MO says FU!!!


Jun 11, 2010
Prop C passes overwhelmingly

Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a federal mandate to purchase health insurance, rebuking President Barack Obama's administration and giving Republicans their first political victory in a national campaign to overturn the controversial health care law passed by Congress in March... ...With most of the vote counted, Proposition C was winning by a ratio of nearly 3 to 1.

The spin doctors are going to have their work cut out for them about this.
Next will come the lefties crying "people in MO are STUPID! They don't know what's good for them".

Remember Bill Maher last year:

"You know, they're talking about 60 votes they need," Maher said. "Forget this stuff. You can't get Americans to agree on anything. Sixty-percent? Sixty-percent of people don't believe in evolution in this country. He just needs to drag them to it. Like I just said, they're stupid. Just drag them to this."

Read more: HBO's Maher: Americans Too 'Stupid' So President Should Force ObamaCare into Law |
was that a klan rally or a general election?


I love America.

No matter how corrupt our leaders - most people are Good. Go MO!

I am not a Democrat, nor am i a liar or racist.. I live in Canada and belong to the Liberal Party of Canada.

Overwhelming passage by the voters...

Seems like Barrycare isn't as popular as the looney left tries to tell you it is...
murkins. Voting against their own best interests since 1940.:cuckoo:
Spoken like a true elitist dipshit.

What if we decide putting you in a gulag with all the cool liberal people is in our best interest. we'll put it someplace nice in the Alutians. Still for it? It's for the public good!

that's the shit that hits da fan when the DemonRats ram shit through that they know nobody wants. Asswipes from start to finish.
"Stupid American public won't let me have what I want!!!!"

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