Zone1 moderators seem biased here. :( because of that, i'm considering abandoning usmb

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A bunch of taliban like idiots that hate the poor, hate investing in their own fucking country and dream of living in the fucking dark ages. Don't ever expect rationality from them. Just take part in this forum from that view point. The view point that there's no other point then to get a laugh out of their fake and nasty outrage.
you might have just rekindled my warrior spirit there, Jessica :D
it's posts like these too, that make me feel as if i've been right all along.
all i need to do is come to terms with the fact that outside of the clean debate zone subforum, swearing is allowed.
well i was raised like a coal miner, so you Republican fanboys had better mind your tongues from now on!

oh wait, sorry, did i just burst your bubble, did Jessica help me do that? well sure.
that's what wise strong people like us are supposed to do with stupid cannonfodder like yourselves! :D
it's posts like these too, that make me feel as if i've been right all along.
all i need to do is come to terms with the fact that outside of the clean debate zone subforum, swearing is allowed.
well i was raised like a coal miner, so you Republican fanboys had better mind your tongues from now on!

oh wait, sorry, did i just burst your bubble, did Jessica help me do that? well sure.
that's what wise strong people like us are supposed to do with stupid cannonfodder like yourselves! :D

Are you still here, Drama Llama?
So I guess you just needed some attention, feel better now? BTW the mods appear to be a mix of Left, Right and Middle to me.
not attention. remotivation. and then i thought of that line that goes with the CDZ; no flaming/personal attacks allowed here.
so this forum is a petri-dish by design.
i can live with that after all :D
it's posts like these too, that make me feel as if i've been right all along.
all i need to do is come to terms with the fact that outside of the clean debate zone subforum, swearing is allowed.
well i was raised like a coal miner, so you Republican fanboys had better mind your tongues from now on!

oh wait, sorry, did i just burst your bubble, did Jessica help me do that? well sure.
that's what wise strong people like us are supposed to do with stupid cannonfodder like yourselves! :D

well, i suspect the moderators to support the majority of their audience, which is redneck fuckups like you, so i'll probably be leaving alright.
and when you've become irrelevant due to the departure of people like me (i've been doing a lot of the leg work for people who think like me here), you'll be the ones crying like little babies.
me, i don't cry over this. this is just a time-spending business decision to me.


Try it.
. The sad truth this has been the truth for the past 15 years at the very least and I remember back during those times getting attacked in the same vain.
The sock puppet speaks! :rofl:

Let me guess.....SkyDancer.....You're easily as neurotic and in need of serious couch time as that nutbar.
whenever i seem to win an argument in favor of liberalism and equality (internationally or domestically), it's not long before Republican hyenas gang up on me and start insulting me to the core.
when i report such incidents, i get shut out of the discussion (often my own thread).

if this doesn't change, then i'll leave my account unused from then on.
and with that, i predict to eventually sink into a petri-dish of Republican verbal diahrea.
so consider your options wisely, moderators.
this is about your last chance.
Burn any good books lately?
And you've proved what we all knew to begin with--democrats are liars--you're still here.
i'm no liar. i merely do a lot of mind-changing sometimes.
but with help, i can stick to my chosen course as well.
and i got that help today.
or you would've taken me down.

but as things stand, you're only proving with your statements what the rest of the world knows thoroughly -rednecks are dumbasses-.
so i'll just stick around to teach you valuable life lessons. :p
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