Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

As far as the cafeteria, elementary kids are supervised by their teachers and teacher's aids who are very aware of any student's food allergies.

Yes there have been assertions that the food allergies are air borne as well yet the children eat at a table in close proximity to the general population.

No, it is not a school liability issue.
It's a parental responsibility issue. The reason we have so many of the societal issues we do today is because of the attitude you display.
Yes. It is.

The school bus is an extension of the school.

That places the responsibility of what happens on the school bus on the school.

This isn't difficult, people.

i agree.... the school bus is part of the school.

my question is was cookie mom handing out cookies to kids IN the school bus or on the street? The street is not and extension of the school.

if the issue is "getting kids home safely" was wasn't whining mom there to meet her kid at the bus making sure said kid got home safely?

She can't be handing them out to kids as they get off the bus because she is only at one stop and the kids get off at a lot of different stops. She says she takes a basket of cookies to the bus once a week. She must give them to the kids on the bus because they would not all be getting off at her stop.
How many kids died or were hospitalized due to her cookies over the years she handed them out?
Quote: Originally Posted by depotoo
... therefore it would have to be high school kids.
"...for the last fifteen school years Anne has greeted the elementary bus that stops at the end of our street with a basket of freshly baked homemade chocolate chip cookies."

Cookie lady is a real sweet find - Chanhassen Villager: Commentaries

Guess that answers that.
you got me. Strange, I missed it saying that on another site. Makes me wonder if they were talking about 6 years ago when the people that were telling about her and their kids were then in elementary. Either way, according to your source, if correct, yes, it is elementary. Though, since most parents actually greet their elementary kids when they get off the bus, maybe it is a disgruntled parent that doesn't want to take on that responsibility of meeting their child and their child shouldn't have chocolate chip cookies, for whatever reason?
Where in the heck do you get that notion?
C'mon. What's the Cookie Body Count?
How many kids died or were hospitalized due to her cookies over the years she handed them out?

Why would someone complain unless it already happened? Giving someone a kid a cookie is not enough to complain. The kid probably went to the hospital and the parents complained as a result. They remained anonymous because they knew of the media exposure and were afraid of being villified and the online article and online comments here proves my point.
C'mon. What's the Cookie Body Count?

I met my son's friend's dad at the hospital. They tested him for allergies and he was admitted to the hospital because he had a reaction. You don't have to have a body count. You can end up in the hospital. I was also at a fish restaurant and a lady was taken out on a stretcher because of something she ate. The police department came too.
I bet the kids are more at risk just riding the school bus than they are in being near some cookies.

And your examples are of adults who were not offered cookies by a nice lady. But thank you for proving that nobody can prevent everyone from random risks in life.
As far as the cafeteria, elementary kids are supervised by their teachers and teacher's aids who are very aware of any student's food allergies.

Yes there have been assertions that the food allergies are air borne as well yet the children eat at a table in close proximity to the general population.

Oh, I've never heard about food allergies being airborne.
Well, if that's the case, then all allergens should be forbidden. Someone could be exposed just by walking down the aisle at the grocery store.
How many kids died or were hospitalized due to her cookies over the years she handed them out?
That's great metric to set liability concerns at...

Hey, no one died, so what do we care if we get our asses sued off if something did happen? - No smart school official ever said.
I bet the kids are more at risk just riding the school bus than they are in being near some cookies.

And your examples are of adults who were not offered cookies by a nice lady. But thank you for proving that nobody can prevent everyone from random risks in life.

How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.
Using a FAUX risk to destroy liberty is what you Nanny Staters prefer to do.

You can't find anyone who was actually harmed, but you wish to destroy freedom anyway.

Very telling.
I bet the kids are more at risk just riding the school bus than they are in being near some cookies.

And your examples are of adults who were not offered cookies by a nice lady. But thank you for proving that nobody can prevent everyone from random risks in life.

How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.

How many kids were put in the hospital by the Cookie Lady?
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!

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I bet the kids are more at risk just riding the school bus than they are in being near some cookies.

And your examples are of adults who were not offered cookies by a nice lady. But thank you for proving that nobody can prevent everyone from random risks in life.

How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.

How many kids were put in the hospital by the Cookie Lady?

We can't know because of privacy laws.
How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.

How many kids were put in the hospital by the Cookie Lady?

We can't know because of privacy laws.

O.mi.gawd how fucking lame.

You've reached a new low.
How many kids were put in the hospital by the Cookie Lady?

We can't know because of privacy laws.

O.mi.gawd how fucking lame.

You've reached a new low.

Food Allergy Reactions & Anaphylaxis
•Every 3 minutes, a food allergy reaction sends someone to the emergency department – that is more than 200,000 emergency department visits per year.
•A reaction to food can range from a mild response (such as an itchy mouth) to anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially deadly reaction.
•The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that food allergies result in more than 300,000 ambulatory-care visits a year among children under the age of 18. Food allergy is the leading cause of anaphylaxis outside the hospital setting.

How Many People Have Food Allergies?
•Researchers estimate that up to 15 million Americans have food allergies.
•This potentially deadly disease affects 1 in every 13 children (under 18 years of age) in the U.S. That’s roughly two in every classroom.
•The economic cost of children’s food allergies is nearly $25 billion per year.

Food Allergies on the Rise
•According to a study released in 2013 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food allergies among children increased approximately 50% between 1997 and 2011.

Food Allergy Research & Education

The only ones who reached a low are those who don't care about those who get sick. Start pretending you care.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!

School children on a school bus are a captive group.

You make less and less sense with each post.
You haven't proven that anyone was actually made sick by the cookies.

If a child had been harmed, you can bet that it would have been part of the story. Instead, the whole thing is about extreme risk aversion combined with unwillingness to take personal responsibility on the part of one anonymous parent.

So, the freedom of the rest must be destroyed for a miniscule level of risk that formerly was addressed through not accepting cookies from strangers.

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