Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

15 years with no deaths and no hospitalizations.

How completely unshocking!
It was some right winger who shut it down. They're against anything being given away. Everything has a price in their douchbag world.
Methinks we have a sock.

Where's [MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION] ? She always enjoys a new chew toy.
Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint
Anne Tabat ordered to stop baking cookies for school children following anonymous complaint
The mother-of-three had baked the treats for 15 years
The Minnesota resident said she's never had a straight answer about the specific details of the complaint

My neighbor's child has an egg allergy and someone who ate eggs could be walking down the aisle of the bus and breathe eggs into the air and her child can go into shock just from the allergy.

Then that child should be confined to his house, or should wear a RESPIRATOR at all times! Problem solved.
This is the starting point of my cookie recipe taken from the Mrs. Fields website:

"Mrs. Fields" recipe:

1 cup (2 sticks) softened butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 twelve-ounce bags semisweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the butter, sugars, eggs, and vanilla.

3. In another bowl, mix together the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.

4. Combine the wet and dry ingredients.

5. Stir in the chocolate chips.

6. With your fingers, place golf ball-sized dough portions 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.

7. Bake for 9-10 minutes or just until edges are light brown.

It's my version of the delicious Mrs. Fields cookies that are crispy around the edge and chewy in the middle. Be careful not to cook these too long. I know it becomes tempting to keep cooking these because they don't seem to be done after 10 minutes, but they will continue to cook for awhile after you take them out of the oven, and when cool, will be nice and chewy.

Authentic recipe:

Blue-Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 sticks (1 cup) salted butter
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a medium bowl combine flour, soda, and salt. Mix well with wire whisk. Set aside. In a large bowl with an electric mixer, blend sugars at medium speed. Add butter and mix to form a grainy paste, scraping down the sides of the bowl. Add eggs and vanilla extract, and mix at medium speed until just blended. Do not overmix. Add the flour mixture and chocolate chips, and blend at low speed until just mixed. (Again, do not overmix.)

Drop the dough by rounded tablespoons onto an un-greased cookie sheet, 2 inches apart. Bake low and slow for 18-22 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer cookies immediately to a baking rack or cool surface.

After much tweaking and experimentation, mine now is:

5 cups white wheat flour
3 cups brown sugar (use light brown, and dark brown, don't notice any difference)
1/4 cup white sugar (basically just to say yes, there's some sugar in it)
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
6 tablespoons vanilla (imitation or extract, seems about the same)
4 eggs
4 sticks salt-free butter (have tried 2 and 3 stick versions, but at least once someone marvelled over my use of real butter so settled on 4)
2 23oz bags of Toll-House chocolate chips. Use semi-sweet and milk chocolate variations. The milk chocolate ones smellconsiderably different but taste pretty much the same to me. Maybe a foody would have a preference.

Bake at 350-375F (dial on the oven's old so who knows what the real temp is heh.)

Bake about 12 mins then check, because I'm baking them to give away I usually error on the side of caution and overbake them a bit rather than taking them out and trusting they bake a little more. If not done (with no soft or moist looking part keep baking until done.)

Cool until rigid then distribute.

My township has to send a neighbor's kids to a private school that starts at $37,000 a year because they can't provide a safe place for her kids because someone on the bus might have eaten eggs and breath on her kids sending one of them into antiPhylactic shock that could cause death.

Anaphylaxis and Anaphylactic Shock: Symptoms and Common Triggers

Then the child should wear a respirator at all times when out of the house. Removing it in school should be grounds for immediate expulsion.
All you are doing is proving your concession to a Nanny State way of life.
No, I understand the concept of liability and litigation.

You apparently don't.


And the school bus driver is likely a school broad employee, as such the school board is completely liable.

Once again we have more evidence that the conservative myths of ‘political correctness’ and the 'nanny state' is predicated solely on ignorance.

The driver is, quite probably, NOT a school board employee.
Or maybe some parent who has a kid with a food allergy.

under the PC gestapo rules you shut down EVERYBODY's fun, because your kid is too stupid to know he/she has allergies and can not take a cookie.

Typical leftardism - if I can not have one, nobody will.

your reasoning is the exact example why leftardism is a totalitarian mental disorder.

Can't teach the kid to say, "No, thank you."?

well, apparently they can't. And they would rather impose their restrictions on you than teach the kid HIS survival skills.
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And the cookies came with a list of ingredients? Really?

who cares? if you don't want your child to eat stranger's food - you teach them that, not impose your restrictions on other children.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to teach otherwise, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children groomed, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children's trust to be bought, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children to feel obligated to a gift, tell them to accept the cookies.

Are you drunk?
They are kids and can't see the dangers. That is why they are kids. Until they are 18, they made decisions like a child and not an adult.

then how about whining mom....ask cookie mom to make sure not to give a cookie to her kid instead of punishing everyone?

would be the adult thing to do...

What the cookie mom should have done is got permission from the parents and or the school and she would have had authority.

how do you know she dd not? she has been doing this for 15 years until this asshole complained. You can have all the permissions under the sun, but when one leftard asshole complains - the PC gestapo is going to ruin the fun for everybody. Even if everybody else is perfectly fine with it.
Yes the can. The students are on the school bus and under their supervision. They can indeed not allow a private citizen to give things to students under their care.

What if two kids trade lunches? How do you stop that?

My son gave up peanut butter because he sat with his best friend at the school lunch table which is an allergy free table.

Eating a cookie after you brushed your teeth and sitting at school all day with sugar on your teeth for hours will lead to cavities especially when this lady does it frequently.

you did not read the link, did you? she does this on Fridays when the kids come home, not go to school :cuckoo:
C'mon. What's the Cookie Body Count?

I met my son's friend's dad at the hospital. They tested him for allergies and he was admitted to the hospital because he had a reaction. You don't have to have a body count. You can end up in the hospital. I was also at a fish restaurant and a lady was taken out on a stretcher because of something she ate. The police department came too.

I have food allergies. I do NOT demand that the rest of the world accommodate me! God and goddess, THINK!
under the PC gestapo rules you shut down EVERYBODY's fun, because your kid is too stupid to know he/she has allergies and can not take a cookie.

Typical leftardism - if I can not have one, nobody will.

your reasoning is the exact example why leftardism is a totalitarian mental disorder.

Can't teach the kid to say, "No, thank you."?

well, apparently they can't. And they would rather impose their restrictions on you than teach the kid HOS survival skills.

I'd rather raise my kid in a safe environment rather than having him learn to be a survivalist. They'll learn soon enough not to listen to you because people like you won't protect them. It is called being yellow.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


Stay away from my house then, woman! :D I'm typing this with a 15lb tabby on my lap. (Briza, for the record, is a bit large for "lapcat" status.)

Seriously, bummer. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I was allergic to cats.
What if two kids trade lunches? How do you stop that?

My son gave up peanut butter because he sat with his best friend at the school lunch table which is an allergy free table.

Eating a cookie after you brushed your teeth and sitting at school all day with sugar on your teeth for hours will lead to cavities especially when this lady does it frequently.

you did not read the link, did you? she does this on Fridays when the kids come home, not go to school :cuckoo:

It is called letting the village usurp parenting which means the village has become the nanny state.
Cross contamination can make children sick regardless of whether they are responsible for themselves.

Then supermarkets should be forbidden to carry allergens, and bakeries to make them, and people from carrying them in public...

They are sealed and labeled and those shopping usually know the risks. People who are on a school bus don't have a choice but to be around them.

Pablum! Offhand, the supermarket I shop at sells loose, bulk peanuts.
As far as the cafeteria, elementary kids are supervised by their teachers and teacher's aids who are very aware of any student's food allergies.

Yes there have been assertions that the food allergies are air borne as well yet the children eat at a table in close proximity to the general population.

Oh, I've never heard about food allergies being airborne.

sure, if you have the particles small enough to fly around, especially peanut shells
who cares? if you don't want your child to eat stranger's food - you teach them that, not impose your restrictions on other children.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to teach otherwise, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children groomed, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children's trust to be bought, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children to feel obligated to a gift, tell them to accept the cookies.

Are you drunk?

No. I have a college degree from an accredited college which gives me all the rights and privileges according to the state in which it was issued.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergies. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

How about if someone with Tuberculosis gets on the plane? Don't you know that all that air is circulated and everyone breathes the same air in? Shouldn't bother anyone here, right? If they object getting a disease it is because they are from the nanny state. Right?

You mean something that could easily happen and is not preventable with the current farce passing for security? God and goddess, THINK!
I bet the kids are more at risk just riding the school bus than they are in being near some cookies.

And your examples are of adults who were not offered cookies by a nice lady. But thank you for proving that nobody can prevent everyone from random risks in life.

How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.

so what? if you are allergic to something - it is YOUR responsibility to saty away from it, not everybody else.
You can not eat cookies, because you are allergic to them? then say "no, thank you".
and stay safe and out of the hospital

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