Mom Wants to Celebrate Fathers Day; Cultural Degradation

What if the kid doesn't want to see his mother as man? If the child's feelings can't come first, that person has no business having a kid in the first place, no matter what gender they are or are not.

God bless you and the child always!!!

What if the kid doesn't want to see his mother as man? If the child's feelings can't come first, that person shouldn't have the right to be a parent in the first place, no matter gender they are or are not.

God bless you and the child always!!!


What if the kid doesn't want to see his mother in a pink dress? Should the child get to decide everything?
What if the kid doesn't want to see his mother as man? If the child's feelings can't come first, that person shouldn't have the right to be a parent in the first place, no matter gender they are or are not.

God bless you and the child always!!!


What if the kid doesn't want to see his mother in a pink dress? Should the child get to decide everything?
By liberal logic, yes. You loons think parents should get permission from their baby. To change their diapers.
Look at the bright side ...

There's at least a 25% chance the child won't need serious psychological treatment in the future ...
And it's surely gonna make for some interesting conversation at Thanksgiving with his (my apologies in advance if the child decides to be a woman) in-laws.

What happened to this society? Used to be you would go to a carnival freak show to see something like this. Before liberals get started...there is nothing “beautiful” about this.
Father's Day: Transgender dad wants his son to see him as a man - CNN

Oh now whatever gave you that idea it ain't right LOL.......


Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’


The WHO says being transgender is a mental illness. But that’s about to change.
A man married a woman. They have sex by the traditional method of the male impregnating the female through sexual intercourse.

This is, so far, a normal marriage. Except for a delusion.
What if the kid doesn't want to see his mother as man? If the child's feelings can't come first, that person has no business having a kid in the first place, no matter what gender they are or are not.

God bless you and the child always!!!


I completely disagree with putting a child's feeling at the pinnacle of the parent-child relationship. When I'm out and about in public and then witnessing a brat talking out of line to his/her parent, it gives me notion that from early on the adult betrayed their responsibility of established who was in charge.
^^^ I don't believe that a child should have the final word on everything, but when the parent wants to do certain things that will only set a bad example, that right there is when the child's needs should be first.

What if the kid doesn't want to see his mother as man? If the child's feelings can't come first, that person shouldn't have the right to be a parent in the first place, no matter gender they are or are not.

God bless you and the child always!!!

What if the kid doesn't want to see his mother in a pink dress? Should the child get to decide everything?
No, the child should not get to decide everything, but if the parents' actions are going to be nothing but an embarrassment, their feelings should then be taken into consideration at least.

God bless you two always!!!

No more Fathers Day as it puts too much pressure on nitwits who wake up Sunday and have to decide which sex they are that day
The kid has an actual father somewhere and the kid is being deprived of that very natural and necessary relationship.

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