Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

It's a penalty levied under the tax act. Oh, you can't understand the SCOTUS' opinion either? It's okay, Gramps. We're here to help.

A tax then.

bye bye Obamatax.

Whatever it won't be around very long.

The productive people in America simply will not stand for it, as we see from the State governors flatly announcing they will not implement it.

I am not sure how America functions, however, now that Obama has made it OK for top exectutives to simply ignore our Nation's laws whenever the feel like it.

One Big Assed Mistake, America.

Whole lotta Reagan up in there! :lol:

Five of them! More than any other president in that list.

The CBO issue has been discussed to death; but I do love that you granted yourself clairvoyant powers to tell what things will cost. I like making shit up too!!!

In 1967, what did they predict Medicare would cost in 1990? How much did it actually cost?

Yeah, I'm making shit up. LOL!

Oh it cost more than they thought it would? So weird. People are usually perfect.

Wonder if that has meant a benefit reduction...

No dumb shit, it was projected to be unsustainable from its very creation, Uncle Milt projected that without government support it would raise the national debt to astronomical levels. Guess what, it exceeded his projections. The funny part is your group of economic and mathematical geniuses' stated unequivocally that he was a nut case, so slugger I guess your guys were wrong once again. Heck, I think I recall the same was said about social security if the mortality rates changed significantly, in fact social security solvency has been an issue for decades, and poor old you it was before Ronny and Baby Bush. So what have you to say about that? Don't worry, the next generation will take care of it, as long as you get your piece of cake and eat it, right? Too bad for you liberal pukes that the nuclear war you projected was postponed and there will be a next generation that will hold you accountable for breaking the bank.
Wait. So it IS a tax increase?


If you can afford health insurance and don't buy it, thus becoming a free rider (Mitt Romney's term for his version of Obamacare that he implemented in Massachusetts. You know, in case you didn't have all the facts)

So, he is going to punish those poor people who currently don't have insurance? He'll fine/tax them if they don't pony up? At least when they get put in jail for not paying the fine, they will have the free health care that they think he promised them.
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Oh it cost more than they thought it would? So weird. People are usually perfect.

Wonder if that has meant a benefit reduction...

In 1967, the House Ways and Means Committee said the entire Medicare program would cost $12 billion in 1990. The actual cost in 1990 was $98 billion.

That's weird, a government program cost 716% more than they predicted.
I wonder if the same will happen with Obamacare?

Hmm. That's weird. I wonder if the Right Wing will lie about its viability and try to downplay its amazing success in being far overstretched beyond its original vision and seeing no reduction in benefits? Do you think that'll happen?

You know that we on the Left don't really buy the horseshit about Social Security and Medicare you guys pump out, yeah?

I realize that you on the left failed high school math.
Aren't you going to even try to deflect the fact that you just got waxed ?
By whom? SniperRetard? That'll be the day! :lol:

Why is tax hiker Ronnie represented 5 times on that list?

Uhhhhhh.....because he raised taxes.

You don't know ?

And yes, Sniperfire tore you a new one.
Because he made an unsubstantiated claim? :lol:

That's how you wingnuts live: whatever one of you in the echo chamber says, all of you take as gospel.

So, Ronnie was a tax hiker because he hiked taxes.

And he was a cut-and-runner because he cut and ran.

A pathetic, cowardly president.
George Washington: The new federal government will have the power to levy a tax penalty on any citizen who does not buy a horse

Ben Franklin: Fuck that

John Adams: Fer real?

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