Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

I thought it wasn't a tax increase at all ... whoops.

"If it was a tax, we'd call it a tax. Its a penalty". ... Willard the Rat

Translation - if its the pubs, its a penalty. If its ObamaCare, its a tax.
.....At least, that's what.....

You aren't killing me, I promise, and you haven't taken me to school.

Which is why you're wigging out and spasming all over the place right now.

PS...the neg was a wasted effort on your part.

No one is spamming, Fucktard. I'm responding to your bullshit with both factual smackdown of your bullshit and with funny fucking gifs that drive the point home.

You have not a tenth of the skillz with which I pay my billz, muhfucka!


So that you all know it's just as much as the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

Deputy Twat-er I mean Sheriff Koshergirl said I broke the laws of this land, and of this board when I didn't post this link into the OP.

Also, according to her, apparently the non-partisan, Pulitzer Prize Winning PoltiFact is lies and opinions. You can't make this level of stupidity up, folks.

Wait up pardner.. You post this factoid without analysis or explanation of how it was calculated? Was it given you by a burning bush on stone tablets?

1) Does it include the $500Bill in cuts to Medicare that is never gonna happen and will need to be made up by ADDITIONAL TAXES?

2) Does it include the 12 Auxilliary taxes in the ACA bill including the Medical Device Taxes and the Tanning Bed Tax?

3) Is this ONE YEAR TAXATION and cherry-picked as to the year. What year was it based on?

So many questions that reasonable people would ask before wasting anytime debating a turd of a factoid.. Betcha can't or won't answer any of those.. If So.... THREAD dismissed..
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So that you all know it's just as much as the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

Deputy Twat-er I mean Sheriff Koshergirl said I broke the laws of this land, and of this board when I didn't post this link into the OP.

Also, according to her, apparently the non-partisan, Pulitzer Prize Winning PoltiFact is lies and opinions. You can't make this level of stupidity up, folks.

Wait up pardner.. You post this factoid without analysis or explanation of how it was calculated? Was it given you by a burning bush on stone tablets?

Does it include the $500Bill in cuts to Medicare that is never gonna happen and will need to be made up by ADDITIONAL TAXES?

Does it include the 12 Auxilliary taxes in the ACA bill including the Medical Device Taxes and the Tanning Bed Tax?

So many questions that reasonable people would ask before wasting anytime debating a turd of a factoid..

So you didn't read the link then? *shrug* Can't make the horses drink.

The medicare "Cuts" you refer to aren't cuts at all, actually.
So that you all know it's just as much as the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

Deputy Twat-er I mean Sheriff Koshergirl said I broke the laws of this land, and of this board when I didn't post this link into the OP.

Also, according to her, apparently the non-partisan, Pulitzer Prize Winning PoltiFact is lies and opinions. You can't make this level of stupidity up, folks.

Wait up pardner.. You post this factoid without analysis or explanation of how it was calculated? Was it given you by a burning bush on stone tablets?

Does it include the $500Bill in cuts to Medicare that is never gonna happen and will need to be made up by ADDITIONAL TAXES?

Does it include the 12 Auxilliary taxes in the ACA bill including the Medical Device Taxes and the Tanning Bed Tax?

So many questions that reasonable people would ask before wasting anytime debating a turd of a factoid..

So you didn't read the link then? *shrug* Can't make the horses drink.

The medicare "Cuts" you refer to aren't cuts at all, actually.

It's the only time I can ever remember that a lefty took the position that limits in the rate of growth of a program is NOT a cut.. (as in Reps cutting school lunches e.g.).. Very good. Maybe a breakthru in honesty here..

But still --- you didn't address the fact that the CBO was told to SCORE THE COST of the ACA assuming 500Bill IN CUTS to Medicare.. Otherwise the sucker is gonna COST MORE.

And there are still at least 2 other questions to go here..
You aren't killing me, I promise, and you haven't taken me to school.

Which is why you're wigging out and spasming all over the place right now.

PS...the neg was a wasted effort on your part.

No one is spamming, Fucktard. I'm responding to your bullshit with both factual smackdown of your bullshit and with funny fucking gifs that drive the point home.

You have not a tenth of the skillz with which I pay my billz, muhfucka!


Of course I have more skills than you do.

Which is why you're reduced to repetitive cartoon posting. And profane negs.

spammingpresent participle of spam

Verb:Send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet."

How many times did you post the fake chimp image?

I presume that's from your porn collection. But posting it repeatedly here in lieu of actual words = spamming.
"As previously noted, the Rasmussen Report shows that 56% of voters oppose the health plans going through Congress and 41% support.
Beware of the Kaiser poll. While the poll results look very professional, Kaiser’s poll is flawed for several reasons.

First, Kaiser is a health care reform advocate and has long over hyped the problems of the uninsured. Universal health insurance has been its mission for years, stated and implied.

Second, it asked about health care reform. The debate always has been about health insurance “reform”.

Third, when Kaiser asks about “reform”, it implies that reform is good, that it will improve things. That’s what “reform” means.

....Also, Kaiser apparently polled people regardless of whether they are voters, legal residents of the country or citizens.

Kaiser Family Foundation publishes a lot of interesting health industry surveys and position papers, but they all have to be taken with a grain of salt, because they all reflect the left wing views of the people who run and work at the foundation. "

Beware of Kaiser Family Foundation’s poll on health care ‘reform’ |

Oh, so some dude posted back in 2009 that he doesn't like the Kaiser Foundation. Hmm. Well, ABC thought they were trustworthy enough to to run with I guess, this is my response to you again:


Michelle has never been prouder.
You aren't killing me, I promise, and you haven't taken me to school.

Which is why you're wigging out and spasming all over the place right now.

PS...the neg was a wasted effort on your part.

No one is spamming, Fucktard. I'm responding to your bullshit with both factual smackdown of your bullshit and with funny fucking gifs that drive the point home.

You have not a tenth of the skillz with which I pay my billz, muhfucka!


Of course I have more skills than you do.

Which is why you're reduced to repetitive cartoon posting. And profane negs.

spammingpresent participle of spam

Verb:Send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet."

How many times did you post the fake chimp image?

I presume that's from your porn collection. But posting it repeatedly here in lieu of actual words = spamming.

Ha ha ha. Goddamn. It's like I'm starring in Forrest Gump, except I'm playing Jenny.
"As previously noted, the Rasmussen Report shows that 56% of voters oppose the health plans going through Congress and 41% support.
Beware of the Kaiser poll. While the poll results look very professional, Kaiser’s poll is flawed for several reasons.

First, Kaiser is a health care reform advocate and has long over hyped the problems of the uninsured. Universal health insurance has been its mission for years, stated and implied.

Second, it asked about health care reform. The debate always has been about health insurance “reform”.

Third, when Kaiser asks about “reform”, it implies that reform is good, that it will improve things. That’s what “reform” means.

....Also, Kaiser apparently polled people regardless of whether they are voters, legal residents of the country or citizens.

Kaiser Family Foundation publishes a lot of interesting health industry surveys and position papers, but they all have to be taken with a grain of salt, because they all reflect the left wing views of the people who run and work at the foundation. "

Beware of Kaiser Family Foundation’s poll on health care ‘reform’ |

Oh, so some dude posted back in 2009 that he doesn't like the Kaiser Foundation. Hmm. Well, ABC thought they were trustworthy enough to to run with I guess, this is my response to you again:


Michelle has never been prouder.

Hmm. Wonder why you're making THAT particular connection? Thanks for proving to me that not all fans of The Who get it. :)
Forrest Gump, maybe.

Jennie...I doubt it. Though your odd image choices lead me to think..yeah, maybe...

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So youll be paying it I presume?

Of course not. I've got mine, I simply support "Obamacare" because, unlike you, I care about others (I suppose I learned empathy from the Nuns). Who taught you to be callous, or does avarice and hate of others come naturally to you?

well there ya go caring for others when you won't have to pay for it...typcial liberal

Oh yes he will. Those nitwit lefties don't realize this is going to effect 20 different tax increases. Maybe they should contact their wise Pelosi(bly) to get some answers. Oh thats right she said they had to pass it first in order to find out whats in it. I bet she still doesn't know at this time.
Oh, so some dude posted back in 2009 that he doesn't like the Kaiser Foundation. Hmm. Well, ABC thought they were trustworthy enough to to run with I guess, this is my response to you again:


Michelle has never been prouder.

Hmm. Wonder why you're making THAT particular connection? Thanks for proving to me that not all fans of The Who get it. :)

You posted her picture, not me......
good gawd, is the Op a blowhard or what?

I think they just like to see themselves talk, no matter how much BS
Wanting people to die rather than get health care. That's compassion!

People get healthcare.. got to your local ER.... take a look around... the same people that don't have health insuance now will continue to not have insurance and clog up the ER. Dumbfuck.


And who pays for that ER visit, smart guy?

The ones who already have health insurance. And the ones who have to pay the penalty will be added next.
It doesn't matter what we call it because you won't want it until a Conservative suggests it again, dummy. All this "repeal and replace" stuff is totally bullshit because if you were really so against it, you'd want it ALL struck down. But you're all stuck in a really shitty place because you're now having to publicly condemn something you wanted and insisted upon in every single health care debate until the black guy wanted to try it.

In other words, you're turncoats to your own cause. You can't name one reason that this bill shouldn't be in place other than WILD speculation as to its cost, all of which turns out to be mostly hyperbolic ranting once compared to what the bill actually does.

This isn't some piece of black magic perpetrated on the American people. This is an imperfect first pass at real reform. Reform that's needed more than the next smart bomb, in fact. Not only will it stick, it'll serve as the platform that Universal Health Care gets built on, and that chaps your assholes more than anything.

Enjoy your bitterness, fuckfaces. The rest of us are going to move on now. Mkthx bye.

Good idea. Let's get back to the economy and unemployment under the Obama administration.

4.5 million jobs added under Obama's term. Unemployment could be lower, especially if Obama wasn't under pressure to keep government spending (i.e. government employment) and recockulous levels. Doubled DOW Jones average. We've now recovered jobs to the point they were at four years ago when he took office.

Now, let's talk about what Mitt Romney's fiscal policies will be, how closely they relate to Bush's and whether the American people trust Bushonomics. Yeah?

Unemployment averaged 5.3% during Bush's watch. Then came the housing bust.

Twenty-eight months after Congress passed President Obama’s signature economic stimulus law, and nearly one year after he declared the summer of 2010 to be “Recovery Summer,” 1.9 million fewer people are employed.

In February 2009, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that 141.7 million people were employed. By the end of May 2011 – the last month for which data are available – that number had fallen to 139.8 million, a difference of 1.9 million.

This does not mean that the economy is not creating jobs, but rather that it is not creating jobs fast enough to keep up with a combination of layoffs and people entering the job market for the first time.

The fraction of the population with a job has in fact fallen in the 28 months since Congress passed the stimulus – down from 60.3 percent in February 2009 to 58.4 percent in May 2011

If Romney's policies are exactly what Bush's were, and they aren't, anything is better than what we have with Obama.

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