Moderation of private messages


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
I recently received what I felt to be a somewhat abusive private message. Superimposed on it was "MODERATED". Does this mean that something in it might have been edited out? If so, thank you. It was sufficiently offensive as it appeared.

Curious, though, of the meaning and how it came to be moderated.

Also, I haven't been able to find a way to refer offensive messages to moderators. Is there such a thing?
I recently received what I felt to be a somewhat abusive private message. Superimposed on it was "MODERATED". Does this mean that something in it might have been edited out? If so, thank you. It was sufficiently offensive as it appeared.

Curious, though, of the meaning and how it came to be moderated.

Also, I haven't been able to find a way to refer offensive messages to moderators. Is there such a thing?

That means that *YOU* have opened or at least looked at the PM. Not any moderators.

Hope that clears things up for you. :eusa_angel:
That means that *YOU* have opened or at least looked at the PM. Not any moderators.

Hope that clears things up for you. :eusa_angel:

Thank you for the reply but it adds to the confusion. I have several incoming PMs, all of which I have read and some to which I have replied but only the one has "MODERATED" superimposed on it when I revisit them.

Ah well, I'll watch and see what happens over a longer time.

Again, thank you for the effort!
That means that *YOU* have opened or at least looked at the PM. Not any moderators.

Hope that clears things up for you. :eusa_angel:

Thank you for the reply but it adds to the confusion. I have several incoming PMs, all of which I have read and some to which I have replied but only the one has "MODERATED" superimposed on it when I revisit them.

Ah well, I'll watch and see what happens over a longer time.

Again, thank you for the effort!

It shows that way, because you clicked on your private messages button. That is what I meant by even if you just look at them without reading any specific one. It is just how the PM system rolls here.

And you're welcome
In your Inbox, in the list of Personal Messages, checking off each corresponding check box will turn that PM's status to 'Moderated'. I do not know why that is, or how that info is used/useful.
So I take it the OP doesn't seem to care for fucking bad language ~LoL~
I assure you, the piece of shit PM wasn't from me, but if it's offensive you don't like, then I suggest you stay the hell away from anything that comes thru with my fucking name on it *haha*

P.S. I'm just kidding.
P.S.S. No, I'm really not.
P.S.S.S. I am really not fucking kidding.
threats aren't tolerated here. if you feel you've been threatened you should report the PM as you would report a post.
Thank you....

I just figured out the "report" icon. I am more familiar with a different board format and hadn't recognized the one used here. Now I'll go look at the PMs to be sure I find it there, too.
The "MODERATED" only appears in the US v2 skin.....that's one of the reasons I prefer the US v1 skin, along with no flashing PM notification.
K then...I'll cuss at ya, but I won't threaten ya :)

Though I prefer not to indulge in profanity myself I have no issue with those who are comfortable with it. Similarly, I have no issue with smokers, recreational drug users or various life-style orientations. I know, odd for a conservative but I figure conservatism means one ought not to mess with other people who are doing no harm to others.
Who takes threats here seriously. It's a freaking messageboard... know how it works!
The person on the other side of that monitor, that you're fussing with, is getting plenty pissed too, and probably gonna pull out his cyber pistol and shoot at you!! :Boom2:
Who takes threats here seriously. It's a freaking messageboard...

Threats suggest an underlying psychiatric issue which, ignored, may blossom in unfortunate ways. True that they are not easily carried out on messageboards and the frustration of that may cause the threatening individual to act out his/her fantasies on totally unconnected persons.

These are the sort of people who run for office or seek certain employment for the power they perceive as coming with authority. It's seen a lot among private security people and appears to be proliferating amongst TSA applicants.
I recently received what I felt to be a somewhat abusive private message. Superimposed on it was "MODERATED". Does this mean that something in it might have been edited out? If so, thank you. It was sufficiently offensive as it appeared.

Curious, though, of the meaning and how it came to be moderated.

Also, I haven't been able to find a way to refer offensive messages to moderators. Is there such a thing?
Why not just delete the message and put the sender on your Ignore list?
Who takes threats here seriously. It's a freaking messageboard...

If you recieve a threat VIA email or PM you have the police trace it and have the person that wrote you the threat arrested. Police take that shit seriously. (as do I) There is also a stalking law for people that follow you around the internet. Henry if I was you, I would call your local PD about it if you think its that serious. I know I would.
Actually, I've had my real identity discovered on a message board. And then the threats have more meaning.
Who takes threats here seriously. It's a freaking messageboard...

If you recieve a threat VIA email or PM you have the police trace it and have the person that wrote you the threat arrested. Police take that shit seriously. (as do I) There is also a stalking law for people that follow you around the internet. Henry if I was you, I would call your local PD about it if you think its that serious. I know I would.

You have to make sure it's a real threat, though. I had a guy follow me half-way home and yell at me not to walk my dogs down a certain street again, OR ELSE. This was after I had to pepper spray his pit bull that rushed my leashed dogs. (It was just a tiny squirt, no real damage done!)

Anyway, I called the police and they said that is not considered a threat. A threat would have to be specific, such as, "if you walk your dogs down this street again I will shoot you dead."

According to the police here, the threat must state WHO will do WHAT to WHOM.
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