Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

Or maybe another "instachart" that uses soft sources, sources non-related opinion pieces, and even then prove the exact opposite of the point the retard is trying to get across.

The only thing soft about this exchange is your skull, Dummy. I proved over and over how this isn't the largest tax hike in history, and your atrophied mind can't compute it, or you refuse to. Then I kicked the fuck out of you in straight-up internet TrollStyle 101 until you tried pathetically to bite my style:

Here's a tip, you disgusting little twat sore, there is nothing you say or do that will get to me. But knowing that my very EXISTENCE here riles you up and makes you attempt really feeble means of getting in my grill entertains the fuck out of me.

At the end of the day, I get to laugh at how fucking stupid you are, and knowing that 50 years from now, I'll be educating XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX on how Obamacare was nearly killed by idiotic people like you. So keep it up, and call this a meltdown too, because to you anything more than a two sentence retort is a meltdown.

(Yes motherfucker, I know your m.o. I've been Interweb Boarding since you were just still trying to figure out how to get your VCR to stop blinking midnight.)


Tsk, tsk.

You won't be anywhere near XX XXXXXXXXX, I promise.
Let me know when Obama funds those shovel ready projects, ya moron.

He did fund them, only problem was those projects were located in other countries... Oh, before you libtards blast me... It's ABC News, hardly conservative....[ame=]80% Of Green Jobs Stimulus Money Going Overseas - YouTube[/ame]

Just vote obama get more of the same.

Pathetic isn't it?
The problem is that the recession of 2008 should have been a clear signal to drop the tax cut.

Wow! Even the economically illiterate Obama knows that a recession is the worst possible time to raise taxes.

Sure. If you hate infrastructure and love debt, you're absolutely right!

We still need infrastructure after the $800 billion in wasted stimulus spending?
Quick, someone tell Obama! LOL!

Someone already told Obama and he just laughed and said I guess there just weren't very many 'shovel ready jobs' after all. He knows the joke is on the American taxpayers.
Sure. If you hate infrastructure and love debt, you're absolutely right!

We still need infrastructure after the $800 billion in wasted stimulus spending?
Quick, someone tell Obama! LOL!

Yeah, really, someone tell him. Actually, tell the Republican-held House that we need more stimulus.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or woefully ignorant of how it works, but yes, our roads and highways and our infrastructure in general is in DESPERATE need of updates and repair.

Quit subsiding Amtrak and numerous other losing public transportation with the gas tax revenue that is supposed to be used to maintain the roads and bridges and we sould have plenty of money for roads and bridges. And, only a fear monger uses the word desperate.
So wait, is it a tax or is it not a tax?

It's a penalty assessed on people too cheap or too stupid (or both) who don't buy health insurance because they belief they can get it free from any emergency room. Stupid because they will get a bill and will suffer a civil penalty once they fail to pay and the matter is presented to the court.

Not everyone without health insurance is either cheap or stupid. Many are simply smarter and more responsible than those who do buy insurance.

Believe it or not, there are a large number of people out there - especially younger people - who prefer to pay their medical bills out of their own pockets rather than buy health insurance and let the insurance company pay. In the final analysis they pay less than others and are not a burden on anyone.

At one time, young people were advised to get what was called catastrophic insurance (such as cancer insurance, accident insurance) and save a few dollars for regular health care issues. That way, they wouldn't waste mony on regular health insurance.

I think it's silly as hell to have health insurance for routine medical treatment such as yearly physicals. The truth is, health insurance increases the cost of health care. Anyone who doesn't know that is a fool.

Health insurance is NOT the answer to the problem. Health insurance is part of the problem, but very few people get it.

Oh, well.

PS: For many years I had no health insurance and paid all my medical bills out of my own pocket. I saved a lot of money. You can call it stupid, but all that will do is make me laugh at you.
Go get some more talking points from Limbaugh, Gramps.

It'll be nice when junior high starts back up and you won't be on your mom's computer so much.

Ha ha ha. You wish, Oldy McBarrenWomb. You can't get rid of my, muhfacka. I'm like a bad penny. I just keep fucking your shit up left and right.

Seriously, where DO you get your talking points from?

You see, that's where you show yourself up as an amateur. You rely on talking points and think that's how the big dog's do it too. We don't. Our opinions come from years of experience and informing ourselves thru many sources. You also fail to realize, there is no "winning" on the interwebs, but please do go on amusing yourself. It makes other people smile. If you get bored, I'm sure someone can scrounge up a rubber band to keep you occupied for a few hours. Oh, what was that? I think I just heard your mom calling you from the other room.
It'll be nice when junior high starts back up and you won't be on your mom's computer so much.

Ha ha ha. You wish, Oldy McBarrenWomb. You can't get rid of my, muhfacka. I'm like a bad penny. I just keep fucking your shit up left and right.

Seriously, where DO you get your talking points from?

You see, that's where you show yourself up as an amateur. You rely on talking points and think that's how the big dog's do it too. We don't. Our opinions come from years of experience and informing ourselves thru many sources. You also fail to realize, there is no "winning" on the interwebs, but please do go on amusing yourself. It makes other people smile. If you get bored, I'm sure someone can scrounge up a rubber band to keep you occupied for a few hours. Oh, what was that? I think I just heard your mom calling you from the other room.

Big dogs?


Big dogs.

Ha ha ha.

Fucking big dogs.

Ha ha ha. You wish, Oldy McBarrenWomb. You can't get rid of my, muhfacka. I'm like a bad penny. I just keep fucking your shit up left and right.

Seriously, where DO you get your talking points from?

You see, that's where you show yourself up as an amateur. You rely on talking points and think that's how the big dog's do it too. We don't. Our opinions come from years of experience and informing ourselves thru many sources. You also fail to realize, there is no "winning" on the interwebs, but please do go on amusing yourself. It makes other people smile. If you get bored, I'm sure someone can scrounge up a rubber band to keep you occupied for a few hours. Oh, what was that? I think I just heard your mom calling you from the other room.

Big dogs?


Big dogs.

Ha ha ha.

Fucking big dogs.


You really need to go see what your mom needs or you could lose your computer time again and that would make Dear Leader cry. What are you up to now, .02 per post?
You see, that's where you show yourself up as an amateur. You rely on talking points and think that's how the big dog's do it too. We don't. Our opinions come from years of experience and informing ourselves thru many sources. You also fail to realize, there is no "winning" on the interwebs, but please do go on amusing yourself. It makes other people smile. If you get bored, I'm sure someone can scrounge up a rubber band to keep you occupied for a few hours. Oh, what was that? I think I just heard your mom calling you from the other room.

Big dogs?


Big dogs.

Ha ha ha.

Fucking big dogs.


You really need to go see what your mom needs or you could lose your computer time again and that would make Dear Leader cry. What are you up to now, .02 per post?

George Washington: The new federal government will have the power to levy a tax penalty on any citizen who does not buy a horse

Ben Franklin: Fuck that

John Adams: Fer real?

Look at the Militia Act of 1789, moron. Washington and Adams agreed on that every man between 17 and 60 must own a rifle, ammo, and a knapsack. Are you really this clueless?
I can't believe people are buying this shit again. Government shovel Ready jobs are going to save us again? where did I hear that before?
Hey Derps --- Before the victory dance again.. 2 things..

One -- it's very costly for USMB to archive threads with all those childish bit-eating graphics -- so I hope you're kicking in on costs.. AND more importantly

Two-- You never got back to me on those questions about the "total tax figure" that you're using to vanquish your Conservative enemies.

So WHAT YEAR was that number for? Was it multi-year or one? And I hope it went out to 2014 when the ACA really gets going.. RIGHT?

It wouldn't be total bullshit that you got from Maddow now would it?
The only thing soft about this exchange is your skull, Dummy. I proved over and over how this isn't the largest tax hike in history, and your atrophied mind can't compute it, or you refuse to.

What your kind chooses to ignore is how much the ACA is going to cost the states.

There are no price controls and the Affordable Care Act requires California to spend up to $6 billion over five years to expand Medi-Cal, the health care program for the poor.

Assemblyman Dan Logue (R-Chico) is thinking about a ballot measure to prevent California from further implementing President Obama's plan because the state doesn't have the money.

California benefits from Affordable Care Act, Supreme Court ruling |

Where do you think the states are going to get the money to pay for ObamaCare...Santa Claus?

Ok, fair enough argument. So I added a column and did some inflation calculations using this site: The Inflation Calculator

I didn't do a lot of years cause I didn't think it would matter and it takes some time. As can be seen, using the percentages you provided, it is a rather large increase, and the largest. But I am not an economist and maybe over looking things.

You're missing the point. Of course it'll be large in dollars, but percentage of GDP is the accepted and appropriate way to measure it. No matter how you cut it, whole dollars isn't the way to measure this, at least according to actual economists.

Well we hardly know each other but thank you for speaking down to me. Of course the President wants to sell this as a percentage of the GDP who would not? But I, and you, and everyone else deals in hard money not percent of the GDP. So what I did was take the percentage of the GDP that was provided in the chart. Found the GDP for the years provided on your chart. Then I multiplied the two numbers and divided by 100 (because your numbers were in percent) That is the number for dollar amounts. I couldn't find the numbers for 2011 and obviously not for 2012 so 2010 had to do. Then when the comment was made about inflation I took the 2010 dollar amount, fed it in the inflation calculator which I also provided. So if the number that was adjusted for inflation is bigger then the amount for that year then indeed the tax increase due to obamacare is bigger. Which it is in all the years I did. I seriously doubt there could be anything more straight forward.

So it would appear that no matter how it is sliced this is the largest increase since at least 1951. But as I say I am not economist but I do know how to use excel.

We don't usually work that hard in the Politics Forum.. You're bringing in unprecedented and unapproved analysis tools like logic, reason and math.. We just humor ole Derps when he latches onto a baseless, unsupported factoid and watch him try to use as a weapon.. Just like a 5 yr old turns any ole stick into a gun.

But I do appreciate the effort.. Since I don't get paid as a percent of GDP. And taxes kinda track GDP naturally at 18% or so no matter what the policy seems to be..
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And the Voodoo tax rates almost guarantee a big deficit, and my sig pp1. And thanks for the depression.
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Ok, fair enough argument. So I added a column and did some inflation calculations using this site: The Inflation Calculator

I didn't do a lot of years cause I didn't think it would matter and it takes some time. As can be seen, using the percentages you provided, it is a rather large increase, and the largest. But I am not an economist and maybe over looking things.

You're missing the point. Of course it'll be large in dollars, but percentage of GDP is the accepted and appropriate way to measure it. No matter how you cut it, whole dollars isn't the way to measure this, at least according to actual economists.

Well we hardly know each other but thank you for speaking down to me. Of course the President wants to sell this as a percentage of the GDP who would not? But I, and you, and everyone else deals in hard money not percent of the GDP. So what I did was take the percentage of the GDP that was provided in the chart. Found the GDP for the years provided on your chart. Then I multiplied the two numbers and divided by 100 (because your numbers were in percent) That is the number for dollar amounts. I couldn't find the numbers for 2011 and obviously not for 2012 so 2010 had to do. Then when the comment was made about inflation I took the 2010 dollar amount, fed it in the inflation calculator which I also provided. So if the number that was adjusted for inflation is bigger then the amount for that year then indeed the tax increase due to obamacare is bigger. Which it is in all the years I did. I seriously doubt there could be anything more straight forward.

So it would appear that no matter how it is sliced this is the largest increase since at least 1951. But as I say I am not economist but I do know how to use excel.

Your entire argument is invalid because you choose to use whole dollar amount as the basis. That's not how economists evaluate it, and that's not how I do either. But thanks for trying to speak for me. You're trying to "own" me with your orange to my apple, bud.

Nice try.

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