Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

We're already borrowing 1.3 trillion dollars a year, genius. We've gone way beyond discussing what the federal government is spending our tax dollars on and into the realm of when they will stop borrowing money from China and printing it out of no where to fund the programs that you want to see put into effect.

Not that you would know head from ass when it comes to fiscal reality.
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I love when you think you're being smart Frank and post like a giddy school kid only to be shown that you just proved the other sides argument.

I do like your enthusiasm though!

^ hypocrisy on glaring display.

RDD_d2, thinks himself clever and witty.

He's wrong.

Compared to you idiots, I'm Einstein. That's half the reason I came back to this site, discussing things with you morons is always a self esteem booster and reminds me that there are a lot of dumb asses out there.

No no. You are a very dull witted pompous but baselessly arrogant gasbag.

Your opinion, you are entitled to.

But having your typically arrogant opinion is not remotely akin to being smart or right.

You are neither.

You are a dullard.

You ARE the dumbass. You are simply far too stupid to recognize that fact.
We're already borrowing 1.3 trillion dollars a year, genius. We've gone way beyond discussing what the federal government is spending our tax dollars on and into the realm of when they will stop borrowing money from China and printing it out of no where to fund the programs that you want to see put into effect.

Not that you would know head from ass when it comes to fiscal reality.

And that concludes todays economic lesson from the broke financial wizard. :clap2:
What kind of moron actually believes they know the lifestyle of someone else over an internet messageboard?

You're patheitic. I'm right too. You dont know head from ass when it comes to fiscal/monetary reality.

Maybe a Bob the builder messageboard would better suite your intellectually bankrupt ass? Something more your speed?
Semantics games are fun!!!

You said health is guaranteed. Right or wrong?

You know full well what I meant. Right or wrong?

Just for the record....are we supposed to take what you say at face value or read between the lines? There is a lot of latitude between those two and I think you'll act like the pissy little girl you are if we read between the lines to interpret what we think you mean.
What kind of moron actually believes they know the lifestyle of someone else over an internet messageboard?

You're patheitic. I'm right too. You dont know head from ass when it comes to fiscal/monetary reality.

Maybe a Bob the builder messageboard would better suite your intellectually bankrupt ass? Something more your speed?

I only go by what you told me big guy. Don't blame me, blame yourself. I know, that would be a first for you.
You said health is guaranteed. Right or wrong?

You know full well what I meant. Right or wrong?

Just for the record....are we supposed to take what you say at face value or read between the lines? There is a lot of latitude between those two and I think you'll act like the pissy little girl you are if we read between the lines to interpret what we think you mean.

For the record, all I want you to do is use your brain and be honest.
Really? So the minority is now defined as the one with the MOST amount of people behind it?

No., The minority is the group you are in: The group with fewer people in it.

Try to smarten up, libbiederrp.

Oh so this link (that I already posted in a reply to you) DOES NOT say that the majority of people polled want Obamacare opponents to shut the fuck up?

Poll: Most Want Obamacare Opponents to Move On - ABC News

Lots of "polls." Lots of differing outcomes.

I doubt the validity of most of the shit you dig up. You completely lack objectivity or integrity, after all.
You know full well what I meant. Right or wrong?

Just for the record....are we supposed to take what you say at face value or read between the lines? There is a lot of latitude between those two and I think you'll act like the pissy little girl you are if we read between the lines to interpret what we think you mean.

For the record, all I want you to do is use your brain and be honest.

Done and done from the start. Now you.
Just for the record....are we supposed to take what you say at face value or read between the lines? There is a lot of latitude between those two and I think you'll act like the pissy little girl you are if we read between the lines to interpret what we think you mean.

For the record, all I want you to do is use your brain and be honest.

Done and done from the start. Now you.

Impossible... He'll have to borrow one...
We're already borrowing 1.3 trillion dollars a year, genius. We've gone way beyond discussing what the federal government is spending our tax dollars on and into the realm of when they will stop borrowing money from China and printing it out of no where to fund the programs that you want to see put into effect.

Not that you would know head from ass when it comes to fiscal reality.

You know, that $1.3 trillion IS crazy money. You know what else is crazy about that number? That's how much the Bush Tax Cuts have cost us...WEIRD!
Just for the record....are we supposed to take what you say at face value or read between the lines? There is a lot of latitude between those two and I think you'll act like the pissy little girl you are if we read between the lines to interpret what we think you mean.

For the record, all I want you to do is use your brain and be honest.

Done and done from the start. Now you.

One step ahead of you buddy. If we were being honest, you would admit that you knew what I meant by health. I'm sorry you prefer to play semantics games rather than be honest.
Health is not guaranteed to anybody, especially at your command and at everyone else's expense.

Health is not, you are correct. But we should make affordable health care a guarantee. Just like a safe and healthy water supply, or safe drugs or safe products......

No. We "should" not make affordable health care a guarantee.

We can make strides, perhaps. We can agree to do better in some respects.

But to take on the irrational task of guaranteeing health care is to assume a burden we can never achieve at costs we can never afford.

The notion is utopian and ultimately outside the parameters of what we set up government to do.

And it not akin to a safe water supply system nor is it logically akin to the proper roll of an FDA.

Affordable Healthcare is not irrational nor is it unattainable. The previous system was and the new system is probably going to be corrupted. One should be able to visit the doctor for a reasonable charge without a battery of tests to cover the doctor ass (malpratice). For serious illnesses hospitals should not be able to charge 5 bucks per asprin or 25 dollars just to have a nurse hand you a pill. It's a scam. Beat the system. Stay healthy.
Go lick your wounds. Or better yet, let derp lick your sore nutsack again.

I got no wounds, retard. I'm laughing at what a tax raiser Saint Ronnie was. :lol:

You don't even know that Reagan was a net tax cutter, then?


In Reagan’s eight years, the United States also went from being the world’s largest international creditor to being the world’s largest debtor. In 1981, the deficit was $74 billion and the national debt was $930 billion. Within two years (because of the 1981 tax cut), the deficit was $208 billion. By the end of Reagan’s presidency, the Gipper had allowed the national debt to spiral to $2.6 trillion.

He was the worst modern day president.
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