Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

if YOU are all about helping the less fortuante, get your lazy self-righteous ass out of the fuckign chair and go help. Stop asking someone else to do it by force. You get no fucking moral credit for voting to have someone else do it for you by stealing from someone else at gunpoint. Ya fucking puke.

I'm not asking someone else to do anything. I am voicing my opinion on how I want my tax dollars spent. Cry me a river hypocrite. Maybe if you weren't spending your life online bitching about the evil government and "mooching" poor people (not you of course, you're the exception, hahahah) you would actually be able to make something of your life. Novel thought I know.


Seriously. You're not very bright. I'm doing just fine in my life with my goals. Regardless of how many times you envious LOLberals want to keep reaching in my pocket for some more. You are too asking the govt. to intervene in the healthcare industry, which is the reason prices are so high in the first place, to do more. You're not only a hypocrite, you're fucking stupid to boot. You dont even know what is going on. Like I said, you want to help the less fortunate? Get your lazy ass off the chair and go do it. Stop asking for more from everyone else by voting a politician to intervene based on your belief.

Now make sure you come back with some personal attack about how Im a poor bottom feeder and that you want to help poor. you're a re a fucking liar. You have nobodies interests at heart but your own, or else you'd leave peoples wallets to them and go help those who need it. Fucking marxist scumbag.

The irony in this post is THICK. You're a bitter fuck who wants everyone to be as miserable as you are. Learn some personal responsibility for once in your life....surprise yourself.
No. It still isn't no matter how often you repeat that false claim.

And the fact that it isn't is PART of what makes us great. Always has been so.

Dnn't care what you like, ya disoriented schmuck.

You're right, what makes us great is the fact that we can turn our back on the neediest and poorest among us! We are a shining beacon to emulate around the world. You raise a good point!

More liberal crap. Considering the source, I aint surprised.

It is the most obvious of false dichotomies. Thus, it is not a surprise that you present it as an "either or."

One EITHER supports universal health care system being run by the ever reliable Federal Government
OR one is intent on turning one's back on the less affluent and the afflicted.

You guys have over-played that fallacy for so long even you should be ashamed of yourself for not doing it better.

Holy strawman batman. Well done! You made up and entire argument all on your own!
Well this thread certainly wagged the LOLberal dog.

Sure. It's easy to ignore facts and feel superior.

You've certainly gotten it down to a science, it's true.

You're welcome. We are aware, and were aware, of congress ability to tax us. Thanks for cheering the presidents new tax on all of us. If you like taxes, would you mind signing an agreement saying you will pay mine?


You're part of the group that "doesn't pay anything". Maybe you should start "moocher".

So that you all know it's just as much as the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

Deputy Twat-er I mean Sheriff Koshergirl said I broke the laws of this land, and of this board when I didn't post this link into the OP.

Also, according to her, apparently the non-partisan, Pulitzer Prize Winning PoltiFact is lies and opinions. You can't make this level of stupidity up, folks.

Well it certainly looks as if what is being claimed is true. I really don't give much thought to what the cost is in relation to the GDP. I find that kind of math to be used by those who wish to try and prove a point more then care about the real effects on real people. Any way here is an article that explains what it will cost plain old folks that live somewhere in the soon to be gone middle class.

Here Are The New Taxes You

So that you all know it's just as much as the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

Deputy Twat-er I mean Sheriff Koshergirl said I broke the laws of this land, and of this board when I didn't post this link into the OP.

Also, according to her, apparently the non-partisan, Pulitzer Prize Winning PoltiFact is lies and opinions. You can't make this level of stupidity up, folks.

Well it certainly looks as if what is being claimed is true. I really don't give much thought to what the cost is in relation to the GDP. I find that kind of math to be used by those who wish to try and prove a point more then care about the real effects on real people. Any way here is an article that explains what it will cost plain old folks that live somewhere in the soon to be gone middle class.

Here Are The New Taxes You
I did a little bit of research and came up with the following. Which clearly shows that in pure dollars Obamacare dwarfs any increase that was on the chart you provided. So yes we can argue over whether is it the largest in history but I think we both can say with all certainty that it is one hellva big increase.

GDP numbers from the following site: US Gross Domestic Product GDP History United States 1950-2010 - Federal State Local Data

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I did a little bit of research and came up with the following. Which clearly shows that in pure dollars Obamacare dwarfs any increase that was on the chart you provided. So yes we can argue over whether is it the largest in history but I think we both can say with all certainty that it is one hellva big increase.

GDP numbers from the following site: US Gross Domestic Product GDP History United States 1950-2010 - Federal State Local Data

Fiscal Years 1950 to 2010
US Gross Domestic Product GDP History GDP-US % from Population-US -
$ billion chart Amount million$ billion
1950 293.7 1.33 3.90621 151.326 0
1951 339.3 1.52 5.15736 153.917 0
1952 358.3 0.097 0.347551 156.552 0
1966 787.7 0.6 4.7262 193.348 0
1968 909.8 1.09 9.91682 198.263 0
1969 984.4 0.3 2.9532 200.766 0
1980 2788.1 0.5 13.9405 226.546 0
1982 3253.2 0.8 26.0256 230.815 0
1983 3534.6 0.2 7.0692 232.979 0
1984 3930.9 0.3 11.7927 235.164 0
1986 4460.1 0.22 9.81222 239.595 0
1987 4736.4 0.24 11.36736 241.842 0
1990 5800.5 0.49 28.42245 248.71 0
2010 14526.5 0.49 71.17985 308.746 0

Why would you use whole dollars when no other analysis of fiscal policy does that? It's standard practice to account for inflation, which you don't. So no, I don't agree this is a big tax increase.

So that you all know it's just as much as the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

Deputy Twat-er I mean Sheriff Koshergirl said I broke the laws of this land, and of this board when I didn't post this link into the OP.

PolitiFact | Limbaugh, GOP have it wrong: Health care law is not the largest tax increase ever

Also, according to her, apparently the non-partisan, Pulitzer Prize Winning PoltiFact is lies and opinions. You can't make this level of stupidity up, folks.
Funny how the dimwits are all of a sudden crying it is not a tax. Yeah, total dimwit bullshit from the get go.

Ok, fair enough argument. So I added a column and did some inflation calculations using this site: The Inflation Calculator

I didn't do a lot of years cause I didn't think it would matter and it takes some time. As can be seen, using the percentages you provided, it is a rather large increase, and the largest. But I am not an economist and maybe over looking things.
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Ok, fair enough argument. So I added a column and did some inflation calculations using this site: The Inflation Calculator

I didn't do a lot of years cause I didn't think it would matter and it takes some time. As can be seen, using the percentages you provided, it is a rather large increase, and the largest. But I am not an economist and maybe over looking things.

You're missing the point. Of course it'll be large in dollars, but percentage of GDP is the accepted and appropriate way to measure it. No matter how you cut it, whole dollars isn't the way to measure this, at least according to actual economists.

So that you all know it's just as much as the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

Deputy Twat-er I mean Sheriff Koshergirl said I broke the laws of this land, and of this board when I didn't post this link into the OP.

PolitiFact | Limbaugh, GOP have it wrong: Health care law is not the largest tax increase ever

Also, according to her, apparently the non-partisan, Pulitzer Prize Winning PoltiFact is lies and opinions. You can't make this level of stupidity up, folks.

When you consider how poor the estimates of the future cost of entitlements has been, I have no doubt the expense of this entitlement, and the taxes needed to pay for it, will be at least several times the numbers given here.

Just look at the rise in cost since Obama first lied about it.
Now the cost is what, almost $1 trillion more over the next ten years?

CBO: ObamaCare Price Tag Shifts from $940 Billion to $1.76 Trillion - Yahoo! News

So that you all know it's just as much as the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

Deputy Twat-er I mean Sheriff Koshergirl said I broke the laws of this land, and of this board when I didn't post this link into the OP.

PolitiFact | Limbaugh, GOP have it wrong: Health care law is not the largest tax increase ever

Also, according to her, apparently the non-partisan, Pulitzer Prize Winning PoltiFact is lies and opinions. You can't make this level of stupidity up, folks.

When you consider how poor the estimates of the future cost of entitlements has been, I have no doubt the expense of this entitlement, and the taxes needed to pay for it, will be at least several times the numbers given here.

Just look at the rise in cost since Obama first lied about it.
Now the cost is what, almost $1 trillion more over the next ten years?

CBO: ObamaCare Price Tag Shifts from $940 Billion to $1.76 Trillion - Yahoo! News

The CBO issue has been discussed to death; but I do love that you granted yourself clairvoyant powers to tell what things will cost. I like making shit up too!!!

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