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Moishi Starts First Grade

More camel crap. The conflict will continue as long as those hapless "Palestinians" elect gov'ts that reject peaceful coexistence:
"Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions ... are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement...
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad."

the problem with this assessment Sprayit is that Israel is completely responsible for the election of Hamas----an intentional exercise to provide an invaluable propaganda tool for avoiding settlement, or even negotiation

Uh-huh. I hear the hurricane that just slammed Louisiana was also produced by those "scurrlious Jews." They are truly an amazing people!

The responses from Jews invariably amount to denial...accusations of antisemitism...historical or situational lies, or simply mocking the idea that Jews wield disproportionate power and influence...in this instance Sprayit goes for the last routine...this whiny, scurvy little propaganda parrot whistles on demand for his Zionist duties and obligations, all the while advertising his stupidity and general lack of imagination...Sayit, you make HouseFly look educated.....owwwwwwww!!!!
Let's see, yes that's why our government keeps offering to talk about peace. Wonder why they don't want to talk to us? They're the ones firing at the Jewish civilians. They are the ones who teach their preschool children carry machine guns and make up poems about marytrdom and murdering Jews. They are the ones who youth camps teach the kids to shoot guns and how to handle a knife. Seriously you need to got some hold on reality here.

Good grief!!!! you mindless imbecile!!! Why do Jews continue to repeat these disposable lies??? Your so-called "reality" is a product of Jewish identity-framing.....the last thing that Israel wants is peace in any way, shape or form....follow the crayon you insipid drone....Israel routinely declares its "fervent desire for peace" throughout the obedient western media---while simultaneously undermining any minor chance for fruitful negotiations or settlement....this is the scam, the Jewish trash have played it for decades...one would think that people would catch on after a while, but Americans are not a bright bulb on the world stage...so long as the Jewish-owned media can regulate the domestic depictions of the conflict, and frame the Jews as victims...nothing will change...the Israeli Jews are monsters...pathological liars...and killers of women and children....
Good grief!!! While the extremist Muslim trash have been murdering innocent people since the invention of Islam, all Schizo can think about is what is happening in only one tiny part of the world and doesn't care anything about what is actually happening to innocent others. I really am surprised that he is still busy calling people names on message boards because he doesn't like what they say since it is the opposite of what he believes. I would have thought he would by now have joined up with his pals. He might have been their star pupil at this academy.

The Shahid Imad Hamad Academy of Military Training, a school named for a terror mastermind in the Gaza Strip and serving the the al-Nasser Salah ad-Din Brigades of the Palestinian Resistance Committees faction graduated its first class of terror operatives this week. The graduates specialized in anti-tank training, but according to senior PRC operative Abu Suhaib, they also received religious indoctrination "so they can confront the Zionist enemy with complete faith in the triumph of God."

the problem with this assessment Sprayit is that Israel is completely responsible for the election of Hamas----an intentional exercise to provide an invaluable propaganda tool for avoiding settlement, or even negotiation

Uh-huh. I hear the hurricane that just slammed Louisiana was also produced by those "scurrlious Jews." They are truly an amazing people!

The responses from Jews invariably amount to denial...accusations of antisemitism...historical or situational lies, or simply mocking the idea that Jews wield disproportionate power and influence...in this instance Sprayit goes for the last routine...this whiny, scurvy little propaganda parrot whistles on demand for his Zionist duties and obligations, all the while advertising his stupidity and general lack of imagination...Sayit, you make HouseFly look educated.....owwwwwwww!!!!
Schizo doesn't have the smarts to realize that the chimps in the zoo appear to be Einsteins compared to him. Meanwhile, the ideal job has opened up for Schizo. We just know how he admires the Jews in Israel and wants to help them every way he can. He is going to sneak out of Bellevue and is going to be the chief taster of the food from the Palestinians so that no Israeli Jews are poisoned.

IDF thwarts Palestinian attempt to sell Israel poisoned food
PA academic criticized for ‘normalization’ with Israel
Posted on:
Wed, 29 Aug 2012 +0200

The IDF Military Police Erez battalion warned recently that it was monitoring attempts by anti-Israel factions in the West Bank to smuggle spoiled meat and egg products into Israel in what they called a possible “sanitary terror attack.” Commander of the Erez battalion, Lt. Col. Yuval Shinkin, said "time and time again we see illegal activity at the crossings, and the Palestinian find new, creative ways to do so." Regarding a recently confiscated shipment of spoiled eggs, he said "these eggs were left with no sanitary inspection and smuggling them could have become a terror attack against the health of Israelis. The routes used for the illegal smuggling create a platform for illegal terror activity as we've seen in the past."
"Today goods are being smuggled and tomorrow explosives and terrorists might be brought into Israel via these same routes. We thus make sure to combat these trends daily," he added.

Meanwhile, attempts to normalize relations between Israel and a possible future Palestinian state took another hit this week when Al-Quds University President Dr. Sari Nusseibeh was harshly criticized for agreeing to cooperate with Israeli universities and academics. The cooperation included Dr. Nusseibeh’s participation in a German-sponsored Israeli-Palestinian academic project aimed at enhancing understanding between different cultures. A letter signed by several prominent Palestinian academics denounced the project and reminded Dr. Nusseibeh that it violated a ban on such “normalization” activities imposed by the Palestinian Council for Higher Education.

The statement added: “While we praise the important role of al-Quds University as a national icon, we call on the university and its president to abide by the position of most Palestinian academics against normalization with the state of apartheid and occupation. Normalization projects are today the strongest weapon employed by Israel in its battle – which has been unsuccessful so far – against anti-Israel boycott campaigns.”

the problem with this assessment Sprayit is that Israel is completely responsible for the election of Hamas----an intentional exercise to provide an invaluable propaganda tool for avoiding settlement, or even negotiation

Uh-huh. I hear the hurricane that just slammed Louisiana was also produced by those "scurrlious Jews." They are truly an amazing people!

quit whining, israel built HAMAS just like england built the IRA in the early 1970s.

Camel poop.
the problem with this assessment Sprayit is that Israel is completely responsible for the election of Hamas----an intentional exercise to provide an invaluable propaganda tool for avoiding settlement, or even negotiation

Uh-huh. I hear the hurricane that just slammed Louisiana was also produced by those "scurrlious Jews." They are truly an amazing people!

The responses from Jews invariably amount to denial.....owwwwwwww!!!!

Invariably the claims made by Skit are pulled directly from his bunghole.
God Bless Sandra Samuel, and this family which daily does an incredible act of Kiddush HaShem. May Moshi overcome all pain and live happy life.

And go on to be yet another soldier Ant in the service of the Zionist state

He is to an orthodox family, they don't send their kids to the army.

Moishi will grow up to be a great Rabbi, like his father was.

thanks for the incredibly relevant post Jos...listening to the rehearsed bullshit of the Jews, one would think that Israel was entirely hate-free, that the hypocritical Yids don't instruct their offspring to hate as virulently as the adults...

How a post discussing Moishi Holtzberg was sent off topic to THIS?
So sad to see such lies and misunderstand spread. Ah yes, human shields, let's see Jews living in Sderot, a NON military city, have 15 seconds from the time the rocket warning alarm sounds to find shelter. The civilian schools and business are targets for the Rockets fired by Hamas. What's the Israeli response? To fire rockets back to the exact location the Gazan rockets were launched from... the schools that the terrorists use as their launching bases. Who is using their children as shields?! The evil Zionist state - ah yes 8,000 square miles of land the Jews claim as their own. How evil to have 8,000 square miles of earth available for Jews! Compare that to the 5,518,529 square miles dedicated to those peace loving Islamics. My my, what a perspective!

Thanks for the clever post, but this is off topic, too.
According to an aide of Netanyahu, the prime minister had a relatively busy Sunday this past weekend, “But he didn’t want to forget this phone call. When it started getting dark, he wanted to place the call before Moishi goes to sleep so he stopped what he was doing and called.”
Just another typical zionist PR stunt by the world class criminal Netanyahu. :cool:

I don't like what Netanyahu does to our people, but this was actually very thoughtfull.
So sad to see such lies and misunderstand spread. Ah yes, human shields, let's see Jews living in Sderot, a NON military city, have 15 seconds from the time the rocket warning alarm sounds to find shelter. The civilian schools and business are targets for the Rockets fired by Hamas. What's the Israeli response? To fire rockets back to the exact location the Gazan rockets were launched from... the schools that the terrorists use as their launching bases. Who is using their children as shields?! The evil Zionist state - ah yes 8,000 square miles of land the Jews claim as their own. How evil to have 8,000 square miles of earth available for Jews! Compare that to the 5,518,529 square miles dedicated to those peace loving Islamics. My my, what a perspective!

oh, chill out. was just using the worn out zionist mantra about human shields, turn about being fair play and all that...a concept invented by your people, by the way.

the friggin' israeli precision bombings, missile strikes, and targetted assassinations are knocking off palestinian children at a rate of 10 palestinian kids/1 israeli kid.

yes indeed. and "one of our greatest successes", or so claimed ariel sharon, was the killing of salah shehadeh ...oh, and three innocent women, eight children (ive of them under five years old, and an old man...and over 100 injured. i don't think you drop a one tonne bomb on an apartment building in a heavily populated urban area in the early morning hours to get one man and then call it a precision bombing.

and who can't help but admire the precise work of captain R. oh wait...he was promoted to major for his handiwork, wasn't he? he managed to empty a full clip at point blank range into the scared, broken, and crying body of iman al-hams after she was wounded in the back while running away from IDF snipers. i am sure every round from his magazine pierced that little girls body. marvelous.

i could go one...

but i do kinda like your concept of property and such...let me get this straight...if you have a $1000.00 in your pocket, i have a right to whip out a gun and threaten you, your family, your loved ones and etc. based upon the idea (perhaps even zionist and/or israeli philosophy) that you have all that you need and i am entitled to a portion of it. don't try to fool me, buddy. i wasn't born in brooklyn.

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