Moderate Dems? very few left

What was the political makeup of the the state congress that sent the "Romneycare" bill to Romney's desk?

Go ahead. You can tell us. We already know.

You're running from the issue, by not explaining why Republicans failed to call the same poliicies "socialist" when Republicans proposed them.

Oh, calling McCain liberal? That's just sad. McCain was the great conservative hope in 2008. He hasn't changed a bit. His party, of course, has gone insane.

Bush and Medicare expansion is another fine example. Or pretty much Bush and anything. Oops, guess that means Bush, previously classified as God's handpicked conservative savior, has also now been reclassified as "liberal". Which again confirms the point of how far right the Republicans have veered.

But enough about us. Please give us some specific examples of the wacko liberal behavior embraced by most Democrats.
Moderate Dems? very few left

Democrats are overwhelmingly moderate, with regard to both voters and candidates.

Between 1988 and 1992 democrats successfully put the extreme left in the back seat and kept them there – one of the many reasons why democrats have won four of the six presidential elections starting in 1992.
The far left hijacked the DNC openly back in the late 70's and Obamacare was one of the bills to seek out the rest of the moderates in the party. The Blue dogs are such a small minority that they are just a voice in the chorus.
Bill Clinton did a decent job of playing a moderate D until he left office so, I think you are missing all of the cammo used by the Ds.
Peterson to decide on reelection by March | TheHill

Peterson of MN being one of them may step down. The loons of the left are getting more in control of the dems

Not really. Republicans have moved so far to the right in recent years that everybody else looks like a commie to them.
In what way have they moved to the right? To the right of what?

Care to list some specifics?

Well, for starters, Republicans used to only be against abortion. Now they're more pissed off about birth control than anything else, which is a debate everybody thought had been settled 40-some years ago.

On Gitmo, Republicans continue to push for hundreds of millions of dollars to expand it. This bunch pretends to care about fiscal matters, but they're just as hawkish if not more so than they don't even care that it would send our deficits higher instead of the lower trend we've seen in the last 4 years.

When Obama in the SOTU said he would not be pressured into a stupid forever war in Iran, Republicans sat there with their thumbs up their asses instead of clapping. They're itching for more war.

How many Jobs Bills have House Republicans passed since taking control of the House in January 2011? Zero.

How many anti-abortion bills have House Republicans passed in that time? They've passed more abortion bills in the last 3 years than they did in the previous 15 years.

Republicans used to believe in the Constitution, where it explicitly says that it is our duty to pay our bills and not forfeit on them. "The debt shall not be questioned", it says. But Republicans have pushed us to the brink of one manufactured economic crisis after another with their debt ceiling shenanigans, risking pain for all of us if they think that pain would make us blame Obama for it instead of them.

Republicans are terrific at blaming you for something they did. Currently, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are the Liberal Progressive wing of the Democratic party. The rest of them are big business modern Democrats that pushed for private healthcare solutions instead of a public option or single-payer when it came to reforming healthcare. That's because Democrats are also in the pockets to very rich benefactors who give them a lot of private money. Anyone who ignores this is a moron.

Democrats today have moved further to the right than the Democrats of yesteryear, who were defined as Labor Democrats, essentially. Those days are gone. Democrats today are the Moderate Republicans of 30 and 40 years ago. You can see it in their voting records.

Meanwhile, the Republican party has lurched either further to the right or right off the cliff into stupid territory. Just look at that moron representative who very nearly physically assaulted a news guy after the SOTU last night saying he would "break you in half, like a boy", whatever the fuck that means.

Reagan Democrats are now Obama Republicans. Like the Eisenhower family, who endorsed Obama twice. Who would have thought a highly popular and decorated Republican military President from just 55 years ago would have his family leave the Republican party. That says something about how the Republican party today is not worthy of Eisenhower, who was definitely among the top 2 or 3 Presidents of the 20th century.

America is a center-left today no matter how you cut it. No one will ever get rid of Medicare or Social Security, because it's the will of the people, including Republican voters. Gay marriage will never just go away or be outlawed. A woman's right to choose will forever be enshrined in American law, no matter how badly Republicans today want to re-open that settled debate.

But the left-wing itself is firmly in the center-left today, and nowhere near as left-wing as they used to be.
There were no conservatives to be found when the Teaparty shutdown government. The Teaparty held ALL the power, they threatened with primary challenges anyone who stood up against them.

It's the conservatives who are down for the count.
The current president is a moderate Dem. Bernie Sanders is far left (although not Dem).
The left likes to talk about TEA party wackos but what is the GOP equivalent of Gov. Moonbeam in CA

The guy who balanced the budget in California?

Yes, I know how much that upsets conservatives. Makes it obvious that the Republicans in California were the problem.

Sen. Markie in MA, or former speaker Pilosi?

Tell us what policies of theirs are "wacko". Be very specific. I have a feeling what you call "wacko" will be what the majority of the USA supports.

that budget aint that balanced.....they were just saying on the news that they have to come up with something like 100 billion to pay out all the unfunded pension and medical liabilities owed to state employees....and one guy they were talking too said things would actually be better if they adhere to Brows cuts BUT he said Sacramento is already talking about spending any surpluses on their little projects thay had to hold back on, instead of putting it away like Brown wants to Arnold said ....."California does not have a revenue has a spending problem" sure by now Brown agrees with him....
Moderate Dems? very few left

Democrats are overwhelmingly moderate, with regard to both voters and candidates.

Between 1988 and 1992 democrats successfully put the extreme left in the back seat and kept them there – one of the many reasons why democrats have won four of the six presidential elections starting in 1992.

to bad you aint one of them....
Peterson to decide on reelection by March | TheHill

Peterson of MN being one of them may step down. The loons of the left are getting more in control of the dems

What are you, kidding?

They are mostly right of centers in the Dem party.

name some in this forum....because you sure as hell aint one....Dean claimed once he was ..."just left of center".....and got laughed out of the thread.......any right of center Democrat would be a fairly Conservative one or can be considered a fairly Liberal Republican.....i dont see to many around here,a handful at most....
90 per cent of the GOP on here are so brainwashed far RW racists they have no clue whatsoever...The world says Dems are center right- The alleged GOP HEALTH PLAN IS NOT COMMUNISM, SHYTTEHEADS LOL...

"( Noam Chomsky) told Radio VR during an interview posted online last week that he agreed with the conservative political analyst Norman Ornsteins' characterization of the Tea Party.

“He described them as a radical insurgency opposed to rationality, to political compromise, to participation in a parliamentary system — in fact, with no positive goals themselves."

Noam Chomsky: The Tea Party is the ?petit bourgeois? face of corporate oligarchs | The Raw Story

90 per cent of the GOP on here are so brainwashed far RW racists they have no clue whatsoever...The world says Dems are center right- The alleged GOP HEALTH PLAN IS NOT COMMUNISM, SHYTTEHEADS LOL...

"( Noam Chomsky) told Radio VR during an interview posted online last week that he agreed with the conservative political analyst Norman Ornsteins' characterization of the Tea Party.

“He described them as a radical insurgency opposed to rationality, to political compromise, to participation in a parliamentary system — in fact, with no positive goals themselves."

Noam Chomsky: The Tea Party is the ?petit bourgeois? face of corporate oligarchs | The Raw Story


its a good thing i like you Frankie.....otherwise i would have to use foul language on you....

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