Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

People get healthcare.. got to your local ER.... take a look around... the same people that don't have health insuance now will continue to not have insurance and clog up the ER. Dumbfuck.


And who pays for that ER visit, smart guy?

How will the new penelty/tax relieve the burden of the paying for the uninsured using the ER as their primary care? Will they send some of that new revenue down to the hospitals or is that just the carrot on a stick?

I can't even get a straight answer as to how my Family of 4, that can not afford Insurance right now, is all of the sudden going to be able to afford it because of a 4,000 dollar tax Credit when they want 12,000 dollars a year to cover my family.
And who pays for that ER visit, smart guy?

How will the new penelty/tax relieve the burden of the paying for the uninsured using the ER as their primary care? Will they send some of that new revenue down to the hospitals or is that just the carrot on a stick?

I can't even get a straight answer as to how my Family of 4, that can not afford Insurance right now, is all of the sudden going to be able to afford it because of a 4,000 dollar tax Credit when they want 12,000 dollars a year to cover my family.

Say hello to beans, rice, and foodstamps.
It's a penalty assessed on people too cheap or too stupid (or both) who don't buy health insurance because they belief they can get it free from any emergency room. Stupid because they will get a bill and will suffer a civil penalty once they fail to pay and the matter is presented to the court.

Nice verbal masterbation there. Truly an act only LOLberals can muster. It is a penalty that is a tax that is a penalty that taxes those who dont comply with the mandate!

Here's the thing that none of you fucktards are going to admit: It doesn't matter WHAT it's called. Clearly, since you're willing to jettison your own idea that you CHAMPIONED for the last 20 years (the individual mandate) simply because the black guy did it (aww, don't like that? Too fucking bad), your moral high ground is FOREVER forfeit.

Anyone with half a brain cell left can see that basically what the Right is going to try and do is repeal Obamacare, and then put it back onto the books under a Republican's name. Everything they talk about keeping IS ALREADY IN THE FUCKING BILL.

So we get it, Right Wingnuts. You're going to be against this whether it's a tax, a penalty or a chocolate chip cookie. So who fucking cares what you like or don't like about it. Those of us who don't view our health and well-being as a products or commodities get why this bill is important. The Oldy McSwingyballs contingent will just have to suck it.

Trotting out the negro defense I see. You lose loser.
And who pays for that ER visit, smart guy?

How will the new penelty/tax relieve the burden of the paying for the uninsured using the ER as their primary care? Will they send some of that new revenue down to the hospitals or is that just the carrot on a stick?

I can't even get a straight answer as to how my Family of 4, that can not afford Insurance right now, is all of the sudden going to be able to afford it because of a 4,000 dollar tax Credit when they want 12,000 dollars a year to cover my family.

And I can't get a straight answer as to how people who can't even afford insurance themselves somehow think that their taxes are going to go up.
Oh wait, you won't be eligible for foodstamps, because foodstamp income determination doesn't allow for insurance deductions unless you're disabled or elderly.

So say hello to beans and rice and a slimmer, trimmer you. Who will probably use candles to light the house at night, and be a lot less warm in the winter.

Ahhhh..progress, the way the progressives like it. Back to the stone age. We were living too high on the hog, time to be taken down a notch or ten.
Oh wait, you won't be eligible for foodstamps, because foodstamp income determination doesn't allow for insurance deductions unless you're disabled or elderly.

So say hello to beans and rice and a slimmer, trimmer you. Who will probably use candles to light the house at night, and be a lot less warm in the winter.

Don't worry about Charles. He's only poor and can't afford insurance because he's lazy and doesn't take personal responsibility. My conservative buddies told me so.
I think $104 billion is, IN FACT, the largest tax increase in history. I can't find a list, but I think I'd be willing to bet on it...

Oh, so you're going to not do what every economist does and account for inflation? You don't just look at the dollar figure, Jackball. You have to look at it in relation to the % of GDP. Dumb-da-dumb-dumb.

I'll look at it any way I damned well please, and hope you don't like it! You fucking libtard morons look at this through the prism of OPM all the fucking time!

HA HA HA HA! So you admit that no matter what, you're going to view things as you CHOOSE to view them, rather than what the FACTS spell out.

Thanks for making me win in such a brilliant, EPIC fashion.
All that matters is Obama gets voted out over this..Then we can call it a victory for the people and start working on dismantling this monster Government reach over us

Now now, be honest it doesn't matter if he gets voted out over this, just as long as he get voted out over anything right?

I do find it funny that the mandate came from the Heritage Foundation.

No, He needs to go because of Failed leadership and bad Policy.

I know a Liberal Like yourself can not Fathom someone not Liking Obama's Policies but were out here.

It's been the claim for 3 and half years "The Boy who Cried Wolf".

I know I don't like several of his policies. It's my opinion that McCains' policies would have have been worse for the country and it's my opinion that Romneys' would also be worse.
Oh wait, you won't be eligible for foodstamps, because foodstamp income determination doesn't allow for insurance deductions unless you're disabled or elderly.

So say hello to beans and rice and a slimmer, trimmer you. Who will probably use candles to light the house at night, and be a lot less warm in the winter.

Don't worry about Charles. He's only poor and can't afford insurance because he's lazy and doesn't take personal responsibility. My conservative buddies told me so.

People who are poor CAN'T afford insurance.

Because they don't have enough money to pay for it. That's how it works. If there isn't enough money, you don't buy all the things you want. Insurance isn't a fucking right.
Oh wait, you won't be eligible for foodstamps, because foodstamp income determination doesn't allow for insurance deductions unless you're disabled or elderly.

So say hello to beans and rice and a slimmer, trimmer you. Who will probably use candles to light the house at night, and be a lot less warm in the winter.

Don't worry about Charles. He's only poor and can't afford insurance because he's lazy and doesn't take personal responsibility. My conservative buddies told me so.

People who are poor CAN'T afford insurance.

Because they don't have enough money to pay for it. That's how it works. If there isn't enough money, you don't buy all the things you want. Insurance isn't a fucking right.

Health is not a luxury item.

<conservative talking point>Charles, when you get sick, tough shit. Just suck it up and remember you could have seen a competent doctor if you weren't so lazy and could afford health insuance. </conservative talking point>
Health is not guaranteed to anybody, especially at your command and at everyone else's expense.
Health is not guaranteed to anybody, especially at your command and at everyone else's expense.

Sure it is. Sorry you don't like living in a 1st world nation. I'm sure there are plenty of other undeveloped countries that you'd be much happier in, "living in freedom".

So that you all know it's just as much a the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

Link that, skippy.

And what are the dollar amounts?

Dollar amounts don't mean shit, or did you miss the part about how you have to account for inflation. it's sort of just how you end up comparing apples to apples. But why trifle with shit like that, right? You need to make your point, so data integrity be damned!

Still looking for the link for the specific chart, but this should keep your dumbassery at bay awhile. (You read those letters left to right, btw)

PolitiFact: Health care law is not the largest tax increase ever - Tampa Bay Times
Health is not guaranteed to anybody, especially at your command and at everyone else's expense.

Sure it is. Sorry you don't like living in a 1st world nation. I'm sure there are plenty of other undeveloped countries that you'd be much happier in, "living in freedom".

No. It isn't. First world or third world.

It is not guaranteed just because you say so nor because you think it should be.

I understand that for you and your petty ilk, reality sucks.

Oh well. Learn to cope.

So that you all know it's just as much a the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

That's the most massive tax in the history of taxes that were sold as non-taxes.
Health is not guaranteed to anybody, especially at your command and at everyone else's expense.

Sure it is. Sorry you don't like living in a 1st world nation. I'm sure there are plenty of other undeveloped countries that you'd be much happier in, "living in freedom".

No. It isn't. First world or third world.

It is not guaranteed just because you say so nor because you think it should be.

I understand that for you and your petty ilk, reality sucks.

Oh well. Learn to cope.

Sure it is. I don't have to say so. It's part of what makes our country what it is. Sorry you don't like that comrade.

So that you all know it's just as much a the tax increase under George H.W. Bush, and by far NOT the largest tax increase in American History, what new (totally bullshit) excuse will you use for freaking the fuck out about the ACA?

weren't the dems in control of congress and or the white house during all if not most of those years?

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