Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

That anyone was debunked by your pretend, unsourced chart.

I've given the source of the chart's data about a million times already, but just for interest of shutting you the fuck down (again, because you suck at this):

PolitiFact | Limbaugh, GOP have it wrong: Health care law is not the largest tax increase ever

There's nothing VAGUE about it. When you account for inflation, the percentage of the tax hikes in the ACA amount to .49% of the GDP, nowhere near the biggest in American history.


KG is a lightweight...move on....

Oh, definitely. I've wiped my boots off on her shit-crusted face enough in this thread. :)
No., The minority is the group you are in: The group with fewer people in it.

Try to smarten up, libbiederrp.

Oh so this link (that I already posted in a reply to you) DOES NOT say that the majority of people polled want Obamacare opponents to shut the fuck up?

Poll: Most Want Obamacare Opponents to Move On - ABC News

You must have missed this, you dishonest twit:

"The health law saw a similar bump when it passed Congress in March 2010.
"The law was unpopular before Congress passed it and Obama signed it, but Gallup showed a brief moment in which poll respondents favored the law immediately after its victory. A week later, it was unpopular again."

LOL. Only a dumbfuck like you would latch on to the expository information in an article as being the theme. Ha ha ha. Fucking idiot.

In the latest survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 56 percent of respondents said they prefer Obamacare opponents “stop their efforts to block the law and move on to other national problems,” while 38 percent said they prefer those opponents “continue trying to block the law from being implemented.
Sure you have.

Maybe the newspaper you pretended sourced that chart would like to hear from you! After all, what a stellar way to add to the original work! I'm surprised they didn't think of it!

"Moral rights are rights of creators of copyrighted works generally recognized in civil law jurisdictions and, to a lesser extent, in some common law jurisdictions. They include the right of attribution, the right to have a work published anonymously or pseudonymously, and the right to the integrity of the work.[1] The preserving of the integrity of the work bars the work from alteration, distortion, or mutilation."
I thought it wasn't a tax increase at all ... whoops.

"If it was a tax, we'd call it a tax. Its a penalty". ... Willard the Rat

Translation - if its the pubs, its a penalty. If its ObamaCare, its a tax.

And, I'd bet money that not one of the idiot rw's on this board have bothered to read WHY the scotus CHOSE to call it a "tax".

If there's one thing the rw's just LOVE, its their ignorance.
oh so this link (that i already posted in a reply to you) does not say that the majority of people polled want obamacare opponents to shut the fuck up?

poll: Most want obamacare opponents to move on - abc news

you must have missed this, you dishonest twit:

"the health law saw a similar bump when it passed congress in march 2010.
"the law was unpopular before congress passed it and obama signed it, but gallup showed a brief moment in which poll respondents favored the law immediately after its victory. A week later, it was unpopular again."

lol. Only a dumbfuck like you would latch on to the expository information in an article as being the theme. Ha ha ha. Fucking idiot.

in the latest survey by the kaiser family foundation, 56 percent of respondents said they prefer obamacare opponents “stop their efforts to block the law and move on to other national problems,” while 38 percent said they prefer those opponents “continue trying to block the law from being implemented.

Sure you have.

Maybe the newspaper you pretended sourced that chart would like to hear from you! After all, what a stellar way to add to the original work! I'm surprised they didn't think of it!

"Moral rights are rights of creators of copyrighted works generally recognized in civil law jurisdictions and, to a lesser extent, in some common law jurisdictions. They include the right of attribution, the right to have a work published anonymously or pseudonymously, and the right to the integrity of the work.[1] The preserving of the integrity of the work bars the work from alteration, distortion, or mutilation."

you must have missed this, you dishonest twit:

"the health law saw a similar bump when it passed congress in march 2010.
"the law was unpopular before congress passed it and obama signed it, but gallup showed a brief moment in which poll respondents favored the law immediately after its victory. A week later, it was unpopular again."

lol. Only a dumbfuck like you would latch on to the expository information in an article as being the theme. Ha ha ha. Fucking idiot.

in the latest survey by the kaiser family foundation, 56 percent of respondents said they prefer obamacare opponents “stop their efforts to block the law and move on to other national problems,” while 38 percent said they prefer those opponents “continue trying to block the law from being implemented.


"As previously noted, the Rasmussen Report shows that 56% of voters oppose the health plans going through Congress and 41% support.
Beware of the Kaiser poll. While the poll results look very professional, Kaiser’s poll is flawed for several reasons.

First, Kaiser is a health care reform advocate and has long over hyped the problems of the uninsured. Universal health insurance has been its mission for years, stated and implied.

Second, it asked about health care reform. The debate always has been about health insurance “reform”.

Third, when Kaiser asks about “reform”, it implies that reform is good, that it will improve things. That’s what “reform” means.

....Also, Kaiser apparently polled people regardless of whether they are voters, legal residents of the country or citizens.

Kaiser Family Foundation publishes a lot of interesting health industry surveys and position papers, but they all have to be taken with a grain of salt, because they all reflect the left wing views of the people who run and work at the foundation. "

Beware of Kaiser Family Foundation’s poll on health care ‘reform’ |
"As previously noted, the Rasmussen Report shows that 56% of voters oppose the health plans going through Congress and 41% support.
Beware of the Kaiser poll. While the poll results look very professional, Kaiser’s poll is flawed for several reasons.

First, Kaiser is a health care reform advocate and has long over hyped the problems of the uninsured. Universal health insurance has been its mission for years, stated and implied.

Second, it asked about health care reform. The debate always has been about health insurance “reform”.

Third, when Kaiser asks about “reform”, it implies that reform is good, that it will improve things. That’s what “reform” means.

....Also, Kaiser apparently polled people regardless of whether they are voters, legal residents of the country or citizens.

Kaiser Family Foundation publishes a lot of interesting health industry surveys and position papers, but they all have to be taken with a grain of salt, because they all reflect the left wing views of the people who run and work at the foundation. "

Beware of Kaiser Family Foundation’s poll on health care ‘reform’ |

Oh, so some dude posted back in 2009 that he doesn't like the Kaiser Foundation. Hmm. Well, ABC thought they were trustworthy enough to to run with I guess, this is my response to you again:

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This is what retards who want people to think they're smart do. They obfuscate, they lie, and they pretend that their own nonsense is supported by *important people* when it's not.

I like you! Are you Boop's literary puppet?

Soooo...are you saying that there was another fake study by Kaiser back in 2009?

Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

So that you all know it's just as much as the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?
Save your breath.

Hell....."conservatives" can't (even) get creative.

They just keep recycling & reheating.....

This is what retards who want people to think they're smart do. They obfuscate, they lie, and they pretend that their own nonsense is supported by *important people* when it's not.

I like you! Are you Boop's literary puppet?

Soooo...are you saying that there was another fake study by Kaiser back in 2009?


No, Dummy. I'm linking to a study that was just done in the time since Obamacare was ruled Constitutional. Just like I linked to a PolitiFact article that contained all the sourced data for the chart in the Original Post. I'm starting to think that that I'm arguing with a literal retard though. Which would normally make me feel bad about how I'm absolutely killing you, but you're too retarded to even figure out how badly you're getting taken to school right now.

You aren't killing me, I promise, and you haven't taken me to school.

Which is why you're wigging out and spasming all over the place right now.

PS...the neg was a wasted effort on your part.

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