Moderators: Something's "broken"... posts are not posting

I think this is the forums way of driving up web traffic for their sponsors. Everyone posting the same thing two or three times per attempt has got to increase google ad statistics!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! For the love of Christ, there is not a "conspiracy" behind everything.

I would hit the 'dumb/stfu' button on that reply if I could.

This is NOT intentional on the part of anyone. This is a nightmare for mods and members alike.
Wow, another that doesn't get sarcasm.
Well, were you to include some sort of indicator in your post so that readers can tell you aren't serious, we'd know you were being sarcastic. You as well as I have seen the outlandish stuff members here post with complete seriousness. How is one to know you aren't being serious if you don't type some sort of indicator -- an emoji, an inflection, "just kidding (JK)," something...?

Apparently doing so crossed saveliberty's mind:
We should probably exercise our Constitutional right to post here and get someone thrown in prison...:rolleyes:
I don't see folks taking his remark seriously rather than as sarcasm.
I thought it was patently obvious that he was joking, myself.

You use the word "we" in such a way that you must assume everybody here has some sort of aspergers or something that renders them incapable of understanding humor.
If only people would read something already posted instead of thinking they're the first to notice something......
I think this is the forums way of driving up web traffic for their sponsors. Everyone posting the same thing two or three times per attempt has got to increase google ad statistics!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! For the love of Christ, there is not a "conspiracy" behind everything.

I would hit the 'dumb/stfu' button on that reply if I could.

This is NOT intentional on the part of anyone. This is a nightmare for mods and members alike.
Wow, another that doesn't get sarcasm.
Well, were you to include some sort of indicator in your post so that readers can tell you aren't serious, we'd know you were being sarcastic. You as well as I have seen the outlandish stuff members here post with complete seriousness. How is one to know you aren't being serious if you don't type some sort of indicator -- an emoji, an inflection, "just kidding (JK)," something...?

Apparently doing so crossed saveliberty's mind:
We should probably exercise our Constitutional right to post here and get someone thrown in prison...:rolleyes:
I don't see folks taking his remark seriously rather than as sarcasm.
I thought it was patently obvious that he was joking, myself.

You use the word "we" in such a way that you must assume everybody here has some sort of aspergers or something that renders them incapable of understanding humor.

Using me as an example comes with a complete set of pitfalls.
Apologies. I posted a similar thread about how slow usmb is running today. I usually do a search before starting a new thread but I was a bit aggravated by the site's behavior. I just found out the Mods merged my thread into this one.
Never fear, the staff is hard at work!

Well, it appears they don't have the image upload feature fixed. ha!

It works just fine when the proper tool is used:


  • upload_2017-10-15_20-31-35.png
    7.9 KB · Views: 51
Last edited by a moderator:
Search will be busted for about 2 hours while the search index rebuilds but posting should work fine.
I think what you tried to fix is fixed, but there's a new problem. The site is unusually slow. (For me, no other sites are behaving/responding slowly and I tested my download and upload speeds...I'm cranking along at 936/860Mbps, so I don't think the slowness is on my end.)

FWIW, the slowness seems to be in going to a post about which I've received an alert.​

Give it a couple of hours to be back to normal. The server is re-caching approx. 18 million posts.

Not that it's a big deal, but more "couple hours" than the five it's been since the Admin stated the earlier problem was corrected? I don't care how long it takes; I only care about the accuracy of one's representations about how long it does take. Tell me "up to 72 hours" or "up to 15 minutes" or whatever, and so long as it's done by or before whatever time one states, I'm fine with it. "I don't know how long it'll take" is also an absolutely acceptable statement, assuming it's true for the person saying it.

Again, I'm just sharing what I'm experiencing and observing so appropriate action can be taken if need be. I'd written one of my "essays" and I'm not going to try posting it until I know working "right" again. I'm about to walk out the door for the evening, so I don't have a personal interest in whether it takes all night. I would have started a thread with my essay, but it can wait.

They're waiting on all the checks to clear from this month's server donation fund.:biggrin: I have no doubt we need server upgrades. It's painful when moving day comes and all that stuff has to be packed up and moved.

No worries. We'll get that done by Pony Express. Expect delivery maybe by the end of the year...


Yay team ! The forum is loading fast again.

Now we can get back to insulting one-another at the speed we're accustomed to.
I think this is the forums way of driving up web traffic for their sponsors. Everyone posting the same thing two or three times per attempt has got to increase google ad statistics!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! For the love of Christ, there is not a "conspiracy" behind everything.

I would hit the 'dumb/stfu' button on that reply if I could.

This is NOT intentional on the part of anyone. This is a nightmare for mods and members alike.
Wow, another that doesn't get sarcasm.
Well, were you to include some sort of indicator in your post so that readers can tell you aren't serious, we'd know you were being sarcastic. You as well as I have seen the outlandish stuff members here post with complete seriousness. How is one to know you aren't being serious if you don't type some sort of indicator -- an emoji, an inflection, "just kidding (JK)," something...?

Apparently doing so crossed saveliberty's mind:
We should probably exercise our Constitutional right to post here and get someone thrown in prison...:rolleyes:
I don't see folks taking his remark seriously rather than as sarcasm.
I thought it was patently obvious that he was joking, myself.

You use the word "we" in such a way that you must assume everybody here has some sort of aspergers or something that renders them incapable of understanding humor.
I use the word "we" in the standard sense: myself and at least one other person besides myself, not "everybody." I'd written "everybody" had I meant everybody.
I use the word "we" in the standard sense: myself and at least one other person besides myself, not "everybody." I'd written "everybody" had I meant everybody.

Ah, so you feel entitled to speak for others even though no other posters have expressed the same confusion. Nobody that I see has joined you in this mythical "we", so who are they?

Are you trying to claim 320yearsofhistory as that other poster, here?
I haven't been logged on in a few days, but today I have noticed that the little arrow button in nested quotes (to read the prior post) is not working. I press on the little arrow to go back to a post, and it does nothing.
Things seem to have improved over the last half an hour or so. Only every so often do I have a difficult time loading a page now. Before that, I was having to use my patience!

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