, of congress ability to tax us. Thanks for cheering the presidents new tax on all of us. If you like taxes, would you mind signing an agreement saying you will pay mine?

You do realize (I hope) that I was responding to a mere assertion of an opinion and that you are wrong when you claim that my opinion is in the minority?

Really? So the minority is now defined as the one with the MOST amount of people behind it?

No., The minority is the group you are in: The group with fewer people in it.

Try to smarten up, libbiederrp.

Oh so this link (that I already posted in a reply to you) DOES NOT say that the majority of people polled want Obamacare opponents to shut the fuck up?

Poll: Most Want Obamacare Opponents to Move On - ABC News
Oh really? What is that lie again?

That anyone was debunked by your pretend, unsourced chart.

I've given the source of the chart's data about a million times already, but just for interest of shutting you the fuck down (again, because you suck at this):

PolitiFact | Limbaugh, GOP have it wrong: Health care law is not the largest tax increase ever

There's nothing VAGUE about it. When you account for inflation, the percentage of the tax hikes in the ACA amount to .49% of the GDP, nowhere near the biggest in American history.


KG is a lightweight...move on....
Yes, cuz everybody knows when dealing with a lightweight, you need support to tell you not to engage.

You're welcome. We are aware, and were aware, of congress ability to tax us. Thanks for cheering the presidents new tax on all of us. If you like taxes, would you mind signing an agreement saying you will pay mine?


Ha ha ha. Man, it really is easy to win with you guys. You have no leg to stand on anymore. First it's "THE WORLDS BIGGEST TAX HIKE EVARRRRRRR" and then once that's debunked we go back to the old "You love taxes cuz you are a Libtard" bullshit.

I don't love taxes. I just like that my taxes can help people get health coverage...if I choose to freeload, or if I come into a fuckload of cash and have to pay less than a 1% tax. But then, I'm not a heartless, corporate dick slurping fuckface. So *Shrug.*
Really? So the minority is now defined as the one with the MOST amount of people behind it?

No., The minority is the group you are in: The group with fewer people in it.

Try to smarten up, libbiederrp.

Oh so this link (that I already posted in a reply to you) DOES NOT say that the majority of people polled want Obamacare opponents to shut the fuck up?

Poll: Most Want Obamacare Opponents to Move On - ABC News

You must have missed this, you dishonest twit:

"The health law saw a similar bump when it passed Congress in March 2010.
"The law was unpopular before Congress passed it and Obama signed it, but Gallup showed a brief moment in which poll respondents favored the law immediately after its victory. A week later, it was unpopular again."

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