Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

They are sealed and labeled and those shopping usually know the risks. People who are on a school bus don't have a choice but to be around them.

No they are not. Some stores sell bulk items in bins, and have baked goods sitting open on counters.

And some, horror of horrors, put out FREE SAMPLES.

And their aisles are larger and if I knew I was allergic, I would stay away. You can't stay away on a bus because that is some families' only option. The issue here is whether you think kids with allergies should be forced to sit with kids who have cookies which they are allergic to or not. You believe they should be forced to. I believe they shouldn't be forced to be around material that makes them allergic.

Common sense says no one should be forced.

And nobody forced any of the children to eat a cookie. Children are not exempt from Common Sense; responsible parents teach them how to protect themselves.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergies. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergiers. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

What happens is that I distance myself from the cat. I don't expect the rest of the world to accommodate my situation.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergiers. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

What happens is that I distance myself from the cat. I don't expect the rest of the world to accommodate my situation.
But this issue isn't only about you. The reality is that more and more airlines are making restrictions about animals in the cabin. The one time I had to travel with my cat cargo, it cost $6-700 more than it would have if he traveled in the cabin, plus I had to buy a much larger carrier for him as the one we had fit under the seat, but the airline would not allow that one for cargo. Also, I had to go to the airport an hour earlier and go to the cargo terminal to check him in, which took about an hour. When the flight was over, I had to go to the cargo terminal to get him, and the process took 2 hours, in the heat of summer in a very hot country. I was not even allowed to go to him and see if he needed water and was okay while I went through 2 hours of paper work and just waiting in the middle of the night to get my cat back. All of this because people complain about allergies. So, the kids on a bus aren't getting more junk food once a week. How horrible is that?
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergiers. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

What happens is that I distance myself from the cat. I don't expect the rest of the world to accommodate my situation.

Personally, I like chocolate chip cats but I only eat them in the privacy of my room as people tend to get grossed out. not only by the screaching from both patrties (devourer and devouree) but also by my bleeding eyeballs, even though I have tried to assure them that my red, dangling orbs confers a certain amount of saintliness on me that even the PETA people cannot revoke.

On a lighter note, some cats are allergic to mice molded out of chunky peanut butter.
I don't believe in the government feeding our children period. We give them (Food stamps) money to buy their own food and then feed them breakfast and lunch. They are exposed to milk for the lactose intolerant, and any other allergens in the food. So, why open themselves up to these liabilities?

Not to mention the breakfasts are generally donuts...what does that teach them?
What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergiers. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

What happens is that I distance myself from the cat. I don't expect the rest of the world to accommodate my situation.
But this issue isn't only about you. The reality is that more and more airlines are making restrictions about animals in the cabin. The one time I had to travel with my cat cargo, it cost $6-700 more than it would have if he traveled in the cabin, plus I had to buy a much larger carrier for him as the one we had fit under the seat, but the airline would not allow that one for cargo. Also, I had to go to the airport an hour earlier and go to the cargo terminal to check him in, which took about an hour. When the flight was over, I had to go to the cargo terminal to get him, and the process took 2 hours, in the heat of summer in a very hot country. I was not even allowed to go to him and see if he needed water and was okay while I went through 2 hours of paper work and just waiting in the middle of the night to get my cat back. All of this because people complain about allergies. So, the kids on a bus aren't getting more junk food once a week. How horrible is that?

More and more airlines are making restrictions in order to charge more for carry on items.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with a nice lady offering kids cookies which they can refuse to take,.
What happens is that I distance myself from the cat. I don't expect the rest of the world to accommodate my situation.
But this issue isn't only about you. The reality is that more and more airlines are making restrictions about animals in the cabin. The one time I had to travel with my cat cargo, it cost $6-700 more than it would have if he traveled in the cabin, plus I had to buy a much larger carrier for him as the one we had fit under the seat, but the airline would not allow that one for cargo. Also, I had to go to the airport an hour earlier and go to the cargo terminal to check him in, which took about an hour. When the flight was over, I had to go to the cargo terminal to get him, and the process took 2 hours, in the heat of summer in a very hot country. I was not even allowed to go to him and see if he needed water and was okay while I went through 2 hours of paper work and just waiting in the middle of the night to get my cat back. All of this because people complain about allergies. So, the kids on a bus aren't getting more junk food once a week. How horrible is that?

More and more airlines are making restrictions in order to charge more for carry on items.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with a nice lady offering kids cookies which they can refuse to take,.

No it doesn't have anything at all to do with charging more for carry on items. I fly often, and I flew with my cat a lot. Taking them inside the plane is the price of extra baggage. no one had a problem with that until people started complaining about animals in the cabin due to allergies. It has nothing to do with wanting to charge cargo. The airlines know they are risking lawsuits if animals are injured while traveling cargo, so it is an expense for them, not a make money deal. They have to take a lot of precautions and have insurance. It's not like ordinary cargo.

And my analogy does indeed have to do with this: it has to do with people having to make compromises due to other people complaining about their rights, especially based on concern for allergies. It is a perfect analogy.
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It still has nothing to do with a nice lady offering kids cookies which they can refuse to take.
How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.

I feel pretty certain, if someone's child had been taken to the hospital due to the cookie ladies cookies, it would have made news.

I have severe allergies, so do my kids. Guess what? I never once told anyone not to serve the things they were allergic to, as they were taught, from a very young age what would happen to them, if they were to indulge. Guess what? I never had an emergency where I had to take them to the hospital due to their not listening.

I do understand the fears of a parent with children of allergies, but if they truly were fearful of their eating those cookies, they could approach that cookie lady and tell her their child is not able to indulge, and please don't give them one, even suggest an alternative, if they feared their child couldn't handle not being able to eat one. I am sure that cookie lady, seeing as she was doing this as a kindness would have gone out of her way, to have something for that child, or quit bringing them all together. But, no, rather they would be selfish and have all punished for their childs not being able to indulge by anonymously complaining.

200,000 to 300,000 kids go to the hospital every year because of food allergies every year and it doesn't make news. Reporters can't just go around blaming people because of libel and hospitals wouldn't be able to do their job if they had to report 300,000 cases to the news every year. That isn't what they get paid for.

Since this made the news, if that is what happened, I am sure we would have heard about it. How often would you hear about a cookie lady being told not to bring cookies, either, but we did.
I feel pretty certain, if someone's child had been taken to the hospital due to the cookie ladies cookies, it would have made news.

And conservative hypocrites would be screaming bloody murder about ‘incompetent’ public schools.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergiers. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

What happens is that I distance myself from the cat. I don't expect the rest of the world to accommodate my situation.

Bullshit. You would whine like you are known to do.
I feel pretty certain, if someone's child had been taken to the hospital due to the cookie ladies cookies, it would have made news.

I have severe allergies, so do my kids. Guess what? I never once told anyone not to serve the things they were allergic to, as they were taught, from a very young age what would happen to them, if they were to indulge. Guess what? I never had an emergency where I had to take them to the hospital due to their not listening.

I do understand the fears of a parent with children of allergies, but if they truly were fearful of their eating those cookies, they could approach that cookie lady and tell her their child is not able to indulge, and please don't give them one, even suggest an alternative, if they feared their child couldn't handle not being able to eat one. I am sure that cookie lady, seeing as she was doing this as a kindness would have gone out of her way, to have something for that child, or quit bringing them all together. But, no, rather they would be selfish and have all punished for their childs not being able to indulge by anonymously complaining.

200,000 to 300,000 kids go to the hospital every year because of food allergies every year and it doesn't make news. Reporters can't just go around blaming people because of libel and hospitals wouldn't be able to do their job if they had to report 300,000 cases to the news every year. That isn't what they get paid for.

Since this made the news, if that is what happened, I am sure we would have heard about it. How often would you hear about a cookie lady being told not to bring cookies, either, but we did.
This only made the (local) news on Dec 19th, because a blogger on MPR made a story of it (yeah, that liberal Public Radio Company)

-- from there it was picked up by the Victim Entertainment Complex, and is now working it's way to being viral, with even Fox News picking it up.

Right Wing nutters are falling all over themselves, kneejerking up a storm now about people they don't know about, about a situation they don't know about, about elementary children they don't know about, about the political affiliations they don't know about --

all they do know is, someone told them, somewhere, a parent complained, and a school system reacted, due to potential liability issues (which wingers won;t even acknowledge) ... and they are supposed to be mad about it.

You -- who "was sure" it was about high schoolers, and were proven wrong, have no idea who, or what or why caused a parent in a small suburb to complain to the school in the interest of their child's safety (and could even be a 6 year older with severe health issues) -- you simply don't know.

Nor does anyone here. Kneejerk conservatives should have a fucking cookie and chill the fuck out until you know the full situation.

Something tells me though, even then, they won't care. It's about perpetual victimology and the CEC mandate to feed it.
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Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergies. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

How about if someone with Tuberculosis gets on the plane? Don't you know that all that air is circulated and everyone breathes the same air in? Shouldn't bother anyone here, right? If they object getting a disease it is because they are from the nanny state. Right?
200,000 to 300,000 kids go to the hospital every year because of food allergies every year and it doesn't make news. Reporters can't just go around blaming people because of libel and hospitals wouldn't be able to do their job if they had to report 300,000 cases to the news every year. That isn't what they get paid for.

Since this made the news, if that is what happened, I am sure we would have heard about it. How often would you hear about a cookie lady being told not to bring cookies, either, but we did.
This only made the (local) news on Dec 19th, because a blogger on MPR made a story of it (yeah, that liberal Public Radio Company)

-- from there it was picked up by the Victim Entertainment Complex, and is now working it's way to being viral, with even Fox News picking it up.

Right Wing nutters are falling all over themselves, kneejerking up a storm now about people they don't know about, about a situation they don't know about, about elementary children they don't know about, about the political affiliations they don't know about --

all they do know is, someone told them, somewhere, a parent complained, and a school system reacted, due to potential liability issues (which wingers won;t even acknowledge) ... and they are supposed to be mad about it.

You -- who "was sure" it was about high schoolers, and were proven wrong, have no idea who, or what or why caused a parent in a small suburb to complain to the school in the interest of their child's safety (and could even be a 6 year older with severe health issues) -- you simply don't know.

Nor does anyone here. Kneejerk conservatives should have a fucking cookie and chill the fuck out until you know the full situation.

Something tells me though, even then, they won't care. It's about perpetual victimology and the CEC mandate to feed it.

and you, yourself are not acting as a kneejerk?
Common Sense certainly is not one of ChuckyT's strong suits.

Just sayin'.
Or maybe some parent who has a kid with a food allergy.

under the PC gestapo rules you shut down EVERYBODY's fun, because your kid is too stupid to know he/she has allergies and can not take a cookie.

Typical leftardism - if I can not have one, nobody will.

your reasoning is the exact example why leftardism is a totalitarian mental disorder.
I didn't see any notation of ages on the school bus.

This could be a 1st or 2nd grader we are talking about that is being given food without the parents permission.

Young kids aren't always known for their superior logic abilities to say no when all around them are munching on a treat.

And even then,

An allergic reaction to peanuts killed a 12-year-old Mercer Island girl who ate a neighbor's homemade cookie over the weekend.

Kristine Kastner was given a chocolate-chip cookie after her mother checked, and didn't notice the finely chopped nuts, the King County Medical Examiner's Office reported.
She ate the cookie at 4:15 p.m. Saturday, had a severe reaction that included constriction of her breathing passages, and was pronounced dead less than two hours later at Overlake Hospital Medical Center in Bellevue.
Local News | Allergic Reaction To Cookie Kills Girl | Seattle Times Newspaper

If something happened to one of those kids, what kind of consequences do you think the school would be facing?

Take your best guess.

Her kid is in high school.
under the PC gestapo rules you shut down EVERYBODY's fun, because your kid is too stupid to know he/she has allergies and can not take a cookie.

Typical leftardism - if I can not have one, nobody will.

your reasoning is the exact example why leftardism is a totalitarian mental disorder.
I didn't see any notation of ages on the school bus.

This could be a 1st or 2nd grader we are talking about that is being given food without the parents permission.

Young kids aren't always known for their superior logic abilities to say no when all around them are munching on a treat.

And even then,

An allergic reaction to peanuts killed a 12-year-old Mercer Island girl who ate a neighbor's homemade cookie over the weekend.

Kristine Kastner was given a chocolate-chip cookie after her mother checked, and didn't notice the finely chopped nuts, the King County Medical Examiner's Office reported.
She ate the cookie at 4:15 p.m. Saturday, had a severe reaction that included constriction of her breathing passages, and was pronounced dead less than two hours later at Overlake Hospital Medical Center in Bellevue.
Local News | Allergic Reaction To Cookie Kills Girl | Seattle Times Newspaper

If something happened to one of those kids, what kind of consequences do you think the school would be facing?

Take your best guess.

Her kid is in high school.

She has been giving out cookies for 15 years. She must have started with her kids in kindergarten because public school only has 13 years of grades and the bus might have mixed ages.

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