Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

Cross contamination could happen anywhere. That is why Responsible Parents teach their children to take Responsible Precautions to protect themselves.

Like not go to school? I'm sure that is going to work.

You just said that cross contamination can happen (despite whatever prohibitions the Nanny Staters put in place). Given that risk, isn't it reckless endangerment for the parents to send such children to public school?

The determination is made by the school district.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergies. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

How about if someone with Tuberculosis gets on the plane? Don't you know that all that air is circulated and everyone breathes the same air in? Shouldn't bother anyone here, right? If they object getting a disease it is because they are from the nanny state. Right?


so in order to be able to buy a ticket you have to provide a fluoroscopic record that you do not have an open form of tuberculosis? LOL

and you say you are not a nannystater? you are the worst example :lol:
Like not go to school? I'm sure that is going to work.

You just said that cross contamination can happen (despite whatever prohibitions the Nanny Staters put in place). Given that risk, isn't it reckless endangerment for the parents to send such children to public school?

The determination is made by the school district.

AHAHAHAHA! So children "Belong" to the school district instead of being under the care of their parents.

Your Cognitive Dissonance is quite putrid.
So you try to hit on women with your Consent Forms at the grocery store or gas station instead?

I'm happily married. You must have run out of arguments because you are attacking me and can't handle the issue.

I am quite copacetic with the truth that you are a blithering idiot.

Unfortunately the school doesn't agree with you. Most school principals have a doctorate degree which is probably more education than you have.
Most school principals are educated in educational bureaucracy, and are tools of the state.
You just said that cross contamination can happen (despite whatever prohibitions the Nanny Staters put in place). Given that risk, isn't it reckless endangerment for the parents to send such children to public school?

The determination is made by the school district.

AHAHAHAHA! So children "Belong" to the school district instead of being under the care of their parents.

Your Cognitive Dissonance is quite putrid.

No. You voluntarily turn over your kids to the school for admittance or you take them elsewhere.
Can't teach the kid to say, "No, thank you."?

well, apparently they can't. And they would rather impose their restrictions on you than teach the kid HOS survival skills.

I'd rather raise my kid in a safe environment rather than having him learn to be a survivalist. They'll learn soon enough not to listen to you because people like you won't protect them. It is called being yellow.

then lock him in your house.
but you are a PC gestapo and you would impose your restrictions on other kids rather than teach your kid responsibility for himself.

Typical leftard nannystater.
Most school principals are educated in educational bureaucracy, and are tools of the state.

My wife is a former school teacher. They take early childhood education and curriculum like that.

They are not educated solely in educational bureaucracy.
My son gave up peanut butter because he sat with his best friend at the school lunch table which is an allergy free table.

Eating a cookie after you brushed your teeth and sitting at school all day with sugar on your teeth for hours will lead to cavities especially when this lady does it frequently.

you did not read the link, did you? she does this on Fridays when the kids come home, not go to school :cuckoo:

It is called letting the village usurp parenting which means the village has become the nanny state.

no it is YOU who want to usurp everybody's fun and freedom to accommodate you and YOUR irresponsible parenting.
What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergies. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

How about if someone with Tuberculosis gets on the plane? Don't you know that all that air is circulated and everyone breathes the same air in? Shouldn't bother anyone here, right? If they object getting a disease it is because they are from the nanny state. Right?

You mean something that could easily happen and is not preventable with the current farce passing for security? God and goddess, THINK!

you expect a leftard nannystater to THINK? :eek:
Most school principals are educated in educational bureaucracy, and are tools of the state.

My wife is a former school teacher. They take early childhood education and curriculum like that.

They are not educated solely in educational bureaucracy.

Funny how they aren't educated in actual hard curriculum subjects which would benefit the students.
you did not read the link, did you? she does this on Fridays when the kids come home, not go to school :cuckoo:

It is called letting the village usurp parenting which means the village has become the nanny state.

no it is YOU who want to usurp everybody's fun and freedom to accommodate you and YOUR irresponsible parenting.

Who is "everybody"? You want education through exclusion.
And you want conditioning in complacent compliance with arbitrary authority in place of actual education.
What the cookie mom should have done is got permission from the parents and or the school and she would have had authority.

how do you know she dd not? she has been doing this for 15 years until this asshole complained. You can have all the permissions under the sun, but when one leftard asshole complains - the PC gestapo is going to ruin the fun for everybody. Even if everybody else is perfectly fine with it.

Because you can't give permission without consent forms and someone complained which means she didn't have consent.

bullshit. you do not know what was there and what was not. You do not need consent forms to permit your kids to have a cookie.

Chuck was it YOU who complained? because you clearly have the potential for being that asshole :D

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