Mofa Confirms Afghans Fighting With Islamic State Militants


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Now it looks like some Afghanis are fighting with ISIS.

MoFA confirms Afghans fighting with Islamic State militants
By KHAAMA PRESS - Wed Sep 10 2014, 8:34 am

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan (MoFA) has confirmed that a number of Afghan nationals are fighting with the Islamic State militants in Iraq.

Deputy spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sirajuddin Siraj has said the reports can be rejected that a number of Afghans have joined Islamic State militants.

However, Siraj said the Afghan nationals are independently joining the Islamic State based on their personal beliefs.

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MoFA confirms Afghans fighting with Islamic State militants - Khaama Press KP Afghan News Agency?
One smells as bad as the other,,,but ISIS is getting the recognition because they get results!
They chop off some heads and the media goes bananas. Are they flying around in their captured jets yet ?
They chop off some heads and the media goes bananas. Are they flying around in their captured jets yet ?

"Some heads!!!" Seems to me they have beheaded an awful lot of people by now. Is that what you are waiting for -- for them to get jets? They seems to have killed many people without the jets so far.
anyone surprised is stupid and knows nothing about the creed of the filthy rapist pig of arabia
everyone over there is a "filthy rapist pig of Arabia". Why is anyone including the US arming or training ANY of them ? Why are we involved at all ? Obama finished yanking us outta there so why is he wanting to do this again ?
everyone over there is a "filthy rapist pig of Arabia". Why is anyone including the US arming or training ANY of them ? Why are we involved at all ? Obama finished yanking us outta there so why is he wanting to do this again ?

It's something like wild life control-------sometimes you have to increase the chances that the natural predators have against the EVEN MORE DANGEROUS ANIMALS
really ? and who are the natural predators de jour ?

the Shiites hate the sunnis and the sunnis hate the Shiites and the Saudis (who are sunnis) hate the caliphate----which is
a kind of macys vs gimbels thing. Hezbollah is a kind of Shiite thing which is also a problem for the Saudis ----the kurds are generally sunnis in the hills----but the people down below
the hills who are generally sunnis----do not like them .....

LA LA LA LA ~~~~~ LA LA!!!! and ~~~~

Which is why the United States shouldn't waste a dime or a drop of blood. What happened to the liberal doves ?
Which is why the United States shouldn't waste a dime or a drop of blood. What happened to the liberal doves ?

have some compassion for our president-----Obama cannot
do NOTHING he just can't.
the USA has to handle the thing----it is like a kind of
TORNADO-----we don't know what it will do ---
how much it will destroy,----who it will kill----
it will not remain in Iraq

Long long ago ---when I was young (and beautiful)---I read
the writings of propagandaists and persons with
OPINIONS----expressed in the 1930s (when I was but
a twinkle in my father's eye----or a potential twinkle---
old beat-up pamphlets)

lots of the opinions related to your man ADOLF----
"leave him alone" "he knows what he is doing
OVER THERE" "none of our business"
Israel is next door and they aren't lifting a finger-----same with countries all over the world. Comparing ISIS to the Nazi war machine is absurd.
Israel is next door and they aren't lifting a finger-----same with countries all over the world. Comparing ISIS to the Nazi war machine is absurd.

I did not COMPARE isis with the Nazi war machine-----they are not the same-. The Nazi war machine SPUN out of control----
KNOWABLE ---------ISIS is simply another "thing" that can just
as easily SPIN OUT OF CONTROL. -------in fact---more
predictably WILL. ------more than a billion muslims
are INCULCATED with the notion of UTOPIAN
CALIPHATE (lots more people than were ever possible as Nazi players)
and killing ISIS will fix it all ? Go ahead and say it-----you're ready to brand Muslims just as Jews were branded.
and killing ISIS will fix it all ? Go ahead and say it-----you're ready to brand Muslims just as Jews were branded.

silly response-----it would be like saying----in 1936---
the issue is--------killing Nazism and killing CALIPHATISM.

The Inquisition ended without murdering all the catholics of
the world. Nazism was----deflated to almost nothing---
without murdering all of "HITLER's YOUTH" ---in fact
segregation in the USA was killed off without murdering

jews have nothing to do with the issue----nor do Zoroastrians,
or Hindus, or BUDDHISTS <<< none of those are

try to focus----the issue is TOTALITARIAN UTOPIANIST
sweet---Everyone go kill a Caliphatist and our problems are over.

control yourself------did anyone suggest that anyone who was
a member of "HITLER's YOUTH" had to be killed? or the
WHOLE NAZI ARMY had to go? Did the inquisition end

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