Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

You Nanny Staters take the Nanny State as a given (unsurprising given your brainwashed condiditon). But it's not. It's a symptom of the abandonment of individual liberty and responsibility, and the resulting infantile orientation of those who embrace Government as our caretakers.

No wonder PajamaBoy is your poster icon.
Again, all you are doing is proving your concession to the Rule of Trial Lawyers. The Rule of Lawyers: How the New Litigation Elite Threatens America's Rule of Law eBook: Walter K. Olson: Kindle Store

But thanks for sharing.
Oh cut the crap.

Righties are just as sue happy. We see it here all the time.


Neg repping because I remind you right wingers sue people, then call ME the idiot.

Who's the idiot?

It ain't me, crankcase.
under the PC gestapo rules you shut down EVERYBODY's fun, because your kid is too stupid to know he/she has allergies and can not take a cookie.

Typical leftardism - if I can not have one, nobody will.

your reasoning is the exact example why leftardism is a totalitarian mental disorder.
I didn't see any notation of ages on the school bus.

This could be a 1st or 2nd grader we are talking about that is being given food without the parents permission.

Young kids aren't always known for their superior logic abilities to say no when all around them are munching on a treat.

And even then,

An allergic reaction to peanuts killed a 12-year-old Mercer Island girl who ate a neighbor's homemade cookie over the weekend.

Kristine Kastner was given a chocolate-chip cookie after her mother checked, and didn't notice the finely chopped nuts, the King County Medical Examiner's Office reported.
She ate the cookie at 4:15 p.m. Saturday, had a severe reaction that included constriction of her breathing passages, and was pronounced dead less than two hours later at Overlake Hospital Medical Center in Bellevue.
Local News | Allergic Reaction To Cookie Kills Girl | Seattle Times Newspaper

If something happened to one of those kids, what kind of consequences do you think the school would be facing?

Take your best guess.

actually, she stated she would have been retiring from doing it soon any way as her last is getting ready to graduate soon, therefore it would have to be high school kids.

If they are getting ready to graduate and if she was doing it for 15 years and there are only 13 years in public education then she was giving it to them in possibly kindergarten which is too young for children to make their own decision.
You Nanny Staters take the Nanny State as a given (unsurprising given your brainwashed condiditon). But it's not. It's a symptom of the abandonment of individual liberty and responsibility, and the resulting infantile orientation of those who embrace Government as our caretakers.

No wonder PajamaBoy is your poster icon.

Children can't always be responsible. That is why someone has to be the parent.
Yes. It is.

The school bus is an extension of the school.

That places the responsibility of what happens on the school bus on the school.

This isn't difficult, people.

no, it is NOT.

if you have parents who are such idiots like Chuck has demonstrated himself to be you most definitely are setting up your kids for a life-threatening danger ( in case of food allergies) if you depend on a nanny state measures to protect your kid instead of teaching the kid personal awareness and responsibility from the very early stage.

Depends what age. Most kindergardeners today can't spell but you want them to decide right and wrong. How brilliant. Why don't you start taking lessons from them?

spelling has absolutely NOTHING to do with knowing that "I have a life-threatening condition and I can not take any food from ANYBODY except at home". Period.
even a 5 yo is able to learn that and follow that rule. And they do. If they have responsible smart parents who teach them that.

They also teach that you can not go with any stranger ever and can not take any toys or books from anybody as well - but that is for a totally different reason.
Also potentially lethal.
no, it is NOT.

if you have parents who are such idiots like Chuck has demonstrated himself to be you most definitely are setting up your kids for a life-threatening danger ( in case of food allergies) if you depend on a nanny state measures to protect your kid instead of teaching the kid personal awareness and responsibility from the very early stage.

Depends what age. Most kindergardeners today can't spell but you want them to decide right and wrong. How brilliant. Why don't you start taking lessons from them?

spelling has absolutely NOTHING to do with knowing that "I have a life-threatening condition and I can not take any food from ANYBODY except at home". Period.
even a 5 yo is able to learn that and follow that rule. And they do. If they have responsible smart parents who teach them that.

They also teach that you can not go with any stranger ever and can not take any toys or books from anybody as well - but that is for a totally different reason.
Also potentially lethal.

And the cookies came with a list of ingredients? Really?
I have a college degree so I am not an idiot.

college degree did not prevent you to remain a nannystater idiot.

only an idiot would expect their kid to magically turn wise and responsible the day after they turn 18 if nothing was taught before and nothing was EXPECTED from the kids in the terms of personal responsibility before they turned 18.

College taught me you are making a falacious argument. It is called an ad hominen attack because you have nothing logical to say.

nope, it is not fallacious. It is perfect. And it is not ad hominem as you exemplified YOUR idiocy of a nannystater YOURSELF by your OWN words.
Deal with it.
Even if you are used to blame everybody around for you own problems.
college degree did not prevent you to remain a nannystater idiot.

only an idiot would expect their kid to magically turn wise and responsible the day after they turn 18 if nothing was taught before and nothing was EXPECTED from the kids in the terms of personal responsibility before they turned 18.

College taught me you are making a falacious argument. It is called an ad hominen attack because you have nothing logical to say.

nope, it is not fallacious. It is perfect. And it is not ad hominem as you exemplified YOUR idiocy of a nannystater YOURSELF by your OWN words.
Deal with it.
Even if you are used to blame everybody around for you own problems.

No. It is an ad hominen argument because it is "against the man". When you start using words that aren't allowed in college, the professor says "BS" because we're told not to talk like people on the street.
Depends what age. Most kindergardeners today can't spell but you want them to decide right and wrong. How brilliant. Why don't you start taking lessons from them?

spelling has absolutely NOTHING to do with knowing that "I have a life-threatening condition and I can not take any food from ANYBODY except at home". Period.
even a 5 yo is able to learn that and follow that rule. And they do. If they have responsible smart parents who teach them that.

They also teach that you can not go with any stranger ever and can not take any toys or books from anybody as well - but that is for a totally different reason.
Also potentially lethal.

And the cookies came with a list of ingredients? Really?

who cares? if you don't want your child to eat stranger's food - you teach them that, not impose your restrictions on other children.
College taught me you are making a falacious argument. It is called an ad hominen attack because you have nothing logical to say.

nope, it is not fallacious. It is perfect. And it is not ad hominem as you exemplified YOUR idiocy of a nannystater YOURSELF by your OWN words.
Deal with it.
Even if you are used to blame everybody around for you own problems.

No. It is an ad hominen argument because it is "against the man". When you start using words that aren't allowed in college, the professor says "BS" because we're told not to talk like people on the street.

if "the man" is displaying nannystate idiocy I am surely against that man, because he IS an idiot.
As you have clearly demonstrated by your posts.
spelling has absolutely NOTHING to do with knowing that "I have a life-threatening condition and I can not take any food from ANYBODY except at home". Period.
even a 5 yo is able to learn that and follow that rule. And they do. If they have responsible smart parents who teach them that.

They also teach that you can not go with any stranger ever and can not take any toys or books from anybody as well - but that is for a totally different reason.
Also potentially lethal.

And the cookies came with a list of ingredients? Really?

who cares? if you don't want your child to eat stranger's food - you teach them that, not impose your restrictions on other children.

I have no power to impose restrictions on other children. I just have my sense of rightness and I have my own views.
And the cookies came with a list of ingredients? Really?

who cares? if you don't want your child to eat stranger's food - you teach them that, not impose your restrictions on other children.

I have no power to impose restrictions on other children. I just have my sense of rightness and I have my own views.

yes you do - with your stupid complaints, as the asshole in the OP did. And you defended her as you would do the same - impose your restrictions on other children instead of teaching your own.
Typical leftard nannystater.
I didn't see any notation of ages on the school bus.

This could be a 1st or 2nd grader we are talking about that is being given food without the parents permission.

Young kids aren't always known for their superior logic abilities to say no when all around them are munching on a treat.

And even then,

Local News | Allergic Reaction To Cookie Kills Girl | Seattle Times Newspaper

If something happened to one of those kids, what kind of consequences do you think the school would be facing?

Take your best guess.

actually, she stated she would have been retiring from doing it soon any way as her last is getting ready to graduate soon, therefore it would have to be high school kids.
No, it would not have to be.

Lots of school buses have many different aged children.

Until you determine it was just that school bus, you are presuming.

well, considering the high school is far from the elementary and middle schools there, and closest to the actual neighborhood, I will assume it just has high school kids on it.
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actually, she stated she would have been retiring from doing it soon any way as her last is getting ready to graduate soon, therefore it would have to be high school kids.
No, it would not have to be.

Lots of school buses have many different aged children.

Until you determine it was just that school bus, you are presuming.

well, considering the high school is far from the elementary and middle schools there, and closest to the actual neighborhood, I will assume it just has high school kids on it.

The day after the story on MPR.

Cookie Lady: "EVERYONE who has weighed in here and EVERYONE in my school district and at the bus stop has is in agreement that their only goal is that the kids arrive home from school safely. As long that happens, no problem.

The only kids who are not getting cookies now are the ones still on the bus and have not yet arrived home safely so it in the Nut Allergy Mom's interest, the bus driver's interest, my interest and everyone else's that harm not come to the children until they reach their bus stop and home.

The school did not "shut me down". The anonymous mom did not shut me down. It was necessary to enforce a policy that allowed all kids to get home safely.

And, as much as I enjoyed getting to know the kids and the neighbors this was not going to go on forever, I thought this was just a nice little human interest story and as my daughter told me "Frankly Mom you're just not that interesting." She's right. And I apologize for that "idiot" comment.

That was uncalled for. Now let's just be kind and tolerant to the people who cross out paths. I know I have some room for improvement there!"

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